And They Were Roommates

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Person A was worried they were being homophobic towards their roommate, turns out they're okay with person B kissing girls if its person A they were kissing


The first time Kara met her roommate it took her by surprise, later she'd find out that that was a very common reaction to her interactions with Lena Luthor.

Kara was doing her English homework at her desk, trying very hard not to scratch her eyes out over the painfully long texts she was forced to read for it. Her soccer coach had been clear; no good grades, no soccer. She couldn't possibly get kicked off the team, she was the start player of the team!

Kara liked studying, she was set on becoming a journalist when she finished college. Her older sister Alex and her friend Sam, were also on the team. More often than not they'd skip the parties they got invited to and just study in one of their dormrooms.

A best of the sixties playlist was playing faintly from her laptop but she barely got to hear the opening lines of Etta James' At last before there was a loud crash from the doorway of her dorm, scaring the shit out of her.

“Oh Hi!” A female voice called from the doorway.

Kara, now somewhat having recovered from her tiny heart attack stood, one hand over her heart and the other just hung slack beside her.

“Who are you!?” she asked the intruder.

The black haired girl laughed and stepped into view. A red suitcase laid before her feet, making her almost trip over it but she quickly composed herself.

“My name is Lena, I'm your new roommate. Can I just-." She spoke as she gestured to the unoccupied side of the dorm room.

Kara nodded and stepped aside, not taking her eyes off her.. roommate but not quite smiling either. Blame the hear tattack. Instead the frown was still on her face

“But they said you were arriving next week.”

“Wow, It's really nice to meet you too.” Lena chuckled, tucking a long strand of her raven black hair behind her ear.

“Yes….well... Sorry” Kara, eventhough she was still shaken upon Lena's entré, took a deep breath and extended her hand. “I’m Kara!"

Lena looked at the outstretched hand and raised a brow, it made Kara retract her hand with an awkward, tight smile that made Lena grin and shake her head. Lena studied Kara for a few seconds, looking her up and down before she stated;

“You’re an odd one, Kara.”

Kara frowned at this “You met me two minutes ago.”

“Well, I’m a great judge of character" Lena smirked and then reached down to lift the heavy suitcase onto her bed.

Kara's eyes followed the movement, a strange fluttering rising within her as the girl's arms flexed. She couldn’t deny that Lena was a beautiful girl, she wore a red shirt and midrise blue jeans, showing off her curves. Kara watched as Lena pulled out books about science from her suitcase. Apparently Lena was smart too. She quickly passed off those thoughts and the stirring in her chest, (which only increased as Lena stretched and revealed her abs) as annoyance.

Lena was obnoxious  and cocky, she literally crashed into Kara's dorm room! No way she'd get Kara's compliments about her beauty, she thought. Annoyance. Yes, that was the only explanation.

And Lena Luthor was quite the annoyance as Kara very quickly discovered. Within two weeks, there were books and science stuff all over the blonde’s side of the room, there were crumbs everywhere, there was always music blasting so fucking loud from Lena's earphones that she might as well just play it out loud. Lena was keen on doing experiments, how she didn't blow anything up is beyond Kara. Lena's nightlamp was always on since the girl was always tinkering on some tech devices till late in the night, making it almost impossible for Kara to get a goodnight rest. And there were visitors. All. The. Time.

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