The Other Side

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Lena gets sucked into a portal and ends up in Mideval times where she meets Kara's doppelganger. And then she meets a magician who looks alot like.... Her? Prompt by Jayyisgayy


Lena has done her experiment with the portal two times now.

The first time she blew up half her lab, only just escaping death when the ceiling came crashing down.

The second time she managed to get a light flicker of blue light out of the portal before it crashed and caused the power to fall out through the whole city.

But this time... This time she'd succeed, she was sure of it.

She had been tinkering away and connected  the cables of the portal when the big walk through loop finally lit up and made a vacuum like sound. She looked up and threw her hands up in the air and laughed, yes! she had done it!!

She's a genius! She's the next Einstein! This portal is going to make her famous! It's going to make her rich! It's... It's...Wait...

The sound of the portal only got louder and louder. Lena pushed her lab glasses up her nose and her lab coat back on "oh no, what is happening? " she spoke to herself. She turned around and grabbed the tablet, pushed some buttons but nothing worked.

The sound got louder and louder, and something tugged on her back. Tugging her backwards, towards the portals entrance.

"Oh Shi-"


Lena's eyes fluttered open and she immediately closed them again, the light was to bright. But she should get up and fix the portal..

She opened her eyes again and blinked. She was surrounded by loads of tall trees, both green and brown and she was laying on.. On some kind of pathway.

Lena groaned and got up slowly, she was a bit disoriented and her vision was blurry. Suddenly she heard a voice yelling at something, yelling at... Her?

"Ma'am move aside please!" someone yelled, his voice coming closer and closer. Lena blinked a few times and her vision returned.

Why the hell was there a carriage pulled by horses running up to her!? She quickly jumped to the side of the road, into the bushes and the carriage missed her by only a hair. It came to a pause a few metres away from her.

The carriage door opened and a woman got out. She wore a big poofy blue dress like people used to wear a long time ago, her blonde angelic like hair was high up and looked almost like the wig they used for her high-school musical performance. On her neck rested a necklace with big blue diamonds.

Lena got out of the bushes and straighted her lab coat before she put her glasses back on her nose as the woman rushed over to her, holding her big dress up as she ran.

"By Lord Rao! Are you quite alright Ma'am? My driver hadn't seen you in time, oh I must apologise on his behalf!" the woman spoke.

Lena gasped.

She knew those eyes. Those sky blue, beautiful eyes. She'd spend a lot of time staring into them, she'd know.

"Kara?" she asked the woman.

The woman's worried face changed into surprise.

"You know of me? I'm afraid I can not say the same about you madam" the woman spoke.

Lena stared at her. How does Kara not recognise her? They litterly had dinner together yesterday? And why was Kara wearing this weird dress, and where was she!?

"Where am I? Who are you?" Lena asked, making the woman (Kara?) look at her, her face worried once again.

"Ma'am, are you sure you're alright?" the woman asked "I recall telling you only moments ago what my name was. I'm Lady Kara of house El and we're in National Ville."

Panic overtook her. She traced all the steps she made when making the portal in her head. She must've done something wrong. She ended up in a completely different era. She ended up in a... A different era..

"Oh no" she mumbled before her world went black again.

When she woke up again she was in a comfortable bed. A cold cloth was pressed against her head and she was wearing a white night gown of some sorts. She blinked a few times and sat up, groaning when her head started to hurt.

Looking around the room she was stunned. It was a beautiful room, there was a high ceiling and tall windows, painted with beautiful colours, red and blue with a tint of yellow and gold. There was a chair in the corner and Lena screamed, jumped and fell out of bed.

"Holy shit!" she yelled as she got up from the floor, shielding herself from the stranger in the chair with one of the pillows. "WHY are you staring at me like that?!! Who the hell are you!?" she yelled.

The figure rose slowly, almost as if they were floating or moving in slow motion before they folded their arms.

"My name is Lady Morgana, I'm the 1st of Master Merlin's pupils and Lady Kara of House El's Lady in waiting." the figure spoke. "Now the real question is..." They said and unfolded their arms to take of the hood of their drapes.

"Who are you and why are you wearing my face?"



Oeeeh two story updates in one day?? What is happening! I do hope you guys liked this, especially you Jayyisgayy ! (I love the prompt!)

Leave a comment if you have something to say or if you want me to write another part of this. let me know!

Xx  Val👑

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