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I woke up the next day, wrapped around Lucas' arms. Hold on, not just arms, also legs. He's literally wrapped around me.
And now I know what Soju feels like.
"Oy." I said, I think it's bad that we left the curtains open before we slept.
Lucas groaned.
"Lucas, wake up." I said
"What?" He mumbled.
"Move. You're weight is on me." I said
"Pshh." He said
"Oh my god, Lucas! Wake up!" I shouted, but then he hugged me tighter.
I groaned.
"Oh! Jae Kyung! You're here!" I shouted.
"What?" Lucas said as he let go of me.
I breathed when he finally let go of me.
"Where is he?" He said
"I just said that for you to let go of me." I said
"What?" He said, obviously still walking up.
I just shook my head and went to the showers.
"Ara, would you like room service or should we just go around and-" Lucas said through the door, luckily I wasn't completely naked, so I opened it.
"Well,it really depends on the local." I said
"I think it depends on the tourist." He said, completely unbothered by my sudden show of skin.
Well, he is a doctor, I'm probably considered clothed.
"Okay, then I choose going around." I said, he just nodded.
"We're really not expected until later tonight." He said
"Good, then show me around Seoul." I said
"But you've been here before."
"Yeah, on a business trip. Eating expensive Korean food. I want to-" and then he just threw me a shirt.
"What?!" I said
"I know you think I may not be bothered by the fact that you're half-naked in front of me because you think I'm a doctor-"
"Wait, you're not a doctor? I thought you were." He frowned at me.
"That's not the point."
"Then what is it?"
"I'm still your roommate and I am still a man."
I raised an eyebrow.
"So these things bother you?" I said, putting the shirt inside the bathroom, and completely opening the door.
"Ara, please!" He said, closing his eyes.
"You better show me the good views, because I just showed you a pretty good one." I said
I rolled my eyes, and closed the door.
After two hours, we were out on the cold streets of Seoul.
"So, are we gonna stay in the hotel during the whole holiday?" I said
Lucas shook his head.
"Well, we're gonna stay here until January 2nd, but we have to have an overnight stay at home, for proximity purposes, hang on-" he said as he stopped walking and then looked at me.
"I thought we discussed this a few moments before we paid for our tickets?" He said, I just looked at him.
He groaned.
"Ara, you were sitting down, eating a sandwich on the kitchen counter, while you browsed on your laptop about the things to look forward to in-"
"Oh! That! Yeah, you talked. I didn't listen. When you finally arrived at the decision that you'd attend your brother's wedding, which is on December, I went online immediately and ordered some boots."
He raised his eyebrow, obviously baffled by my choices in life.
"Okay, then did you bring those boots here?"
"No, they were suede, and not fit for the winter season."
"Then why did you get them?!" I laughed.
"I was just messing with you. I listened and I didn't get those boots." I said, I really didn't get those boots, I mean I would have if they had it in my size.
We continued on walking.
"So, we have to stay at your home for a night? That sounds great, you'd finally get to introduce me as your fake girlfriend." I said
"Not great, as I said on the plane, my family is not that good with change. And you being there is change enough." He said
"Your brother is marrying a Korean and you're messing around with a British-American blond." I said
"You're British-American?" He said
"You forgot blond." I said
"They're really gonna hate you."
"Good thing I am so good with people hating me."
"I'm sure they don't-"
"Okay, imagine you got to time travel to high school. About say, 12 years ago or something. I'm Ara Hayden, 17, pretty much still in this body state-"
"What do you mean?"
"I was hot then, I'm still hot now. Come on, I'm pretty sure you observed that when I gave you the view a while ago." I said
"Not really." I made a face.
"Okay, anyway. I'm pretty, straight long blond hair, going out with the captain of the football team, also I'm the sister of the captain of the basketball team, I'm the captain of the volleyball team, at the same time, class vice president, and at the same time, straight A student, never missed a class, and oh yeah, driving my Porsche. Girls hate me, because I'm me. Boys hate me because I'm driving a Porsche, but they can't hate me enough because I have great bone structure-"
"That I can see." Lucas said, I smiled at the comment.
"Thank you. Going back, my parents basically gave us money to survive. Honestly, I'm just a girl seeking approval and attention." I winked at him.
"That I can also see." I gave him a slight push.
"God, I hate you." I said
"What makes you think that I like you?"
"Well, you asked me to be your fake girlfriend, right?" that comment made him make a face.
"Joke's on you, Dr. Seo. You have me."
We were walking down the street when we passed by a street food cart.
"Uh, in order to have the full Seoul experience, you have to eat street food, do you eat these kinds of food?" He asked
"Of course, it's part of the travel experience. So, make me eat whatever you think is nice. You're my tour guide." I said
And then he started talking to the woman that cooks or something in Korean, after that he handed me something.
"This is called tteokbokki-" he started
"Tok-bo-ki?" I repeated
"Yeah, it's spicy rice cake, do you eat spicy food?"
"Lucas, I told you, it's part of the travel experience. And yes, I do eat spicy food."
After that he gave two more and then we went on our way.
"Where are we?" I asked as soon as I think I saw make-up stores.
"I need to buy something." He said, entering one.
"For who?" I said
And with that, I think he went on a shopping spree. One saleswoman approached me.
"You're pretty." She said
I smiled at her.
"Thank you." I said
"You're not gonna buy anything?" she said
"Oh, no. I'm just here to accompany my boyfriend." I said, the lady looked at the only guy who's buying a lot of face masks.
"Ah." She said, approaching Lucas, and then they started talking in Korean and I had no choice but to look at some compact powders.
After Lucas' face mask haul, we walked around the malls.
"Hey, what did that woman tell you?" I asked
"You're not getting jealous are you? I mean, that woman is way older than me. Plus, if you are, we are in a fictional relationship-"
"I was just curious, because one moment she was chatting with me and then she was chatting with you-"
He just shook his head.
"It's nothing." He said
We went back to the hotel shortly after that, and got freshened up.
"How will we get to your place?" I asked as we packed our bags.
"Jae Kyung is gonna pick us up. "
"Great. I'm really one step close to looking for a car rental place."
"We can borrow one of Jae Kyung's. It wouldn't be a problem."
"That's really great." I said
"Why? Not a fan of long walks?"
"Well, not really. Especially in this weather. My legs get all cramped up and-"
"Then I'll ask for the one with seat warmers." And then his phone rang, I guess it was Jae Kyung, or someone in his family because he started speaking in Korean.
Shortly after that, we were on our way to the Seo residence.
"Don't really expect too much Ara, it's not a home." Lucas suddenly said
"Well, it's not Lee Kyung's home, in fact he hasn't been there in years, I think his room still looks the same as he left it a few years ago." Jae Kyung said
I nodded.
"Jae, where is your fiancée?" I asked
"Ah, Ji Hyun is at home, with eomeoni. She grew fond of her new daughter-in-law, and honestly, I don't quite know how you'll fit in that house." Jae Kyung said
I frowned.
"Ya! Thank you for your kindness and mindset, Jae Kyung." Lucas said
And thank you Lucas for answering that in English.
"I'm really not looking forward to fitting in that house. I don't really fit in, the world fits in to me."
Lucas looked at me.
"You'll see." I said
Let's just say that their house made me miss the Hayden Manor in the Hamptons.
"Uh, welcome to the Seo Residence." Lucas said
"How rich are you?" I whispered to him as Jae Kyung parked the car.
"I'm not rich, but Jae Kyung and my father are. "
"Don't get me wrong, I'm really not a gold digger and hell, I think we belong on the same league."
"What, the free bump on the plane was just the taste?"
"Yeah." I said
He opened up his hand.
"Might as well walk in hand in hand." he said, I took it. His hand was smooth but it wasn't that soft, but it was cold.
"I'm pretty sure Jae's car had the heater on-" I said
"It's my first time in a while to see them, and I don't know what to expect." He said
And then I wrapped my arms around him.
"If this doesn't end well, we'd have the hotel to fall back on. And we'll drink again." I whispered
He scoffed as he embraced me back.
"Glad to know that you have my back." He said
Something about this hug felt familiar.
The house was big, as expected from people who actually own an earning company. I think if my father saw this house, he'd probably try to outrank it, or not. I think the house at Hamptons is bigger.
Jae Kyung came in first and was greeted by her probably fiancée. What gave it away was when they hugged each other.
"Oh, you must be Lee Kyung's girlfriend." Ji Hyun said, hugging me.
"Oh, yeah. Uh, I'm Ara." I said, obviously, I'm surprised that she actually spoke straight English. Beats Lucas' accent.
"Might as well hug it out, we might be sisters soon." Ji Hyun said
"Oh, right." I said, when she let go of me, she turned to Lucas, and they started to speak in Korean.
"I think you should learn Korean." Jae Kyung said
"Yeah, maybe I would when Lucas and I takes a step forward. But not today." I said
"Then you'd be out of place most of the time." Jae said
"I'm here for Lucas and you, Jae. Mostly Lucas, about 30% you." And then he hugged me.
"And I thank you for it. Come on, let's go meet the parents. " He said, pulling back.
Jae Kyung and Ji Hyun went ahead of us, Lucas just stood there, frozen.
"Come on." I said
"I don't know how I'll do it." He said
I faced him.
"It's gonna be fine. Think of this as a courtesy call, say hello, talk for a short while and if you don't want it anymore, we'll go back to the hotel. Come back here tomorrow just in time for the wedding." I said
"No, Ara. I don't think you understand." He said
I held his hand.
"No, Lee Kyung. I do." I said, he sighed.
"Tell me about it?" He said
"Not today, we have to see your parents." I said, squeezing his hand for a bit of encouragement.
Lucas and I walked to the living room where Jae Kyung and Ji Hyun sat next to each other, hand in hand.
"Eomeoni, abeoji, hyeong-" that's as far as my Korean goes. I think Jae Kyung is telling his father that Lucas is home, and he brought me with him.
Lucas didn't actually need to tell me to bow when paying respects, but he did anyway. But I think he was too frozen to even bow.
To be freaking honest, his father doesn't look happy to see Lucas. Her mother looks happy in her eyes but then I think she's trying to conceal it or something.
I gave Lucas' shoulder a little nudge.
"Uh, annyeonghaseyo, eomeoni, abeoji." Lucas said, bowing. I understood that, he just said hello to his Mom and Dad.
And then he started speaking in Korean, I think he's introducing me.
"...Ara." He said, giving me a slight pat on the shoulder.
I smiled.
"Annyeo-" I started but then his father started what I think was shouting at Lucas in Korean, so I just stood there pretending to understand it. I don't think we are welcome here, more of him not being welcome here.
And then Jae Kyung came in the mix, I think he's taking Lucas' side. Maybe because he is either his brother or the reason why Lucas is here is his wedding.
I looked at Lucas' mother, who was just watching her husband have a little argument with his sons. Ji Hyun was also watching, I guess none of them are doing anything about it and I'm torn between stepping in and just watching it out. Technically, I haven't even introduced myself so I can't just sit down on the couch or interrupt their conversation.
I just wish that they had this conversation in English, or in Mandarin or hell, even French. But they had to do it in their mother tongue.
And then his father backed away, and sat back down on seat but he still was glaring at Lucas.
"Why don't you all sit down?" Lucas' mother said
I looked at Lucas, who just nodded subtly, so we did take a seat.b
"So, Ara, tell us about yourself." Lucas' mother said
"Oh, okay. I'm Ara, I'm 25 years old, I came from Stanford-"
"Like Lee Kyung?" Lucas' dad said
I smiled.
"Yes, but he came from the school of medicine and I came from the school of business. Two entirely different and far from each other." I said
"Business? What did you major in?" Lucas' dad said
His dad raised an eyebrow, I don't know if it's for approval or what.
"Ara does freelance marketing in New York." Lucas said
"Ah. Well, we could use you for the company then." Lucas' dad said
"Maybe give me a call or something when I'm not on holiday. First consultation is free. " I said
"Enough about work, I want to know who you really are." Lucas' mother said
"She means that you should talk about yourself. Not about work." Lucas said
"Ah! Okay. As I said, I'm 25, I was the second of two children, but not anymore-"
"Why?" Lucas' mother said
"Uh, he died. Brain aneurysm."
And suddenly, they all had their eyes at Lucas. I guess they want him to explain it or something.
"It's pretty sudden. And quick." Lucas said
I nodded.
"Sorry to hear that." Lucas' mother said
"It's a long time ago."
We did exchange a few words, but then they called for an early bedtime for beauty rest or something.
And that left Lucas and me awake and sitting down in the kitchen drinking wine.
"So, that's my family." He said
"They seem nice."
"It's because you don't understand Korean."
"So, they hate me?"
He shook his head.
"No, they hate me. They couldn't grasp why the hell did I come back."
"It's your brother's wedding."
"Yeah. But we can only stay here one night and as soon as the wedding ends, we go with the guests."
"At least they let you stay for the wedding."
"That is true."
We were quiet for a while, but Lucas kept looking at me as if he wants to tell me something.
"What?" I said
He just shook his head.
"Come on, just tell." I said
"I never really thought that I would be back here. Let alone bring a woman with me." He said
"Well, things change."
"No, my dad doesn't. If it weren't for you, he would have hit me hard and sent me to walk back to the hotel."
I frowned.
"That's pretty harsh."
"You don't know my father." He said
"And with your testimony, I don't think I want to know him even more." I said
"But he likes you. Even though we have a weird relationship set up."
"That you set up."
I looked at him as he drank wine.
"I thought you didn't drink."
He frowned.
"Ara, we got drunk a few times, there's tequila, the soju-"
Oh yeah, the tequila he ended up kissing me and notitalking about it, the soju we ended up wrapped in each other's arms.
The wine I don't really know.
"But you still can't keep up with me." I said
"I think you should start keeping up with me." He said, looking at me.
"Your drinking habit and your doctor diet?" I said
"Doctor diet? And what drinking habit?" He said
"You know, getting intimate after finishing a bottle." I said
He frowned.
"Can you elaborate?"
"Okay, let's see. The first time we drank tequila together, we finished the whole bottle and then I think your body got so hot suddenly you were all over me-"
"You remember that? I thought I was dreaming."
"Wow, your drunk dream was having a make out session with your roommate?"
"Not everybody has been blessed by the heavens with a roommate like you."
"Okay, the second time, was yesterday, we had soju and I don't really remember what exactly happened but we woke up on the same bed, in each other's arms-"
"Hold up,in my defense, with or without the soju, we would have waken up in the same bed either way. The room I booked only had one bed."
"Which leads me to my question, where am I gonna sleep in this grand house?"
"It's not that grand."
"It's not?"
"It only has five rooms to use, not counting the rooms used by the helps."
"So, I have a room of my own?"
"I don't think so." Jae Kyung suddenly said
"What?" Lucas said
"Ji Hyun uses the guest room." He said
"Wait, what?"
"Well, you two are living together anyway, I don't see what's wrong with you sharing Lee Kyung's room." He said, getting water from the fridge and then leaving the room.
Lucas stood up and opened his hand to me.
"Let's go see my room." He said
I raised my eyebrow.
"Well, I can't think of a pick up line."
"Are you trying to pick me up?"
"Maybe." He said
I rolled my eyes and took it.
"Oh, and make sure you bring the wine." He said
He led me to his room, it was big, maybe half of the apartment that we live in in New York.
"Welcome to my room." He said, still holding my hand.
"It's nice." I said
"No, it's not." He said
He settled down the wine on the table, and we sat down on the couch.
"It's not nice because in this room, this very room is where my dreams were created and also where they were almost crushed. I've always hated this room." He said
"I hate this house, I hate the people in it, I hate every inch of it. That's why I was so grateful for you insisting on coming with me here, because I didn't think that I would survive-"and then he just hugged me.
"Thank you, Ara." He said
"Okay." I said
"While I'm here, while you can't see my eyes, I need to tell you something." He said
I frowned.
"What?" I said
"Don't freak out." He said
"Oh god, I need to go home alone? You're staying here in Seoul-"
"No. No. Shut up." He said
"Just tell it."
"Do you remember what happened after we drank that tequila?" He said
I nodded.
"As I said, you kissed me and we didn't talk about it."
"The reason that I don't talk about it is that-" he stopped talking and just held me tighter.
"Is that what?" I said
"I did that on purpose. The first time you kissed me, on that elevator platform in the hospital, to be fucking honest, I haven't been kissed like that, and after that happened I kinda had a craving for it."
I frowned.
"So, you want me to kiss you more often like that?" I said
"Yeah,but we can't do that, we can't continue to do that with this fake relationship." He said
"Lucas, I don't think I follow." I said
He breathed.
"I really, really like you. Not just a friend or a roommate. I really like you." He said
And then I breathed, and then blinked, I don't really know how to respond.
"Lucas, you're not drunk, right?"
"I'm not drunk right?" I said
"I don't think so."
"Okay." I said, I think I'm feeling his heart race.
He let go.
"I think I messed this trip up." He said, standing up.
"Huh?" He ran is hands through his hair.
"I'm sorry uh-"
"Oh, no. You didn't mess it up-"
"Actually there is a reason why I'm single. It's that I'm very vocal about my emotions and-" and then I kissed him.
"You really need to stop doing that." He said
I rolled my eyes.
"Maybe you should start doing that." I said, going through my bag.
"Maybe I will." He said

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