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You can't really say that your wedding week is complete without any drama. It's a good thing that my fiancée is not going all bridezilla at us because I really couldn't take any more.
Literally 18 hours ago, my father just decided to end our 18-year long feud with the help of the water works. I haven't really decided yet it I should accept it or not because I really don't see any perks of it. What, I can live in the house again even though I am based in New York already? S&C? I did not spend years fighting for what I want to do just to go back to square one. I might have lost the chances to be chief of surgery or chief of neurosurgery because I am marrying Ara but at least I am still a surgeon.
We were getting ready for the cover photoshoot for the magazine, by you know, having breakfast in the hotel room. Ara's mother arrived a few hours too early here in Seoul and Ara isn't exactly in the mood for her.
"Can she like, stay in her room for a while?" Ara said to Katherine, who was obviously losing or lost some sleep because of Ara's uh, I really don't know how to describe her but in Ara's family, she's the only one who likes me.
"Can I go back to working for you? She's really-" Katherine cut herself off.
"Stressing you out? Yeah, I can see that. Sorry you had to endure sixteen or so hours with her on air." Ara said
I looked at Katherine.
"Ara's mother is a bit crazy." I said
"Not only that, she even calls me in the middle of the night and during a date." Katherine said
"Okay, thank you for telling me and I agree that my mother is a bit crazy. She thinks every one is working for her. And remember that you work for me, therefore you only answer to me. Now, Kate, can you please check what will happen later and for our sake, make sure it runs smoothly?" Ara said
"You got it." She said as she turned around and left the room.
Ara went back to eating her toast.
"I kinda want the preparations to be over." I said
"Me too. I want to get married like, right this second and get this over with. I'm tired." Ara replied.
"And to think we have that engagement party, I don't think I want to see my father in that."
"Same but with my mother but think of it this way, at least Jae Kyung would be there already."
At about nine in the morning, Ara and I got ready in separate rooms, we were also having some sort of getting ready shoots, for the magazine purposes. We also have to do this again literally on the wedding day and honestly I think I have had enough of pictures already.
Of course, one of the main stars of my side of the shot, you know other than my face is the Rolex that Ara gave me. I'd also be showcasing suits by Prada, Saint Laurent, Burberry and of course, Brioni. I can't believe I'd be wearing James Bond suits but whatever. And Ara insisted that I wear Louboutin's, her favorite so much so that she didn't trust the stylist and insisted that she buy me my own pair. But, I managed to talk her out doing that, and let the stylist do her job because she managed to get us designer clothes to wear, no doubt she would not let us wear cheap shoes. Ara agreed but she still bought me one anyway, for the actual wedding.
Reviewing some of the shots of me taken today and the past days made me realize that if I didn't choose
to be a surgeon or if I was not sort of made to be a company president, I would probably be an actor.
Then we moved to a different location, and then I saw her. Ara isn't even wearing her actual wedding gown but here I am, standing in awe.
"Hi." I said
Ara smiled.
"Hello yourself." She said as she faced me.
"You look amazing." I said
"Thank you. And again, Prada suits you." She said
"I'm really starting to think that these suits are good investments." I said
"And I'd be glad to buy you those suits in every color." She said
The photos looked amazing I have to say. It really does give off the vibe that we're this it-couple that loves each other but at the same time literally buys people's soul. We're basically oozing off of money and richness if that's even possible. Plus, we are a good looking couple, I really think we're gonna sell the magazine real well.
And today is the last day of interviews and shoots and I am honestly so tired of this. Tomorrow we'd be having the engagement dinner and of course, the wedding.
"We're getting married soon." I whispered.
"I know, you're not getting cold feet are you?" She said as she removed the hair pins from her hair.
"No, of course not. I just feel that there's too much of the festivities. Tomorrow, we have that engagement dinner, as much as I am excited to tell the world that you and I are getting married, we still have to face the fact that we might not even have any attendees. We still are the modern version of Romeo and Juliet, you know, minus the death of course."
"You know, we could not have it. We should just have an intimate family dinner. Your parents and my mother. Jae Kyung is coming home soon, he and Ji Hyun could join us."
"I wish it was that easy."
"Why wouldn't it be?"
"I don't want to see my father and I think neither Jae Kyung or Ji Hyun would want to see him, because he personally have not said anything about the baby's gender. I don't know how my father found out but if he gets mad about this, I really don't want to be there." I said
"I doubt that they'd be talking about it on the eve of your wedding."
"Well, my father is not a man of timing, I have to say. I'm getting married to a Hayden and my brother is having a daughter, what the hell is happening to the Seos." I said
She turned around and faced me.
"The Seos are changing for the better. Keeping up with the times." She said
I smiled.
"I am still not forcing you to change your name or even add it to yours." I said as I removed my tie.
"My name is too short anyways." She said
I stood behind her and looked at her in the mirror.
"I'm kinda rethinking the not having sex before the wedding thing." I said
She laughed.
"Love, it's just literally two days away, you're that hot?" She said
"You have no idea." I said
She looked at me through the mirror.
"Let's not even sleep after the wedding, heck, we could end it early but right now, I kinda feel like we should go around Seoul, eat some street food, spend money on some useless stuff." She said
"Wait, aren't we staying here in Seoul for a few days, you know, after the wedding?"
"Well, I just assumed that uh, I took time off work, you took time off work, I think I may have forgotten to mention to you that I am not spending my wedding holiday at home." I said
"You didn't mention that, no."
"So we are, uh, spending our honeymoon in Korea?"
"Wait, why are you so worked up about this? I wasn't able to make some preparations as, you know, this wedding was a bit rushed. I barely even got the time off work or even got the time to find the perfect dress and shoes, and now you're in my case about the honeymoon? Just because you didn't want to fuck around your birthplace?" She said
I blinked.
"It's not that-"
"Then tell me what is it." She said
I untucked my shirt and went to my carry-on stuff.
"I kinda wanted us to you know, do something different-"
"What, like kinks? I'd do it but I have to say I'm not that down with it. It's weird." She said
I frowned and then shook my head.
"No, let me finish. You and I could go back here anytime, you frequent here and with my recent so-called reconciliation with my father and also my upcoming niece, I'm guessing I should frequent here too. I just didn't want us to do something we could always do anytime." I said
"Okay? We can't do this anytime though, once we get back in New York, you have to save lives again and I have to basically, make money and spend money."
"That's not what I meant. Also, we could actually do anything if we had the time and money, and the only thing missing from that is time. We have time now, more than ever, so it got me thinking, what and where the hell can you and I go to that we haven't done before?"
"And where is that, and where are you going with this? I mean, I could have Katherine book us a trip somewhere. Just say where."
I shook my head.
"This is the life that we are gonna live, you know, privileged. Staying in nice hotels, flying private, wearing Prada on a daily basis, heated bath tubs, and well, it's what we both are actually used to."
Ara just frowned at me.
"While this is touching and all Lucas, I'm afraid I don't see where you're going with all this. What are you trying to say?" She said
Right, what was I trying to say again?
"We live in New York, we're now in Seoul, we can basically go any where in the world, you probably had been around the world, seen most of its wonders, but you didn't have me at that time." I said
She just nodded.
"What I'm trying to say is that, now we can face the world together. It's you and me against the world, and we are starting that journey, if not we have started it already. So-" I sighed as I pulled out a Manila envelope from my carry-on and stood in front of her.
"-so, with the help of Katherine of course, I decided we are not having our first days as Dr. and Mrs. Hayden-Seo or uh, should it be Dr. Seo and Mrs. Hayden-Seo? Whatever, to Paris for a few days." I said as I handed her the envelope.
"We are gonna fly off as soon as the wedding's over." I said
"Most hotels there are crappy, and Katherine made sure that we don't get a crappy one, we wouldn't want to make love in an unlovable bed." I said
"What, what? You don't like? Do you not like Paris? Uh-"
She stood up and hugged me.
"You made the necessary preparations." She said
"Yeah, I told you, I didn't want to-"
"Thank you."
"You know I love you, right?"
"And I, you." She said
"We still have to go back to the real world after that, but at least we had our own little world first before facing that again." I said as we let go.
"I kinda feel bad that I'm not gonna be in this room tomorrow." She said
"Why? What?"
"It's the day before the wedding. You get to have your preparations here and I have mine on the other. You can't see me in my dress, it's bad luck."
"I've already seen you in one though, no, four actually."
"But it's not mine. And we still have that engagement dinner tomorrow. Some guests are already flying in but I have to say that I haven't seen any of them yet, probably going around the city or something."
I nodded.
"Would you still want to uh, go around?" I said
"Yeah. But only if you want to. If you're tired, then we could just stay here."
"Let's go out." I said.

[Author's note, shout out to @mainSTAR. Hi, and thank you for keeping me motivated to write.]

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