Chapter 39: Kindred Spirit

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Weeks passed with peace at the Night Guard base, but the gang stayed vigilant for any unusual activity. At a waterfall basin, Jago continued his training with Carrie, unaware of his sister's surveillance.

Today's drill was creating a water ball: a simple task but with meaning. Carrie started small, but as she accrued the mass, the heart strains returned, signaling her limit. The water ball dispersed, splashing into the source.

Carrie placed her hand on her chest, drawing deep breaths. "I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize." Jago massaged her back into circular motions. Gold auras surrounded his hands, lessening the pain. "You're doing well so far. We need to figure out how to combat the heart strains."

"You're having trouble?" Orchid approached them.

"I'm letting Carrie take a break. She's improving, but the heart strains are still a problem," Jago said.

"How long have the strains been happening?"

"For quite some time. I skimmed through my book to find a solution, but so far, nothing. It might be the wounds."

Orchid crossed her arms, recalling when Jago informed her of Carrie's old wounds--one of them setting off cardiac tamponade. That damn monster... she cared more about personal salvation than the girl's well-being. "I doubt her injuries are causing the strains. When you two start your meditation sessions, does she think positive thoughts?"

"I try to," Carrie said before Jago responded, "but the pain remains."

"Oh, Carrie..." Jago rubbed his student's shoulder.

Just as I thought. "Brother, you mind if I take the reins?" Orchid said. Jago fell silent as though musing until he nodded. "Hey, Carrie, I might have something to stop those heart strains."

"Y-You do?"

"Yes, but I have a question. Are you afraid of your powers?"

"Every time because of my emotions, especially anger."

I figured as much. Carrie's emotions fuel her abilities, and with her past, the negativity is rampant. "'Anger, though a powerful emotion, is useless in battle.' My father stated those words when he was training me."

"Your dad trained you? To do what?"

"This." Orchid closed her eyes and focused. A soft yellow glow covered her hand, and the FireCat appeared.

Carrie's eyes widened as she stepped back. She always assumed people like her existed, though with unique powers. Orchid shouldn't be an exception, but something was different. Is she like me but taken another route?

Orchid motioned the FireCat to come. The creature did so and rubbed its body against her, earning a few pats from its owner.

"Doesn't it hurt when you touch it?" Carrie asked.

"The FireCat is more energy than fire, but it can start one," Orchid explained. "Like you, I inherited this ability from my grandmother, but on my father's side. She was a test subject on a project during World War II."

"Could Jago do that too?"

"I wish, though it'd be astonishing."

"Hmph," Jago uttered while Orchid continued.

"My father understood its existence and taught me to not only control my rage but to channel it. With your case, Carrie, the negative emotions have linked with your powers. You need to wean yourself from that."


"Instead of connecting yourself with something negative, try to immerse with anything positive or something that makes you happy. Then, you channel it to your powers, so let's start with the water ball training."

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