Not So Neighborly

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'Carpet Diem. I love this episode dearly, but I forgot about the twins' late night mini golf excursion.' 

"Hwaah! Total domination! I am the master of Attic Stuff Mini-golf! From the mighty Swiss Alps! To the badlands of Dipper's old laundry where man fears to tread!" I can hear Mabel's muffled squeals through my pillow that I'm crushing against my ears. I didn't get a wink of sleep last night because I was busy doing...stuff. 'Definitely not reading fan fiction...Shhh!'

"Guuuuuyyys!" I whine, now sitting up in my bed, "Please, for the love of Thor, go to bed!" I toss a side pillow at Mabel. It promptly makes a soft thunk and lands on the ground, my sister not even giving it the time of day, as she readies her golf club for the next shot.

"Sorry, Macie. We have like, twelve more holes to go," Dipper tells me. 

"Twelve? Come one guys! I am so tired and I just wanna sleep!" I sound like I'm practically begging. The two ignore me as Dipper gets a 'Stan Shot' and celebrate until Mabel's alarm clock goes off. "Oh my gosh FINALLY!"

"What? Did you not know that was going to happen?" Mabel gives me a malicious grin. 

"Well, I was so tired, so I forgot about- would you please stop looking at me like that- I forgot about it.

Mabel shrugs and turns to Dipper, "Ok well, Dipper, I gotta go hang out with Candy and Grenda tonight.

"Aw, again? You can't leave mid-game," Dipper says sullenly.

"Don't be silly, I'm not leaving. My friends are coming to me!" Mabel throws her arms up, excitedly. "You could finish with Macie?" She gestures to me.

I immediately grab my blanket and turn to the wall, dramatically  pulling it with me, having it look like a cape in the process. "Nope! I'm going to sleep!"

I laugh at Dipper's horrified scream when Candy and Grenda burst through the door, yelling "SLEEPOVER!" 

After that, I hum the theme song in my head before 'Finally!' falling asleep.

~~Time Skip brought to you by: Macie going to sleep at, like, 7:30 because I forgot to put that detail in and she's super tired....yeah..~~

I wake up, quickly checking my phone and seeing that it says it's roughly nine, then sit up to see Grenda punching the ground chanting the word beautiful. I was about to say something, but Dipper beat me to it, "Arrrrgh! Mabel! Do you think you can do this somewhere else?! You're laughing at frequencies only dogs should hear!" I stifle a snort at Dipper's complaint.

"Mabel, come on, this is ridiculous, why can't you have a sleepover in the living room?" I ask her, siding with Dipper this time.

"Come on guys, it's not that bad!" 'Why is she trying to plead a case that is not worth pleading? Scratch what I said, I'm not even making sense to myself anymore...'  While zoning about trying to make sense of what I just said, I get cut off by Dipper's shrieks of terror. Then watch as he hastily makes an escape and dodges all of the girls' attempts to give him a makeover. 

Their three faces form frowns when my brother escapes, but then they turn to me and their frowns turn to evil, maniac smiles. Eyes wide, I hurriedly make my way out of the room as well, only narrowly escaping the three maniacs. Out of breath, I catch Dipper walking down the hall with a blanket and pillow in hand. 'Dangit! In my haste I forgot about my pillow and blanket!'

"Dip! Wait, wait up!" I call out to him and he turns around. 

"Did they try to get you, too?" he deadpans, almost knowing the answer already.

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