College rivals part 2

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[A/N] As promised part 2!

"Kara? Kara! We have to get into the bus now, principal Astra has called our names" Lucy said as she pulled the blondes arm. Kara pulled her gaze away from Lena who looked just as confused as she felt "oh right... Okay lets" she responded vaguely, she slowly followed Lucy, Winn and Alex into the back of the bus and looked at Lena through the window.

"What was that all about Kara?" Winn asked referring to the events of earlier, Kara shrugged "nothing, we just.... we have met before" she said quietly

Lucy, who had already half fallen asleep on Alex' shoulder huffed loudly "she's a Bear! A Hearts! Bad news if you'd ask me" she finished her sentence with a jawn

"Well nobody asked you Luce" Kara said and stuck out her tongue to her best friend "she's actually... really nice" she added with a shrug. Alex shook her head "I don't care if she's nice or not, I don't want you close to any Hearts student without a good reason" she sad firmly.

"You can't make me stay away from them! Just because you have bad experiences with Hearts doesn"t mean they're all bad" Kara hissed in fustration. Alex looked at her with her angry bigger sister stare "Don't talk to me like that Kara, I'm just trying to protect you. This conversation is over!".

Kara huffed loudly and pulled out her earphones and her note book and started doodling, trying to ignore the curious looks from Winn and Lucy"s loud snores once again. She looked up to the front of the bus and her breath hitched as she stared right into Lena's bright green eyes causing her to blush immediatly.

Turning back to her drawing she sighed as she saw she had begun to draw the outlines of Lena's face. She was in deep and she didn't know if she liked it.


"Its nothing Sam, we talked like once. And only for short while" Lena shrugged. The were waiting for principal Grant to call their names. Sam to roll her eyes "Don't give me that nonsense. You know how Hartfeld is, they are rude and loud and you shouldn't be talking to or even looking at any of them!"

Lena turned to her quickly "You- you're such a hypocrite! I saw you looking at the tall one!" she called out. Sam blushed bright red "thats different and its not like I like her. You clearly have the hots for that one" she said and nodded to Kara through the window.

"I Don't know what you're talking about" Lena said and tucked her hair behind her ear. Sam was about to call bullshit on that when principal Grant called out their names "Miss Arias, Miss Luthor don't make me repeat myself and make sure Mister Olsen is seated with you."

They nodded and gathered their bags before getting into the bus. Lena couldn't help but look at the Hartfelt students in the back and lock eyes with a blue eyes blonde, smiling when she noticed her blush.

"Hey stop staring at the tigers and help me with this crossword puzzle!" Sam said as she tapped her crossword puzzle with a pencil. Lena sighed and took a seat next to her "alright what is the question?"

" A different, 8 letter word for attractive?"

"Thats easy, Enticing" Lena answered and without really trying to fight it she looked behind her. Kara was already looking at her wich caused her to smile shyly.

"That fitted! What is another word for "enjoyable?" Sam asked, disturbing their stare contest again. "Oh uhm... Try  Delectable?" Lena said. Sam hummed as the word fitted "you're good at this Lena, I bet you wish you were this good in hiding your crush on a Tiger"

Lena blushed "I have no idea what you're talking about"


"I cant believe we got up at the god forgotten hour of 6 am only to go to a motherfucking museum" Lucy groaned causing Kara to laugh "don't be so dramatic Luce, besides this is an art museum! Totally my thing!"

Alex smiled "alright you big art nerd. Lets  go inside before Kara faints or before principal Astra starts making out with Grant".  Winn made a face "iew. A bear and a tiger just don't mix ya know". They all laughed at Winn's comment while Kara  only muster a tighed lipped smile.

Once they entered the museum Kara soon found herself dragging Alex along to every painting and info booth "oh my! Alex look! The first pencil ever! Isn't it cool!"

"It's super cool Kar, but I'd like to keep my arm attached to my body. If you must run around like a child do it withouth me" Alex said as she rubbed her arm. Kara pouted "fine, but don't get confused she you dont have me to explain you things."

Alex raised her eyebrow and grinned "I Think I'll manage"


"Lena, my feet hurt" Sam whined causing Lena to roll her eyes "already? We've only been here for like an hour! We only saw half of the exhabition."

"I know but I really want to sit. Its to early for this shit anyways. You can go without me, I'll catch up" Sam said. Lena raised her eyebrow "ooookay. Uhm I'll see you later then I guess"

Lena walked further, not really all that interested in the artwork anymore. She knew that since James left earlier and now that Samantha left her aswell she had a chance to look for the blue eyed blonde she couldn't get out of her mind. She stumbled upon Kara a little while later, the blonde was sitting on a bench drawing in a little note book.

"A sketchbook might be easier to draw in Then a little note book such as that one" Lena said, causing Kara to look up at her and smile. "Lena, hey! Uhm.. Do you- want to sit....with me?" she said nervously.

"Of course. I do have an excuse to talk to you, you know." Lena said as she sat down besides Kara and handed her her sketchbook back "no keep it" Kara said "I don't know if you'd noticed but we are from different schools and my sister practicly forbid me to talk to you or any Hearts student" Kara sighed "So i Don't know when or if we get to talk again"

"Oh right. I did notice, Samantha isn't thrilled about us talking either But i just can't help thinking about you all the time" Lena said "maybe we should excange phone numbers? I'd like to talk to you more often"

Kara couldn't help but smile at that "sure i'd like to talk to you more often too". Kara  handed Lena her phone and watched as her fingers flew over the screen.

Lena handed her phone back and tucked her hair behind her ear "I know we're supposed to be rivals but... You know we have a free day to do what we want tomorrow and uhm there is is this cool wine and art class nearby the park where we met. And I wondered-"

"Kara! There you are! What are you doing with her?" Lucy asked as she walked up to Kara and pulled her away from Lena "Astra wants us to return to the bus" 

"Oh but!" Kara tried to talk but couldn't get more words out since Lucy dragged her away. She looked back to Lena who watched in defeat as Kara got dragged off and away from her.

Kara's phone buzzed a little while later and she smiled as she read it

"You in for the Wine and Art with me? I'd like to see you again without interruptions this time? x L"


Hey everyone! I hope you liked this. Let me know if I should continue this [a part 3!!??] Or if I should just give up right now.

Xx Val👑

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