Chapter thirteen: Making A New Friend.

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Chapter thirteen: Making A New Friend.

"Stop!" I yelled as I shot up from my bed, my head was pounding and I felt dizzy. I couldn't seem to remember what happened when I was last awake. That lady still haunted my dreams at night and it just scared me because I recognised her and it always felt like it was not a dream, it was a memory but a bad memory.

I flung my legs over to touch floor and I got myself up but before I did, I was startled by the door unlocking and Ms. Tate peering in.

"Feeling better?" She asked calmly, handing me a fresh glass of cold water.

"What happened?" I asked because I think she knew the answer to that and I didn't want to be sarcastic. I think that part of me had disappeared.

"You had a minor panic attack but nothing to worry about, you'll be fine." She said, handing me my tablets for depression, panic attacks and insomnia. I slept for a few hours then I was awoken by the same dream every night and I could never return to sleep again. It made me tired. But I guess I was used to it because I have lived like this for a few months but I think the diary was pushing it a bit.

"I'll leave you to it, see you tomorrow for our next session." Ms. Tate left the room and I was alone with my thoughts.

I saw her every second day, every week until I remember everything.

Oh, what I would do to get out of here.


14th June 2016.

Dear Diary,

I haven't really written in you for a while (Why do I feel like I'm talking to a book?) but Ms. Tate said that I should pick this up again. It's been a cold hearted year. I nearly killed someone because of my panic attacks and I was locked up for six months and then Ms. Tate was kind enough to let me out early. I still have my dreams but not as much as they used to come up in my head. This diary sorta helps in a way. I am still having trouble figuring out my life before all of this but I do have mini flashbacks of someone, but I don't know who and it's so frustrating. That could be my ticket outa here. I don't have depression anymore. But I still have tiny panic attacks and a little bit of insomnia and I'm allowed to go outside (With supervision) and that's good for me, not the supervision part. I can't even have my own freedom for a second but other than that, it's so nice and warm outside since it's spring. I made a new friend, his name is Jack. He is in here because he suffers from an anxiety disorder (He did a year ago) but he is still in here and he seems perfectly fine to me. I haven't heard everything about him, he's a closed book compared to me. I told him everything about me and I only know so little about him. In time, he should tell me. I really like him, he seems like a decent guy.


I headed into the outside area where I was guarded by a guard and I saw Jack and his guard as he waved to me. It was a nice small area where all the patients were hanging out here doing whatever they wanted. It had fences surrounding the place so I didn't know why we needed guards. It had a setting area and a backetball court and a priavte area for other things. 

I took a look around and then went over to Jack. "Hey." I smiled.

"Hey." He smiled back.

I sat down on the bench next to him. "Hows it going with you trying to get outa here?" I asked him.

"Not so good, I really am fine and I feel great but don't worry. I have a plan." He said proudly.

"Great, are you going to tell me or not?"

He chuckled like he was plotting something that I shouldn't know. "Can we have some privacy?" Jack snapped at the two men and they headed off somewhere where they could still watch us.

"Well?" I asked, tapping my foot and waiting for him to answer.

He smirked. "I am going to break out of here and before you say 'I'm crazy' or 'It's impossible' hear me out." He looked me in the eye.

"Okay, go ahead."

"Well," he cleared his throat, "I am going to break out because soon both of us will be allowed out into normal room."

"Both?" I asked.

"Yeah. You'll be out soon, then we can start."

"We?" I asked again.

"Yes. I'm taking you with me Jamie." He smiled.

I was shocked. "Really? But, how?"

"We will figure it out in time, only a few more weeks. I've made sure of that." He paused like he was wanting to confess something.

"I don't know what to say." I said and he looked up and took my hand.

"What are you doing?" I asked, feeling nervous.

"I really like you Jamie and not just in a friend way." He smiled and before I could say anything else, he continued. "What I mean to say is, Jamie. I'm in love with you and I want to be with you so will you break out with me and we can live our lives freely and together?"

My eyes grew wide and my face became red. I had never been in a relationship in my life before, well not that I knew of so I didn't know what to think. "But we've only known each other nearly a year and I've never done the whole relationship thing before." I said, taking away my hand and shaking.

I started to feel dizzy and lightheaded again. "Don't worry, neither have I." He smiled.

"We can help each other." I smiled, feeling better and I knew what my answer was going to be.

And the next sentence that came out of my mouth, surprised me.

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