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Everyone seems to suddenly be romantically interested in Lena, Kara is annoyed but definitely not jealous.


It started of like a normal day. Kara would go to the coffee place near Cat-Co and buy some coffee before going to work. She'd write some articles and brain storm with her colleagues about a new piece they were working on.

And like every other normal day she'd go to L-corp to have lunch with Lena. Kara doesn't really know how it all started, because one moment she was sitting next to Lena eating her weight in Chinese food and listening to Lena talking. And the next James barged in to ask Lena an "important question".

"Mister Olson, we're kind of in the middle of something. Can it wait?" Lena said, making James look up and spot Kara.

"oh, hey Kara. I didn't see you there" he apologised "Lena, I was just wondering if you're free to have dinner with me tonight" he asked.

Kara choked on her Potsticker.

Lena blushed.

"Uhm. I must apologise Mi-"

"Please, call me James" He said while grinning dumbly.

Lena cleared her throat "Well then, James. I have to check my schedule, what article do you wish to discuss?" she asked him as she pulled out her laptop.

James chuckled lightly "oh no, this is not work related. I was asking you out on a date"

Kara gaped at him like a fish on the dry land.

Lena's mouth was stuck shaped in an 'O' form.

"so what do you say?" He asked hopefully.

Lena quickly glanced over at Kara, who suddenly seemed even more interested in her food than usual, before looking back at James.

"You caught me off guard Mist- I mean James. I'm afraid I can't just squeeze in a... Date tonight. But thank you" she said politely.

James looked upset but he didn't push it.

"Oh, okay. Well then I'll try again when you have more time" He said before walking out of the office.

Lena carried on telling her story about her new gadget as if nothing had happened. But Kara, could eat anymore as she suddenly felt sick.


The next day was the same as all the others, she grabbed some coffee on her way to work and edited articles and wrote some emails. Today though, she had a meeting with Nia Nal, so she walked to Cat-co's meeting rooms and smiled when she saw Nia sitting in one.

"Hey Nia!" she greeted as she stepped into the room "You're ready to get started?" she asked as she sat down and pulled her files out of her bag.

"Oh Hey Kara you're already here!" came Nia's voice, it was higher pitched for some reason. As if she was nervous about something. Kara looked up and only now she realised someone else was there with them.

"Lena? Wha-why are you here?" she asked her green eyed friend. Lena chuckled "Good morning to you too Kara" she answered with a big smile on her face "Miss Nal asked me to attend".

Kara waved at her and looked at Nia to explain the situation. Though Nia was to caught up in staring at Lena, only when Kara cleared her throat Nia looked up blushing.

"Right! I uhm, I asked Miss Luthor here with us today" Nia spoke, this time she glanced at Kara quickly

"because we were going to discuss that article about the Aliens and Human alliance. And since Miss Luthor is incredibly talented and smart, and an excellent boss I just thought that maybe she could help us brain storm for the best way to publish this" Nia said in one breath.

Lena Luthor & Kara Danvers [Supercorp Stories]Where stories live. Discover now