I-It's me!

904 48 4

Prompt by @TemperanceBooth1

"Kara knows Lex didn’t die when he landed as the suit exploded. She gets there soon after Lex appears and as Lex starts to tell Lena all those lies about Lena's friends, Kara stops him and reveals herself to Lena like she wanted to. Lena is shocked, but lets her explain and as Lex continues to tell her Kara doesn’t care, Lena takes the gun and just shoots him."

Pretty clear huh? :P enjoy!

The Kryptonian watched in horror as Lex Luthor's hand slipped out of hers and plunged down to earth. In her hand only the gauntlet part of Lex' lexosuit.

She could hear her heart pump in her chest, the loud drumming echoed in her ears. It wasn't as loud as the explosion of Lex' suit.

She had to get out of there, she could feel the Kryptonite of her archenemy affecting her already. "Target down" she called into her earpiece.

"Copy Supergirl, well done. Get out of there, well clean it up" her sister Alex responded and Kara flew back to National City.

She was listing for a particular heartbeat but couldn't find it. She worried instantly. She's always been able to find the brunette's heartbeat.

She changed into her Kara Danvers clothes and checked her phone. 'One missed call from Lena♥️ ' it read and cry quickly checked if she left her a voice mail, which to Kara's relief she did.

"Kara I-Its me! I think I found out where Lex' secret lair is. Remember the thing we were looking at in your office?"

Lena's breathy chuckle came through the phone, making Kara smile.

"I'm heading there right now to see if he left some blueprints or other things. Come see me as soon as you can. I-"

Kara pulled the phone away from her ear to check if the device was still on, the numbers kept rolling.

"I uh- see you soon yeah? Bye" Lena's voice came through followed a sound of the phone shutting off.

Kara recalled the sudden discovery they had made late at night the other day, she instantly smiled at the thought of working together with Lena like that.

Suddenly it dawned to her, there's no way Lex would leave his lair out in the open (for as much as he did) just for them to find it that easily. He must've been so sure he was going to win the battle, that had  to be the only reason as to why Lena and her were able to find the hideout.

She had to get there, stat.


"I'm genuinely proud of you Lena. Your abilities are far more superior then I've ever imagined." Lex said while holding his chest.

He was leaning against the back of the chair he was in, going pale already. His bald head revealed how sweaty he was, both by only just escaping from Supergirl's clutches and because he just got shot by his half sister.

"I have underestimated you" he chuckled tiredly "you've always been smarter then me. But you're so so naïve" He said and chuckled again, this time it was lower and eviler.

Lena looked at him with tears in her eyes and the gun held high. "what are you talking about?" She asked

"Well, your so called friend Kara-" he started, only to be interrupted by Kara Danvers throwing open the door and interrupting them in their conversation.

"Lena watch out!" She called in panic and rushed over, of course she had used her superhearing to listen in. She had barged in as Lex had dropped her name.

Now by Lena's side she finally noticed the bullet wound in Lex' chest and the gun in Lena's hand. Despite everything Lex was grinning now

"Looks like I get to have even more of a show now" he spoke "Kara Danvers is-" he was interrupted by Kara's s fist colliding with his jaw.

"Kara!" Lena gasped but lowered the gun. "He was about to tell me something important, I bet he stalked you" she said and glared at her unconscious half brother.

Kara nervously adjusted her glasses "I- I just wanted to tell you.. on my own terms" She spoke as she unbuttoned her shirt.

Lena's eyes widened "K-kara what are you doing?"

Kara sighed "I never ment for it to come this far" she started and took off her glasses and the ponytail. Lena looked at her in shock and when she didn't speak Kara continued.

"Lena I-Its me... I am Supergirl" she spoke "I wanted to tell you, I did. But every time I gathered enough courage to do so something happened."

Lena looked at her, her once tear filled eyes were now flowing. She didn't look angry just- hurt and disappointed.

Kara took a step towards her but Lena backed away. "you mean to tell me... that all this time.. you just..-" Lena spoke and her voice broke. Then she laughed.  Kara was slightly scared.

"It all makes sense now. The flying on a bus, the fact that I never saw you and Supergirl in one and the same room. And how upset you had been when I was angry with Supergirl" she laughed at her own stupid blindness.

Kara wiped her own eyes "Lena I'm so sorry! I wanted to tell you, but the first time you were kidnapped by your brother, then you were betrayed by Eve and I just couldn't bring it over my heart to tell you and hurt you even more" She explained.

The gun in Lena's hand was lifted. Kara looked sad at her best fri- ex best friend now she supposed. "you know those don't wo-" she started but was interrupted by two shots being fired.

She looked down at her chest and noticed two spots where the bullets had hit her "did that make you feel better?" Kara asked. Lena shook her head.

Then she cried and collapsed in Kara's arms. Kara immediately wrapped her arms around her friend "you have to believe me when I say I'm sorry Lena. I love y- being your friend and if I could change one thing it would be that I told you about me on one of our first meetings".

Lena sniffed and wiped her eyes "I believe you" she spoke and looked up at Kara "you're my best friend Kara and nothing is going to change that"

Kara laughed a relieved laugh and pulled her in for a hug. "I'm sorry I shot at you" she heard Lena giggle.

Kara chuckled "it's okay, are we even now?" She asked jokingly.

"Oh how charming" a soft voice came from behind them. Lex was sitting up slightly in the chair, apparently the punch wasn't hard enough.

"She may have revealed her secret but all your so called friends have been lying to you" He spoke "just like everyone else in your pathetic little life"

Kara growled at him "shut up!". It only made lex laugh more

"Making your girlfriend talk for you now huh? You're even more pathetic then I thought. You can say what you want about me but unlike you I haven't lived as a fool. You on the other hand will only be remembered as such, abandoned and alone" Lex spoke with a laugh.

Kara jumped at the sudden pang that echoed against the wall. She watched as Lex looked up at Lena in shock, the brunette was holding the gun high and it was still smoking.

"As the lady said, shut up" she spoke and shot two more times. Lex' body fell lifelessly against the chair and the light left his eyes.

Lena took Kara's hand "let's get out of here Supergirl"


A big thanks to @TemperanceBooth1 for the prompt! This was fun!

I hope it's as much fun to read as it was for me to write :p

Let me know what you thought if it,
Love Val 👑

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