5 Years Later

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Lena sees her once but loses sight of her. They meet again five years later


Lena was sitting outside on campus grounds with her friends Winn, Samantha and Andrea. They had met on the first day of college where they found out they had the same classes, and then later they found out that they shared a dorm too ( Winn and Andrea were right across Lena and Samantha). Their study group blossomed into a friendship in no time.

“Okay what about a flower shop?” Winn asked as he looked up to the girls from where he was laying on the grass. Sam, who was sitting on top of the picnic table snorted “could you get any gayer?” she asked with a laugh, earning a light shove from Andrea. “don’t be rude to him” Andrea said from where she was sitting at the picnic table like a normal human being “if he wants to get married to a man and own a flowershop to flaunt his homo-sexuality even more in everyones faces then let him”she added and laughed, Sam joined her.

Winn rolled his eyes “you guys can make fun of me all you want but you’re not getting any younger you know. Now is the time to find a stable relationship with someone you want to marry!” he said as he dramatically moved his arms around “Like me and Mike” he added with a grin.

This time Lena, who was sitting next to Winn in the grass but propped up against the picnic table  chuckled “Winn it’s Mike and Me, and you guys are on and off more times then Andrea buys clothes!” she said, Andrea just nodded to confirm it “so don’t talk to us about a stable relationship”she grinned. “besides, we’re all-in our twenties, there’s no rush”

“Oh okay fine! But seriously guys!” Winn said “opening a flowerhop with a very very handsome and muscled husband with whom I’ll have two kids sounds like the dream to me. Don’t you bitches have dreams?” he asked

Sam hummed “I’ve always dreamed of starting my own traveling agency” she said “maybe get married and get a kid. Just one though!” she added.

Andrea cringed “oh no, None for me! I don’t have time for children when I own the biggest Media platform known to mankind” she said smugly, referring to the contact lenses she has designed and hopes to get alot of money for. “what about you Lee?” Andrea asked

“Me?” Lena asked and shrugged “I will most likely take over my family’s business as soon as i graduate” she said and stopped, not wanting to go into details about marriage and what not but Winn raised his eyebrows as if waiting for more. Lena sighed loudly “okay fine. I don’t care who i end up with, as long as they are supportive and like me for me and not my money” she said

“And what about looks?” Sam asked

“Male or female?” Andrea asked

“how many children?” Winn asked

Lena groaned “you guys are the worst” she said, earning some glares from her friends “okay shit. Let’s see, I think i’d end up with a woman rather than a man…” she spoke

“Blonde?” Andrea asked, and Lena nodded “perferably” she answered

“Legs that seem to go on for days?” Winn jumped in, making Lena chuckle “sure, they must be taller then me at least”

Sam laughed “a smile that puts everyone else’s to shame?” she asked. Lena raised an eyebrow “I mean I would like it if she had a nice smile yes”

“Ocean blue eyes?” the three asked simultaneously and all barked out a laugh. Lena narrowed her eyes “i’d like her to hav blue eyes but why are you guys acting so…. weird?” She asked, just then she saw her walking past their picnic table. Her jaw dropped as she watched the girl of her dreams (Litterly) look their way, make eye contact with her, smile and wave before walking off campus with a redhead girl.

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