Dragon Dance

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Hands all cold and wet from cleaning Dipper's mess, I walk to the back to find a paper towel roll. Seeing one over the sink, I grab a couple and dry my hands off. I sigh and start walking back over to Mabel when my stomach growls and grumbles. "Ughhh," I throw my head back in exasperation.

'What to eat, what to eat...aha!' I grab a bag of chips, specifically 'Funyuns' because those are my favorite. I open the bag, making a satisfying pop noise, having the air escape, and start munching on the rings. I make my way back to Mabel, she's still vibrating, and plop down next to her. "Want one?" I offer her a ring but I know it's a fruitless effort, knowing she's not going to respond, "more for me then." I shrug and stuff it in my mouth depressingly.

Dipper walks over in a nervous fashion, wringing his hands, "Mabel, I need your advice. We're hanging out in a haunted convenience store, I can't get a hold of Grunkle Stan, and if I say anything about it to any of these guys they'll just think I'm a scared little kid or something!"

'Are you kidding me right now...' 

"Uh hello! Right here, yes, right here, why are you talking to Mabel when she is obviously out of it, PLUS I'm sitting right here!" I throw my arms up, some onion rings fly out of the bag and break on the floor. My brother looks over to me then Mabel really fast, then focuses on me.

"Right, sorry Macie, uh I was...nevermind...but you heard what I said right?"

"Unfortunately.." I roll my eyes.

"What is that supposed to mean?" He puts his hands on his hips, now confused and irritated at my attitude.

"Oh nothing! You just go ahead and play with your teenage friends, leave me to clean up your mess, give you confidence, help you out, believe in you, while you leave me to myself, not to mention Mabel too, and ignore me, all the while I'm over here...wondering, what I did...wrong!" I exclaim all cheery and sarcastic, trying not to let the tears in my eyes fall freely onto my face. I look away at Mabel, trying to avoid Dipper's gaze, and start dusting her off from all the sugar to try to distract me.

"I-I'm sorry Macie, I didn't know you felt this way. But, I could really use your help-the teens are looking at a tape outline of the two who were killed here and-"

"OH, you could use my help! Wow, I would be honored to help you, dear brother! Hang on, let me drop everything I'm doing and help you out of this mess you got yourself in!" I stand up, wiping crumbs off of me.  "Well? What are you waiting for, oh brother of mine?" I start walking ahead and turn around when he doesn't follow. 

He has the most confused  and scared face I have ever seen on him, he nervously follows my lead, "Oh-oh ok then, y-yeah let's go..."

We get to behind the counter, where the tape is, and I fake my confusion and put my hand up to my chin 'thinking'.

Robbie shoves Lee, " Dude, I dare you to lie down in it."

"Good idea, go lie down in it." He tells Nate, punching him forward.

"Haha look, I'm a dead body!" Nate goes to lay down in the markings, when Dipper stands up, putting his arms out to stop Nate.

"Wait! Maybe let's not do that.."

"This guy's scared." Lee taunts, pointing at the 12 year old.

"All I'm saying is, why tempt the fates? I mean.. What if this place really is... haunted?" Dipper tries to explain. All the teens start to boo him, waving their hands in dismissal.

"Jeez, take it down a notch, Captain Buzzkill!" Robbie huffs.

"But-I thought I was Doctor Funtimes?" Dipper whines quietly.

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