A Touch Of Magic

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Supercorp in the wizarding world.

Kara Zor-el is adopted into the Danvers family. Her new sister has magic and teaches her all about Hogwarts and piques her interest in magical creatures. But will she get her own letter on her 11th birthday?


When the parents of Kara Zor-el died, she cried. She can't quite remember how it happened, but it happened.

Everything after that went by so fast.

Instead of celebrating her seventh birthday she was holding her aunt's hand at the funeral.

Instead of having the usual birthday party with her friends she was being send to a orphanage since aunt Astra couldn't take care of her.

Instead of celebrating her eight birthday she was being adopted by a caucasian couple.

When Kara Zor-el smiled at them they smiled back wholeheartedly, maybe this day was worth a celebration after all.

The Danvers were lovely people and Kara Zor-el felt at home pretty quickly. She was also thrilled to learn that she had an older sister now.

Alex had brunette hair in which she had put red highlights (all by herself!). She was taller then her which was logical since she was two years older, and Alex took care of Kara like any older sister would.

She took her up to the rooftop to stare and teach her about the stars. Stole a cookie for her when she wasn't allowed to have one. Helped her make her homework when she couldn't figure it out herself.

Alex was the best sister Kara Zor-el could ask for.

Kara Zor-el didn't believe in miracles. If miracles existed her parents would still be alive but they weren't, so miracles didn't exist. But seeing your ten year old sister move the cereal box without touching it, is a god darn miracle!

Kara's mouth was wide open and she may or may not have freaked out until Eliza and Jeremiah explained everything to her.

They explained how their family had been wizards for generations long, and how Alex was going to a special school when she turned eleven. To say that Kara was intrigued was putting it mildly.

From that day on Kara Zor-el would ask Alex to take her flying on the Cleansweep One, the only broom they had at home. It was quite old since it was the first model that Cleansweep Broom Company had ever made but it surved it's purpose.

Kara Zor-el would ask Alex about this magic school so much that Alex eventually gifted her Bathilda Bagshot's book called Hogwarts, a History to shut her up.

Kara Zor-el would stay up all night and read the whole book over and over again. Soon enough she knew it by heart.

Kara Zor-el was obsessed with the magic her adoptive family did. Now that she knew that Wizards existed Eliza and Jeremiah did everything with their wands when they were home and she loved it. She couldn't wait to do magic herself!

Alex Danvers' eleventh birthday was coming up but Kara couldn't bring herself to be happy about it. It ment her sister would get her letter and leave her at the Muggle school.

Kara Zor-el was also upset about the fact that she hadn't been able to do anything magical herself yet. Not even accidentally! All that happened was that she was friends with the neighbors rabbit and the snow owl that came out when she was outside reading. But that wasn't interesting at all.

But the day came, and Alex got her letter as soon as the clock told them it was her birthday. They did the Diagon Ally school supplies shopping where Alex had picked a brown owl as a pet. They had to almost litterly drag Kara Zor-el out of the pet shop because she didn't want to leave all the animals. They went to Olivanders where Alex picked up several wands before the right one found her. Alex' wand was a 11.5 inch one made of hardwood, it was unbendable with a dragon egg shell core.

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