Conflict, Conflict, And More Conflict

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While the Mystery Shack is closed for repairs, the twins and I lounge around in the gift shop with Grunkle Stan. Mabel binged on a bag of Cheese Boodles, or Cheeto Puffs if you will. She whoops when finishing the last puff, "I just ate a bag of Cheese Boodles without using my hands. Lazy Tuesday, you are delivering in a big way!"

Stan, who is behind the counter, agrees with a chuckle, "Heh. Yeah. It's nice to finally have a day where nothing interesting happens whatsoever." The irony strikes us at that moment, as Ford comes barreling out of the vending machine with a Cycloptopus wrapped around his arm.

I scream out of surprise, while everyone else screams out of terror. "Get down! Don't let it taste human flesh!" Ford warns.

"What is it?!" Dipper asks.

"Can we keep it!?" Mabel gushes obliviously. 'Did she not hear his warning of not letting it taste human flesh?!'

We wait a little bit with panic flowing through the room before Stanford finally catches the darn thing. Grumbling, Stan crosses his arms. "Great. Now get it outta here. It smells like if death could barf," he says as Ford is walking back through the secret door. 

I suddenly get pushed out from my place on the ground, almost falling but thankfully keeping my balance, by Dipper who is holding Journal 2 like a life line. "Great Uncle Ford! You need any help with that? I've read all about these creatures in your journal, and I think I know how to--" The poor boy gets cut off before he can fan-girl anymore.

"No! I'm sorry, Dipper, but the dark weird road I travel, I'm afraid you cannot follow. Well, call me for dinner!" And the door closes with Ford behind and Dipper looking depressed.

"Dip! Don't be depresso, have some espresso!" I try. The only response I get is a weak mumble at most.

'Welp, my plan failed...' I sigh. "Aww, Dipper, don't take it so hard." Mabel tries to console the sulking boy.

Before I can add in, or he could retort, Stan interrupts by smacking Dipper in the head with a rolled up newspaper, "No, do take it hard. Take it hard and serious. My brother is a dangerous know-it-all, and the stuff he's messing with is even worse. Do yourself a favor and stay away from him, you hear me?" The twelve year old pouts like a nine year old.

"But, Grunkle Stan, all summer long I've wanted to know who the author of the journal was. Now the guy lives in our basement and I can't even talk to him," he argues.

"Don't worry about what's in the basement. You belong up here with me and your sisters!" Stan exclaims over-dramatically.

"Yeah! Besides, the season finale of Duck-tective is airing this Friday! That's all the mystery you'll need this week. Quack with us, Dipper! Quack, quack quack quack..." Mabel starts trailing off, quacking immensely.

"Huha, yeah! Quack quack, quack quack..." the old man joins with our silly sister.

"Dip- who cares if Ford isn't paying attention to you, I mean, he's probably super busy maintaining the portal stuff," I start, waving my hands around, "plus- Mabel, PLEASE!" I glare at the still quacking girl. She quiets down a bit. "," I continue, "I'm here! And I'll be glad to do stuff with you, like...well, I- don't- I don't know what we'd do but whatever it is, I'll do it!"

"Gee, thanks, Macie..." Dipper trudges out of the room.

"I know, I'm grea- wait a sec!" 'There was sarcasm in his voice! That little-'  I chase after him.

~~Time Skip brought to you by: Mabel's letter to her parents: Dear Mom and Dad, we've been in Gravity Falls for a few months and so much has happened! Just yesterday gravity reversed itself, almost destroying the universe and totally wrecking the whole town! But the coolest part of the summer was when Grunkle Stan's twin brother came out of this portal-thingy. Now we have two grunkles for the price of one! And they are adorable together!~~

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