College Rivals Part 3

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Lena and Kara go on a date despite of the warnings they got from their friends. Will the date go well or end up a total disaster? (date loosly based on an episode from Unfortunately Ashley)


"So what did you tell your friends?" Lena asked as they walked side by side through the park.

"That I wanted to check out the library nearby" Kara chuckled "Lucy was to busy making a Spotify playlist for everyone to care, then there was Alex and Winn who where engaged in a long game of Monopoly"

Lena laughed wholeheartedly "that sounds like fun. I told Samantha I was going to try out the new vegan restaurant, you know that little one nearby our hotel? She's strictly a meat eater so she immediately declined my invitation when I asked het to come" she explained.

They walked in silence for a while, one that wasn't uncomfortable, soon they stopped at a cute little art gallery called Melissa's Gallery. The words were written in big golden letters and was all curved ends.

"wow that's beautiful" Kara spoke as she admired the gold on the white building. Lena took her hand, causing the blonde to look at her "not as beautiful as you are" she said and giggled when Kara's face turned red and she mumbled out a soft thanks.

"shall we go in?" Lena asked.

"yeah let's go" Kara answered.


The gallery looked bigger from the inside so Kara looked around in awe, she was already having the best time and all she did was admire the architecture and Lena. Though she'd deny the latter if you'd ask.

They were assigned to their places which were in the far back, since the girls weren't of drinking age yet the  servants had assured them that they also serve non-alcoholic drinks.

They kept stealing glances at each other as the other people moved to their own assigned seats. When everyone was seated Melissa, a tall slender woman with bright red hair walked upon the little stage and asked people's attention.

"Welcome my fellow artists! Welcome to Art and wine drawing class! My name is Melissa and this is my Art gallery!" she said with enthusiasm.

Lena cringed slightly at how high pitched it was, but when she looked over at Kara she saw the blonde watching the woman with awe. So instead of making fun of the woman she kept her mouth shut and smiled.

"Today there is a very special price at the end, because one of my clients declined my offer of hanging their art I have one free spot." she said and held one finger in the air, to indicate that she really had one spot left. She paused dramatically.

"The one who's art is the best today will get the spot. Of course it's judged by me, and you're allowed to use any material you want. It's all set up for you in the back. If you have a question or need help, don't be afraid to ask me!" Melissa said.

The guy a row in front of Lena and Kara raised his hand and spoke "I don't need any help, I'm a professional". Lena rolled her eyes and leaned in closer to Kara to whisper in her ear "if he is so good, why is he in an art class then?" she whispered, making Kara giggle. "he probably thinks he's the next Picasso" she whispered back, making Lena laugh now "yeah and I'm Beyonce"

Melissa ignored the man's comment and her big smile seemed to get even  bigger "Ready? Set? Go!" she giggled and immediately people started getting up from their seats to gather supplies.

Kara looked over at Lena and smiled" I'm so glad you invited me to this, I haven't done anything like this before but it was on my bucket list"

Lena smiled "don't say thank you for that, I wanted to do this with you remember? She said "besides I wanted to spend time with you without getting yelled at for doing so" she added and Kara giggled.

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