The Matchmaker

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Kara is a teacher and Lena's four-ish year old daughter Lorelei is a matchmaker. Prompt by Jayyisgayy  Sorry it took so long!

Disclaimer: this part is not related to the part "a mother's love" So you don't need to have read that in order to understand this part :)


"Okay everyone, we've worked hard! It's time to have a little break now" Kara spoke as she put away the guitar she had been playing. "make sure to share your toys and play together" she added.

She glanced at a little girl in the front row and pointed playfully at her "that goes for you too Miss Nal" she smiled. The girl laughed sheepishly before nodding "yes Miss Danvers"

Kara dismissed them and watched as they ran outside to claim the toys the school had to offer. Kara started gathering everyone's lunch boxes as she always did during the time the kids were outside, and made sure they were all placed on the correct desks.

The school she teaches at always lets her fill in the schedule as she saw fit, the only subjects that were mandatory to add were subjects like reading, arts and crafts and pronunciation and spelling.

The parents would bring the children in at 8 and some stayed for the introduction game (which was basically just the kids saying their name and telling about whatever they think is interesting enough to share). Then she'd start pronunciation and spelling, which the children loved because they would learn how to pronounce and spell words properly through a game or song.

Then Kara would let them play outside, followed by them eating and her reading to them. After the lunch break they'd read the books they picked for themselves. Untill it was time for arts and crafts. Kara usually just gave them a subject or season and then let them do whatever they wanted, it could be playing with clay or drawing with crayons. It didn't really matter, as long as they didn't make a mess and played together.

Kara was filling up glasses with lemonade for their second break time when one of her children pulled on her skirt. She looked down, only to be met with bright green eyes and raven black hair.

"Oh hi Lorelei!" Kara spoke "anything I can help you with?" She asked and smiled.

Lorelei nodded "Miss Danvers, I was wondering if you'd like me to assist you" she said politely and gestured to the cups Kara was filling up.

Kara was always taken aback at Lorelei's vocabulary. She was extremely kind and very well mannered, her vocabulary was way above all her other children's level. Lorelei always sat up straight and her clothing appeared to be more expensive then Kara's whole salary.

She snapped out of her thoughts as Lorelei stared at her. "Oh! Of course you can help but have you finished your art assignment already?" Kara asked. Lorelei gave her a small nod "Yes miss Danvers, it's drying now"

Kara smiled "well then, you can put one cup on each desk. Do you think you can do that?"

Lorelei nodded once more "Yes Miss. I think I can manage" she spoke and picked up the cups and started her task.

"Miss Danvers, can I ask you a question?" Lorelei asked as she waited for Kara to fill up more cups.

"Sure Lorelei, go ahead"

"Are you a lesbian?"

"Oh darnit!" Kara exclaimed as she spilled lemonade besides the cup. Lorelei's questions had caught her of guard. She quickly got a cloth and started cleaning it up.

"I- I don't-" Kara started with flushed cheeks as she wiped up the spilled beverage

Lorelei smiled smugly "taking in your flushed cheeks and your stuttering, I'll be assuming that you are Miss Danvers"

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