A Mother's Love

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Lena Luthor, mother of a 5 year old girl loses her at a fair and panics. Then she finds her daughter holding hands with a stranger...


"Excuse us for the interruption Miss Luthor but can we get an autograph!?" the woman behind the popcorn stand called out to her. Lena smiled politely, she's getting alot of that recently. Ever since she released her new technology people have been asking for her autograph and time. Usually she didn't mind but today was Mother daughter day, just her and her five year old daughter Lorelei.

"I'm so sorry to disappoint but-" she started the rejection but stopped when she felt a small tug on her sleeve. Looking down she was met with her daughters green and brown eyes "what is it baby?" she asked with a frown playing on her forehead.

"My teacher said it was okay to share sometimes, I'm okay with sharing you if you want to talk to the lady for a second mommy" she said "we still have the rest of the day together" she added and nodded when she was done talking. She smiled up at her mother, who smiled back "you're so smart Lory, this will only take a second okay?" Lena answered.

Lena turned to the popcorn stand and started talking with the people behind it. Lorelei watched them for a second until she got bored, this was way longer then a second.. She looked around her and giggled at a dog who was barking at a bird. She let go of Lena's sleeve and walked over to pet the dog who licked her hand enthusiastically. When she grew bored of that she looked back to her mother, she was surrounded by people by now.

That's going to take a while, Lorelei though to herself. She looked at the map of the fair ground and grinned as she found the teacups, she'd always wanted to ride in those.

Lena managed to get rid of everyone pretty quickly, and she reached her hand out for her daughter to hold. But instead of a smaller hand sliding into hers she felt nothing, she felt her heart sink. She could feel the panic set in almost immediately.

"Lorelei?!" she called out, looking over heads and in nearby bushes for her blonde haired five year old.

"Lorelei! Now is not the time to play hide and seek" she called, her heart pounded in her throat making it hard for her to swallow. Lena kept chanting the words "oh my god" in her head as she continued the search for her daughter.

This could not be happening.


"I'm sorry miss, can I sit here?" Lorelei asked politely causing the blonde haired woman to look down at her.

"Oh yeah sure! Let me just move this out of the way" she spoke and moved her huge stuffed dog from the bench, making space for Lorelei.

"Thank you!" she said and climbed om the bench. She wasn't very tall since she was only five years old so her feet dangled high above the ground as she moved them. They sat in silence for a while until the woman spoke;

"Okay, I tried to not be worried but you're obviously not getting picked up here. You're not alone here right?" she asked.

Lorelei giggled softly. "No I'm with my mommy. She was talking and I walked away to pet a cute puppy and then I got distracted and I wanted to ride the teacups. But they didn't let me in because I was to short, so I'll just wait here for her to find me!" she said "I'm Lorelei by the way" she added and held out her hand to the older blonde.

She shook her hand "Kara. And you shouldn't just walk away from your mom like that, she's probably very worried about you" Kara spoke.

Lorelei looked down at her hands "I know... I just....wanted to go on the teacups." she said as her eyes filled with tears.

"oh darn.." Kara said and nervously. She hadn't ment for the child to get upset. She moved her glasses further up her nose and wrapped her arm around the small blonde "hey now, don't cry! Uhm Lorelei right? W-why don't I join you for a ride in the teacups and then we'll go look for your mommy together?" she suggested.

Lorelei sniffed and smiled up at her new friend "okay"


After their ride in the teacups Kara picked up her stuffed dog and held Lorelei's hand as they walked through the park, looking for the girls mother.

"So what does Lorelei actually mean?" Kara asks as she holds the girls hand.

Lorelei stopped eating the ice cream Kara had bought her to answer "uhm, Mommy once told me it was German. Apparently I'm named after a  rocky cliff place that was dangerous for boats to pass" she explained.

Kara frowned "how does that work?" she asked and Lorelei shrugged

"it's supposed to be poetic. The cliff is called a Lorelei because the wind made it sing and the singing lured the boats to run into the cliffs. I asked my teacher to Google it"

"that's awful!"

"No,it's pretty cool!"

"okay if you say so"

"I do say so"

"oh sassy"


After an hour of searching for her daughter she sat down at a bench taking a deep breath to relax and try to think clearly. She placed her head in her hands and sighed.

Had her mother been right all along? Was she really not mother material? Lorelei had only been with her for a year, but she really felt like she was finally connecting with her. Lorelei was four years old when Lena took her in, and Lorelei would always avoid conversations.

She got up to go back to the entrance of the park to ask around when she heard her daughter laugh. Turning around she saw her hand in hand with a very attractive woman.

"Lorelei! There you are!" Lena called out and ran over. She fell to her knees in front of her daughter and hugged her close to her chest "you can never run away from me again! I was so worried!" she said. Lorelei dropped Kara's hand and hugged her mother close "I'm sorry mommy, I wanted to go in the teacups. Kara went with me!" she said and smiled up at the Older blonde.

Lena got up and straighted her blouse "so you are the woman I should thank for making sure my daughter wasn't kidnapped?" she asked and held out her hand for Kara to shake

Kara blushed at the green eyed beauty standing in front of her, she nervously shook her hand "Uh yeah totally! I did that! Uhm Kara! My name is Kara. Danvers"

Lena bit her lip and giggled at the adorable blonde "pleasure meeting you Miss Danvers. I'm Lena. Lena Luthor"

Kara's eyes widened comically and she looked down to Lorelei "you didn't tell me your mother was fudging Lena Luthor" she half whispered and half hissed at her.

Lena chuckled and Lorelei shrugged "you never asked" she answered. Kara chuckled, turning back to Lena "I uh, should go. And I'm sure you have things to do as well" she said as she nervously squeezed her stuffed dog.

"No Kara, don't go yet! Mommy hasn't been in the teacups yet, we can all go together!" Lorelei said, pulling on Kara's sleeve and making puppy dog eyes.

"I really shouldn't.." Kara said hesitantly.

"nonsense, Lory is right. I haven't been in the teacups yet. I'll probably need someone to hold my hand, and as we all know, I have two" she said and subtly winked at the older blonde, making her blush.

"alright, I guess I can go for another round" Kara said and laughed when Lorelei started chanting yes and jumping up and down.

Lorelei took a hold of both the adults hands and dragged them with her to park in.

This was by far her favorite day ever.



Hi everyone! I hope you enjoyed this part. Let me know if you want more of Lorelei Luthor.

Xx Val👑

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