Chapter twenty nine: Nearing The End.

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Chapter twenty nine: Nearing The End.

"Sam!" I complained. "Go to football practice, I'll be fine." I yelled as he was in the bathroom contemplating whether he should go to training or not.

"But, I'm going to miss you." He walked out, smirking.

"Cut the crap and go." I tried to be serious.

"You sure you're going to be okay?" He asked me and I nodded as he came over and kissed me on the lips. He finally went and took a shower.

I decided to fall asleep but fat chance of that "Jamie!" I heard one little voice yell as George  ran in and jumped on our bed.

I moaned and he got under the covers. "Where's daddy?" George asked, laughing.

"In the shower." I said slowly as my eyes began to drift off to sleep.

"Okay, I will wait here." His soft voice said and he was under the covers being quiet. Too quiet.

I forced my eyes open and I lifted the covers up and I saw George sleeping, I slowly grabbed Sam's iPhone and I took a quick picture of this cute moment. I placed it back and placed the covers back and I drifted off to sleep again.

I was awoken a few minutes later by Sam coming in with a towl around his waist and I opened my eyes and smile. "Don't take that off." I giggled.

He looked confused. "Why babe? You've seen it before." He said as I lifted the covers to show him George.

He smiled. "Aw."

I placed the covers back into place and let his children sleep. Sam rushed back to the bathroom to put his normal clothes on and I laid awake.

"Gotta run." He said while grabbing his sports bag with him uniform inside and he kissed me one more time.He left the room and the house. I heard his car and I fell back to sleep but not for long.


Once Sam left this morning, I remembered what his coach said. He said that if he didn't show up then he was off for the whole season and I pushed him to go. He didn't want to but I basically kicked him out the door while I was still in bed. Aren't I a nice girlfriend?

I tried and get the children settled but it was no use.

They either wanted Sam or Jess and I was trying to get them to want me too. Julie was being a teenager and ignoring everything I said.

"Ugh, you know what?" I said while placing my hands on my hips. "I'll take you to see Rachel and Khloe."

They smiled. "Yay!" They said as they ran upstairs.

I called Rachel and asked her to take them off my hands as Sam was away and she agreed. They would probably go to the beach today.

I got the kids ready and their swimsuits, sun screen and the important stuff. Rachel arrived and I waited for the kids by the door "Come one!" I yelled and they both ran downstairs.

Rachel and I talked for a little about how her and my brother had been spending so much time together because dad was always looking after Khloe.I would not like to hear about my brothers sex life. After a while, they left. I hoped Sam didn't mind, I was sure he wouldn't.

It started to get dark outside like it was going to rain and yes I was right it started raining with thunder and lighting. I suddenly get a text from Rachel saying they will be at her and Lucas' place for the night so Sam and I could be alone for awhile.

I turned most of the lights on so it was not too creepy in here being all alone. It was actually pretty dark for three o'clock. This day had gone quicker than usual. I decided to head for a quick shower and I usually sat on the floor against the corner of the wall if Sam wasn't in with me. When my brother was back, I would be happy and I would finally have my life back again.

I heard the phone ring in the distance. "Shit!" I cursed as I quickly grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me. I shut the water off and left the bathroom.

I raced down the stairs and went into the living room to answer it. "Hello?" I said, breathing heavily because I rushed to get there. "Hello?" I asked again but no one answered. "Anybody there?" I asked and the line went dead.

"Strange." I said to myself as I placed the phone back. I tightened my towel, feeling unsafe as the lights started to flicker on an off.

I was so confused as to why this was happening. The power then suddenly went off and I was in complete darkness.I was so scared, what was happening? The phone ran again, it was a cordless phone so it didn't need power.

I slowly picked it up and answered. "Hello?" I said softly.

I heard childrens laughter in the background and someone's voice yelling something that was so quiet. I listened carefully. "Help!" It repeated over and over. It sounded like Jacob.

"Jacob?" I screamed. "Who are you?" I yelled again.

"We're coming for you." I heard Jacobs voice say.

I dropped the phone away from me as I stepped away from it.

Tears formed in my eyes. That sounded so much like Jacob and it scared me to the point where I wanted to hide forever. The power suddenly went back on and I went upstairs to get dressed.

I pulled up my jeans and buttoned it up and I put on a normal T-shirt, I cleaned my face from the tears and I made my way down the living room.Sam should be back soon, hopefully. I walked into the kitchen and I glanced up to the kitchen bench as I saw something shiny.

I then saw a sharp knife lying on the bench and I swore I never put it there. I walked closer and I saw red on it and I screamed. Was this a joke?

I placed my hand on my chest and I walked slowly towards it. I assumed it was blood. But who's?

I looked closer and I saw a little white piece of paper next to it. I picked it up feeling scared as I read it. "If you want to keep your brother safe then give yourself up and don't be late. Come alone or you'll be sorry. Be at the Woodbury forest at 5:30."

Tears filled my eyes yet again. "This is near the end." I said as I scrunched up the piece of paper and threw it onto the kitchen floor.

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