She played the fiddle in an Irish band

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[A/N] First story, it's losely based on Ed Sheeran's Galway girl.

Kara Danvers has lived in England for almost all her life, together with her sister Alex and their Mother Eliza. She is not one to go out to bars and drink untill she cant even feel her little toes (she loves her little toes!), she'd rather be at home reading about what new planets they discovered, for example.

She was at her room doing just that when Alex stormed in and took her magazine "hey! I was reading that!?" she exclaimed causing the taller brunette to grin "exactly was.". Kara pouted and crosses her arms "stop that Kar, you know it doesnt work on me anymore. Now get up, we're going out tonight!" she said with a big smile on her face "out? I Don't want to go out Alex. Let me just read my magazine please" She begged her sister.

"Kara you need to get out more, you cant keep spending all your free time here"

"Yes I can, watch me"

Alex rolled her eyes "Also Maggie is coming, kinda need your support"

Kara glares up to her "I knew There was a reason you wanted me to Come along! You haven't ever cared about me staying in my room before." Then her glare turned into a smirk

"So Sawyer huh"

"Oh shut up"


She was dressed in a red dress that Alex picked for her, it was a bit tight at her waist But that could also be the burger she had speaking. Alex was dressed in blue jeans, a white shirt and a black blazer over it "So... What now?" she asked Alex

"We find Maggie. And I Think I See her over here" Alex said while pointing to the side entrance of the pub and indeed the tiny brunette was standing there. They made their way over and Kara wrapped Maggie in a tight hug

"Hey Mags!" she sais happily, and not having seen the smaller brunette in a while she picked her up from the ground causing the detective to laugh

"Kara put me down!" she squeels. Once her feet are on the ground Maggie turns to Alex and they excange an awkward hug, when they pull back both their cheeks are a bit pink.

Maggie clears her throath "I am glad you guys came, I heard the band they have tonight is amazing! Speaking of wich, I think we should go in now"

The three girls made their way inside and ordered drinks. They made their way to the front of the stage, soon enough the lights dimmed and the band came up. A dark skinned man sat behind a drum kit while a tall black haired man took ahold of a guitar and adjusted his microphone. He announced their band himself, wich caused Kara to get confused about their amount (or lack of in this case) of band members, she was about to turn and ask Alex when two others came up. A nerdy looking guy picked up an arcordeon and a girl with raven black hair, kind of similair to the gitarist hair had a fiddle in her hand.

The band started to play and Kara was immediatly taken by the rythem and tune of the song. She had seen all the member's faces exept for the girl, her face was covered by her hair and it annoyed Her. Alot.

The whole time the girl covered her face, Kara sighed and went to get herself a refill. She couldnt get her spot in the front back and that too annoyed her, she decided she needed some air.

It was rather cold outside, she should've brought a coat with her. Kara was just plotting how to get Alex back for this stupid idea in her head when someone bumped into her, nocking her off her feet. Litterly.

"Darn it! That hurts!"

"I'm So sorry! Let me help you up" the person said to her and held out their hand to help Kara up.

"Oh thank you, its Okay, I was not l-" she gasped. It was the Fiddle girl, and she was the most beautiful girl she'd ever seen. pale skin, black hair and beautiful Green eyes

"Cat got your tongue?" the girl said, the corner of her mouth slightly turned up.

"I just.. I mean I Don't have a cat"

The girl laughed and Kara died inside, that was the most pretty laugh she'd ever heard.

"You're funny!" the girl said "I'm Lena by the way, you are?" she asked while lighting up a cigarette and placing it in between her lips

"I'm Kara" She said while looking at the smoke leaving the gir-lena's lips "and you played beautiful up There! I was really into it"

"Thank you! It was my Brother lex' idea to start a band he plays guitar and makes up most of the lyrics, James playes the drums, Winn played the arcordeon and I.. Well you know what i play" Lena grinned and finishes her cigarette

Kara couldnt tell how long they had been talking but she did know that she loved every minute they spend together. In the time they spend they stood closer to eachother then when they first talked, almost as if-

"Oh sorry, my phone" Kara took her phone out her bra (Lena's eyes shot down when she did)

"Oh its my sister, She is going home with someone" She sighed "first she dragges me here and then she leaves withouth me!"

Lena chuckled "well, her loss. what about we go back inside and play some games Kara?"

She'd commit a crime only to have Lena say her name again, instead she just nods and they make their way back inside. Their hands almost touching as they walk next to eachother.


They danced and played a game of darts wich Kara lost terribly. With her pout on full display and her arms crossed she watched as Lena came back with their drinks

"You are really to cute right now" Lena said while giving Kara her cocktail

"I'm not! I'm angry!"

"But you are adorable when you are angry, look at your little pout!"

"Lena stop! I'm not cute" Kara whined and playfully pushed Lena by her shoulder

Lena took ahold of Kara's hand and pulled her closer, their faces just a few centimeters away from eachother

"You look So cute right now, I want to kiss you" Lena whispered and moved her hand to Kara's waist and pulled, their fronts now pressed against eachother and their foreheads touching.

"What is keeping you from doing it?" She wispered back, she is completly mesmerised by the smell of Lena's parfume and her full lipstick covered lips.

"Do you want me to?"


It felt like a good rythem in a song, it was as if someone turned off the sound of the world and all she could hear was Lena's heart beating. All she could feel was Lena' lips on hers and lena's arm around her, holding her tight as if she was not planning to let go anytime soon. They forgot about everyone else in the room.

"Wow" Kara grinned

Lena chuckled "Yeah, wow is correct. What do you say we get out of here? " Lena asked

"I would love to" Kara answered and took ahold of Lena's hand. Kara walked Lena home and kissed her cheek "goodnight Lena" She turned to walk away when she heard her call her name


"Yes Lena?"

"Would you like to come in?"

"I'd love to"

She made a mental note for herself:

Thank Alex for dragging you to the pub


Hey Everyone!

I just thought; Lets do something new!
Supercorp is one of my favorite couples now So i love writing them.
Don't be afraid to leave suggestions!
Don't be afraid to leave a comment, i'll read them all!
More One shots will Come!

x Val🌹

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