My Sister, Pushy

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Another Black Butler title reference! 

"Heya, Macer! Have you seen your brother around?" I turn my head to see Soos, a smile on his happy, but confused, face. 

"He's over at Wendy's for that terrible movie night," I answer.

"Oh, okay, thanks!" The handy-man nods and then vanishes, leaving me alone in the hallway. 'I forgot what I was going to go do...Oh, and I don't get to see Dipper flip out after laying down on Wendy's bras! I could go watch it on my laptop...No, too risky...'

"Oh, Mabel!" I catch the young female before she turns the corner, "Whatcha doin'?"

"Going to watch the new episode of Duck-tective!!" She jumps excitedly, then stops and frowns, tilting her head, "Why? Wanna join?"

"Not really, but I am really bored..."

"Then let's go!"

"I don't care for the show, though!"

"Welp, when you're bored, you can't say no to someone!" she states and pulls me with her. Before I knew what was happening, I was sat down on the chair and the TV turned on before I could scat. "Aw man! It's on commercial..." Mabel's grin turns upside down.

"Hup!" I stand up, but get smacked right back down by a determined sister, "Oh come on! I don't wanna watch this show!"

"Too bad, you're stuck with me. I'm amazing!" I chuckle at her energy. 

I sigh but settle back down, finding a comfy spot on my side and resting my head on Mabel's lap.

"Any plans I need to know about?" I ask, not moving in any way.

"Dipper came to me and Soos earlier before he left, saying how he wants to go find that secret bunker we saw in the journal using the black light."

"Ah. And when is this?"

"Mmm," she ponders, brushing her fingers through my messy hair, "sometime tomorrow I think."

"Ok, cool." We get quiet when the theme song starts to play.

~~Time Skip brought to you by: "Dude, you're laying on my bras..."

"AHHHHHHHHH!!!" (Best part hands down...until we get to a certain someone's internet history!)~~

"Macie!" Someone draws my name out in a long yell across the shack, "Are you coming or what!?"

"Yeah, I'm comin'!" I shout back, stuffing the last of my supplies in my backpack. I trot downstairs to see the group waiting for me by the front door. When he sees me, Dipper visibly brightens.


"Let's do this!" I pump my fist in the air.

When we get to the tree, the little machine in the background from when Dipper and I found the journal sticks out, Dipper pulls out a clipboard and taps a pen on it rapidly. "Thank you all for coming," he says to us.

Mabel jabs a thumb onto her chest, smiling, "Hey, when there's a mystery, you can count on your sister...-ey."

"Yeah, and if you need help for a mystery, you better call Macie! See? Mine automatically rhymes!" I grin and close my eyes, hands on my hips proudly.

Soos laughs and joins in, "That's an amazing rhyme. When you want some, good... When you need a Soos, you... Oh oh, gosh, I don't know." I pat him on the stomach.

"We're here to solve the number one mystery in Gravity Falls; who wrote this journal?! Thirty years ago the author vanished without a trace. But according to this new clue," 'Not the only mystery that needs solving...' Dipper shines his portable black light onto the page, revealing hidden words and drawings, "we may have found his hiding place. We find that author, we learn the answers to everything. We just need to figure out a way to get down there." He finishes and closes the book, stuffing it back into his vest.

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