Memories Lost But Not Forgotten

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"Alright guys, we're dealing with a  secret society of evil mind erasers." Dipper starts, then turns to Old Man McGucket, "I'll bet they erased your memory a long time ago. If we could find where your memories have been hidden, it could be the key to unlocking all the mysteries of Gravity Falls. All right, Mabel, Wendy, and Macie, you three stay here and make sure those robe guys don't come back."

"Whoo! Girl's club!" Wendy ruffles both Mabel's and my hair.

"Wait. Really? Why can't I go?" I fix my messy reddish-brown hair.

"Because, it'd be easier to split into teams, girls and boys, plus it's even." I roll my eyes at his poor explanation. I mock Dipper's talking by puppeting my hand behind his back while he speaks. Everyone chortles except the oblivious one. "Soos, you, me, and McGucket are gonna go find the Hall of the Forgotten. What? What's so funny?" he asks innocently, not noticing me. The group stops laughing instantly and looks off to the side, mock whistling. I stop my movements as well.

Dipper turns around and sees nothing suspicious, so he shakes his head and starts leading the men down the hall. "So what do you guys wanna do?" I turn and ask the ladies.

"Ehhhh." Mabel slumps and walks into the open chamber, clambering onto the red seat in the middle. "I just don't get it, Wendy, Macie. I hug a lot, I can burp the alphabet, I have scratch and sniff clothing. Why does every boy leave me?"

"Weellll, first of all," I start off until I feel a hand slap my chest. I look up and see Wendy is gesturing me to not do what I'm about to do. I dutifully nod my head, even though I don't agree.

"Pfft, who cares? Boys are the worst. You shouldn't get hung up, man," Wendy consoles the poor girl.

"True. Boys do suck," I agree, patting my sister's knee.

"Maybe I come on too strong, you know?" Mabel gazes at the ceiling. "Oh, I kno-!" Wendy cuts Mabel off after pulling her hair up to her lips, making it look like she has a mustache.

"Well, what's your opener? Pretend I'm a boy. Mmmm testosterone." She spits onto the ground ways away from us. Mabel looks troubled for a moment, before taking a deep breath.

"HI! I'M MABEL! I'M TWELVE AND I OWN A PIG! WANT TO GET MARRIED?!" Mabel exclaims way too loud, standing up in her chair. Wendy and I make eye contact before bursting out laughing.

The older girl takes and puts her hair back to normal, "Honestly, that was perfect. You should just forget about guys, man."

"Macie! I know how to deal with this!" Mabel squeals in my face.

"Wh-what!?" I back up, feeling stiff all of a sudden.

She stops for a second, "Well actually I have two ideas... BUT! I wanna try this one first! So, Macie, you can tell me if it gets better, or even if I get a boyfriend! Right? RIGHT?!" Mabel takes a step closer to me with every other word, making me more nervous than I was before.

"Whoa whoa whoa! Mabel I can't," I look to Wendy and then back to Mabel, covering half my mouth and whispering the rest, "I can't just tell you!"

"Whaat are you guys talking about over there?" the lumber-girl voices from her spot she took on the chair.

"Heh, nothing!"I turn and shout back. I return my focus to Mabel's watering eyes. "Mabel! You know I can't just tell you anything about the future! Plus, I thought you were gonna stop being so boy crazy!"

"I-I know but, but I- I just want to know if this, this pain goes away!" She clutches her chest. 'I'm not sure if she's being over-dramatic or not...'

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