Thirty Seven

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"This is your pre-nup?" I said as I opened the file in my iPad.
"Yeah, and this is yours?" Lucas said as he held a 38-page agreement.
"Why is it digital?" I asked
"Why is it printed? This is what, thirty pages?!"
"Hey, you're one to talk! This is eighteen pages!"
"Why is it that long?! I don't have assets to protect."
"Hoh! It says here that you do though."
"You own half of the Seo estate."
"Shit, no way?" He said as I handed him the iPad.
"And that if we have a son, it goes to him. And if we get divorced, I can't set foot in whatever town in Korea you live in unless it's for business." I said
"I would say that if we got divorced, you can't set foot in any HI owned business establishment but that's basically half of the US. Not to mention other countries."
"Okay, you have to scratch out not being able to set foot in my town because that is stupid."
"I'll read up your prenup first, you read up mine and we'll exchange comments later. And send it to our lawyers."
He nodded.
So, in the event of a divorce, I would be getting 10,000,000 KRW, which is like $8500 USD. And then, at marriage, I would be getting 5% shares in S&C, which is cool because the company hates Haydens, and I'd be owning 5% of it. Even if Lucas and I get divorced, I am still required to attend any family occasions such as, in the event of a death, funeral, celebration of death anniversary, and the like. What the fuck?
Anyway, I won't be benefiting that much when Lucas and I get divorced. $8500 but I have 5% of S&C, that's quite big. In the event of children, Lucas would get custody of the sons, and I get custody of the daughters. Seos also require us to meet once a month, not including the special family occasions for visitation.
"Babe, is this really your pre-nup?" Lucas asked
"Why? Is there something wrong?"
"I'm getting a seat in MGH?"
"Oh yeah, I own half of it. I'd be giving 10% of my 50% to you. Of course, after the wedding. And if we get divorced, it would be reduced to 5%. I'm getting 5% from your company though."
"What? That's probably more that I have?"
"I don't think so, why would I be getting 5% if you don't have anything greater than that?"
"You don't have clauses about the children though."
"Well, yours took care of it."
"Oh yeah, the sons thing."
We went back to reading.
"Love, I am getting a lot after the wedding. But when in the event that we get divorced, I'm just getting the 5% MGH share." He said
"Yeah, you want the whole 10%?"
"No, babe. I don't care about the money actually."
"I'd be getting $8500 as alimony when we get divorced."
"Yeah, thanks Seo."
"What can you buy with that?"
"About two pairs of custom made Louboutin's."
"We get divorced and I get two pairs of shoes."
"We don't really care about the money though."
"Yeah, we don't. But it's funny though. I think this is Charles' salary for three months."
"That dude is rich."
"No, well, yeah. He's highly trained."
"No, he is also a security detail."
"I am ready to sign this though." I said
"I think you should show it to your lawyers first."
"Duh! I'm a bit hesitant on the family occasions thing."
"Yeah, that's still being practiced today. And nobody got away from me."
"Except me. I'm gonna add that if you divorce me, I'd attend those things, but if I divorce you, I won't."
After that, we were getting ready for bed when he asked me how my family is taking our engagement.
"What do you mean?"
"My father doesn't approve of this but I never really cared whatever he says." He said
"Oh, he's still at this?"
"Yeah, pretty much."
"Did he say why?"
"I don't know, could you tell me why Miss Hayden?"
I smiled.
"Well, you're free to use some of my money while we're married. I still get to control it but I wouldn't care if you got rid of your Focus and got something from Lexus."
"Babe, I think you know me too well that I won't-"
"Yeah, anyway. My mother is happy, but I haven't talked to her since my birthday and I don't talk to my father about my personal life."
"So, he doesn' t know you're engaged?"
"I think he should though."
"Babe, he didn't care when he heard that I was graduating college."
"So, you're not telling him? You're giving me 10% of MGH."
"Just MGH. HI is different. You get 1%."
"The Haydens are pretty generous." I said
"What? Really?"
"Yeah, 1% of a $50 billion company is pretty big."
"Babe, you're an industry. I'm not-"
"I'm not telling you how much this company really is."
"Fair enough."
"We're not moving to Seoul, right?"
"What do you mean?"
"When we get married. We'd still be based in New York, right?"
"Yes, what kind of question is that? My work is here, you are here, and your work is here. The only changes that we're gonna have is probably moving into an actual house and adjusting to married life."
"Good, I don't think I can learn Korean in a few days."
"You're smart, you can. And you know Mandarin, it would be easy. If your father does not know that you're engaged, how is he gonna walk you down the aisle?"
"Nobody is walking me. They'd just be handed out invitations."
He nodded.
"There would be new interns tomorrow." He said
"That's great. More people for you to train, right?"
"Yeah, more people to watch me open up heads."
"It sounds like you don't want it."
"I don't. When I'm in the head, I get in the zone as well. And the zone gets disrupted when people ask questions like Dr. Seo, what does a live cerebellum look like? "
"Love, you do know that you are in a teaching hospital right?"
"I do, but as a medical student who got in MGH, you should know what a live cerebellum looks like."
"Well, as the half-owner of MGH, I don't." I said as I lay down.
"How much do you take home from MGH? It's probably more than hundreds of thousands."
I smiled.
"More than. It takes more than hundreds of thousands to maintain me. " I said
I think I must have fallen asleep somehow because I was jerked awake by Lucas groaning and sighing. At first, I thought I was dreaming but then he was on his phone, with his iPad settled on the bed, and he was sitting up.
"Why are you awake?" I said
"Oh, mianhae. I uh, something came up at work and-" he was back on his phone and then he kissed me on the forehead.
"I'll see you later. Emergency." He said as he stood up and left my room.
It was about three in the morning when I heard my phone basically screaming hell.
"When do you plan on telling me?" At first I thought it was Lucas, but then it dawned to me that my father was the one who called. And I don't think I have anything to hide from Lucas, and I am not hiding from my father.
"Dad, it's three in the morning. What the hell?"
"Since when did you get engaged to that Korean?"
Oh fuck, he probably just literally heard of it now, as in a few minutes ago, hence the phone call.
"Dad, since my birthday."
There was a pause on his side. He can't even remember my birthday, might as well, lie.
"Dad, we talked about it during my birthday dinner? With Mom? Lucas was there? Per Se?"
"This is not a merger between HI and S&C, am I clear?"
"It's not. Lucas is not affiliated with S&C anymore. He isn't doing anything with the company." I said
"Even so, this will spark questions about a merger, and I want to be clear that-"
"This is not a merger." I said, and then he hung up.
I couldn't go back to sleep so I decided to look up today's schedule and my email.
Emails regarding the company, sometimes I'm just CC-ed and I read most of them and replied to a few of them.
And then the most weirdest thing ever happened, I got a death threat in my company email. Why is it weird? Because, my company email can only receive emails from the people within the Industry. I have another email in which other CEOs can contact me by. Other emails get to be received by Kate.
So, it's weird because someone within the company wants me dead, or is playing a game. Anyway, rich people always get these shit. It's not that threatening though, so I decided to move it to the trash.
After that, I got a notification that a new article about me had emerged. I don't usually pay attention to much stuff but when the world is talking about me, I gotta know what they are talking about. And apparently the world —
"What?" I said out loud. Okay, there is an article about me and Lucas, and a photo of me and him during our lunch when we were discussing the pre-nup. Fuck, the article is entitled Rich People Problems and it basically discusses the upcoming wedding in Korea and the pre-nup. Sometimes, I really can't understand why there are articles written about me, I'm not even a celebrity.
I closed the tabs and drifted off to sleep again.
Lucas was quiet the whole morning, no texts or calls so he must be stuck in surgery or doing his counseling therapy thing whatever. It was okay since I had an early meeting that lasted for four hours and I'm finally getting a peaceful lunch hour.
"Uh, Miss Hayden?" Katherine said, with her head peeking through the door.
"Oh! Kate, go have your lunch. I think I'd be fine here-"
"About that." She said as she entered
"Mr. Paxton is here to see you." She said
"Who's that?" I said as I stood up and saw a blond-haired man outside.
"Oh! Will. Send him in. And you go have lunch." I said
"Right away." She said
"Well, if it isn't my favorite rich girl." William said as he entered.
"Hello, my favorite gay guy." I said as I hugged him.
"Fucking hell, you still make me think if I should start to think that I should have married you."
"We would have lasted a good year, babe. " I said as I motioned for him to sit down.
"So, how is Lucas?" He said
"He's doing great, I think. Probably either elbow deep at someone's skull or someone's thoughts." I said as I gave him a bottle of Evian.
"That's great honey, but how is he with you?"
I smiled.
"The best. And very eager to get married though. Very pushy."
"I heard the pre-nup is set up."
"Yeah, that was odd actually. I didn't expect people would actually write about me. And to think people actually read things about me. How odd." I said
"And to think you're not even active on social media." He said
"Exactly. I think my last Facebook post was when Lucas and I were in Seoul."
"And to think you're coming back there again to get married."
"Oh god, I didn't even post about our wedding."
"Hell, we both never wanted it. But, to be fair, if I was straight as fuck, you're pretty my type."
I sighed, "So, how's-"
"We're adopting!" He said
"Oh my god!" I said
"Yeah, and well, since most of the rich bitches that I used to hang out with shunned me because I purposely left you in the altar-"
"Those bitches." I said
"-yeah, I decided, well we decided to tell you first."
"Wow, so is it in what stage now?"
"Almost there, and we wouldn't have gone this far if it wasn't for you."
"Well, I am happy for you. Oh my god, a kid! You guys deserve it."
"I know."
Lucas called me at about 3pm, which is good and not that I am clingy as fuck.
"Hey, babe." I said
"Hey, sorry for storming out this morning."
"No, it's okay. How are you?"
"Um, I'm okay. I was wondering if you can pick me up at about 6?"
"Yeah, you don't need to tell me that. It's automatic."
"Right, can you leave work for, I don't know, starting tomorrow?"
I frowned.
"Do you want to get married already?" He asked
"Of course I do-"
"Because we're getting married on the 16th."
"Sorry to drop this like a bomb but-"
I immediately fired up my calendar in the computer and-
"When were you informed?"
"I was emailed this morning at about 8am, but I wasn't able to read it until well, now."
I sighed.
"Oy. I'll have Katherine reserve the jet tomorrow."

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