Chapter five: The Discovery.

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Chapter five: The Discovery.

Jamie's POV

I had been here for hours or day. I couldn't keep track anymore, but it felt like months already. I didn't know why this person wanted me here, I thought I was a nice enough person but, not well known around town.

So my biggest question is why me? If this person wanted me dead then why hadn't he killed me already?

Broken from my thoughts, the door unlocked and the same person came in and I was frozen against the wall, not wanting him to touch me.

"Hello." He said in a creepy voice but, I stayed silent. He turned towards the door and switched on a light in the room and I could finally see. I squinted my eyes and once they get used to the light, I looked around feeling helpless and scared.

"I am your guardian from now on until you die." He said as he came closer.

"W-Why?" I stuttered.

"Because you're my next victim," he smirked, "you will have a visitor soon." He turned and switched the light off, walked away and locked the door.

I saw his shadow disappear. Victim? Visitor? That scared me. I started to cry and I sat on the cold ground chained to a wall, I hadn't had food or water yet and I was starting to feel weak.

Was anybody looking for me? I knew Sam and Lucas would. Hopefully. I just hoped that Hillary and Haylee were safe. I decided to close my eyes and daydream about the memories I had when starting as a freshman at High School. I smiled when I remembered how I met Haylee and Hillary and then Sam later on. Such good times but that was gone.

I had to keep sane and my thoughts about the people I loved most will help me do that.


I was awoken by the sound of the doors opening and the light switched on. I felt sleepy but, when I heard footsteps come closer, I opened my eyes straight away and leaned back against the wall.

He pulled out a syringe. "Get away from me!" I yelled as he grabbed my arm and I was unable to move.

"Stay still or you'll be dead." He ordered and that scared me so I let him inject me. Whatever he interjected me with, it suddenly made feel sleepy and more tired. I was suddenly drifted off into an endless dream.

Well, that was what I thought.

Sam's POV

When the police came, they asked us all sorts of questions. We gave them a photo of Jamie and they left. They said they couldn't do much as they were still trying to figure out if the guy who killed those teenagers was the guy who took Jamie.

"The police are pathetic." I heard Lucas say.

"Thumbs up to that." Haylee said.

"Jamie promised me she would come home." I heard Jacob's soft voice say as he looked up at me.

"She will come home soon." I reassured him. He smiled and he found him mom in the kitchen. She hadn't come out since the police left.

"I bet we would have a better chance of finding her." Lucas said as the room fell silent.

"Doubt it." Hillary frowned.

"Maybe we would." I said.

Lucas gave me a faint smile. "But we don't tell mom and dad." Lucas said and I nodded .

"Hold up," Hillary paused, "we can't just look for her when we have no idea where she is and she has only been gone for twenty four hours." Hillary finished leaving Lucas annoyed.

"Shut up, do you want to find her or not?" Lucas snapped.

"Of course, idiot. Why do you think I'm here?" Hillary snapped back. Lucas and Hillary didn't get along, they hated each other and it was really showing.

"I dont know, maybe she disappeared because you're here." He smirked at his lame comeback.

"Guys!" Haylee and I both said and they turned towards our direction. "This is about Jamie and finding her safe and bringing her home." Haylee said in a soft voice.

"She's right," I said, "I know it's a long shot but maybe the police will find her."

I got interrupted. "Oh, like the other teenagers?" Lucas questioned.

"It's not impossible. I'm worried as much as you are so let the police do their job and if nothing changes then I think we should do something." I finished.

"But, what if we're too late?" Haylee asked.

"Yeah, Sam. What if we're too late?" Lucas butted in again.

I didn't say anything for a few seconds. "This is hard on everyone and I may not show it but I really want Jamie to be safe. I miss her and her smile and hugs and kisses. I miss her laugh and her jokes, just everything!" I yelled as I broke down into tears.

Haylee hugged me. "Everything will be okay." She whispered as she cried with me. I could feel Lucas rolling his eyes.

"We need to stop arguing, for Jamies sake." Hillary said.

"Agreed." I sobbed. I really wanted Jamie back, she was my everything and I've lost her.

"What's with all the yelling?" Jamie's dad came in.

"Sorry." Everyone mumbled as he returned to his wife and youngest child.

I sighed. "I don't know what we should do." Everyone sat on the couch in the living room.

"I know what needs to be done." Haylee spoke up and everyone listened.

Haylee's POV

I felt very shy and quiet but, I had to speak up for Jamie's sake. "We will need a group of people, posters, flyers, anything we can write on to advertise that Jamie is missing. We will use Facebook, Twitter and anything useful." I finished and feeling like I finally spoke out.

"Why didn't we think of that?" Lucas asked himself. "Good idea, Haylee." He said to me and I blushed. I had always had a crush on Lucas and I never told anyone not even Jamie or Hillary. Thinking about Jamie was making me realise that she was missing and she needed our help.

We needed her home.


The next morning, we all woke up in the living room. We must have fallen asleep while making posters. "Breakfast?" I heard Karen's voice echo.

"Not for me thanks." Lucas rubbed his eyes and got up from the couch as everyone else did. I suddenly heard a knock at the door but, no one else seemed to notice.

"Looks like I'll get it." I said to myself and walked towards the door to open it. "Morning officers." I saw the two men standing at the door.

"Morning, may we come in?" One man asked and I nodded and let them in. I showed them to the living room and everyone looked happy that they were here.

"Morning, I'm detective Trent and this is my partner, Detective Brennan." Detective Trent said.

"Any new leads?" Jamie's dad cut to the chase.

"Yes, one women came in this morning saying she saw a male dressed in black. She said that he was dumping something into the lake," he paused and sighed, "we believe that this male is kidnapping and killing these teenagers and dumping them in the lake."

"Well, that's great you found something, so what's next?" Karen asked.

"We are looking into it." Detective Brennan said.

"So, in other words," Lucas cut in, "you have nothing."

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