Chapter thirty: Love Can Be A Dangerous Thing Sometimes.

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Chapter thirty: Love Can Be A Dangerous Thing Sometimes.

I rushed outside, leaving the note scrunched up onto the kitchen floor. I saw my rental car parked outside the house that I got a few weeks ago as I couldn't afford a new car. I memorised the address and it was about an hour away so that should give me some time to think. I also wanted time to fly by because Jacob needed me. I left my phone at home on purpose.

Sam would probably find the knife, the blood in the kitchen and then he would find the note so I was screwed anyway. I was trying to protect Sam but knowing him so well he would definitely come after me when he found out. And then he would get everyone else involved. I kept going because I didn't have a lot of time before I needed to be there.

Gosh, I couldn't imagine how mad Sam would be again since he wanted to help me take them down but I needed to go solo on this.

This was my battle. I needed to finish this once and for all.


I approached the forest and I felt lightheaded. I entered the small one way road and passed trees standing tall, it did look beautiful at this time of night but it wouldn't be for long. I looked left and right for a sign or something to tell me where exactly in Woodbury forest I needed to be.

I looked at my watch and I saw it was almost time. "Shit!" I cursed. I circled around for a few more minutes until I saw a little cabin in the woods. I took a long shot and went to the direction of the cabin. The car moved slowly and I stopped as soon as I was a long distance away from it, just in case. I stepped outside, closing the car door quietly and I went onto the wooden deck at the front and I saw the door slightly open.

My palms were sweating and my hands were shaking. "Hello?" I said quietly as the door squeaked and I opened it fully. It was actually a nice place. Everything was so modern but I snapped out of my amazement for this place and I looked around for a clue to where the heck I was supposed to be headed. I went into the living room, the kitchen, the bathroom and even out at the front yard.

It had multiple bedrooms and I looked in every one of them until I heard a noise coming from the living room.

I jumped a little and I peeked out to see chair legs that wasn't there before, I looked further and saw a legs tied up. I quickly went into it's sight and I saw Jacob unconscious and beaten up.

"Jacob!" I whispered quietly as I ran towards him. His hands were tied up on the chair arms and his mouth was tapped with duct tape. "I'm so sorry." I started to sob but he was still not moving. I tried to untie him but the knot was so tight. I untapped his mouth and tried to wake him up. It was no use. "Ugh!" I said as I tree to look for a knife or something to cut it lose. I didn't think of a weapon, did I?

I heard the wooden floor creek and I spun around.

"Jamie. What a nice surprise." I saw two people stand directly in front of me. One of them had a gun.

I stood up slowly and I put my hands in front of me, begging her not to shoot. "Please." I begged as I was about to cry.

"Oh honey, we aren't going to shoot you. We love you." She smiles and I was kind of confused.

I saw Jacob slowly awaken and I bent down to him again. "Jacob!" I yelled.

"Don't move." She said angrily.

"Jamie?" I heard his faint voice.

"I'm here." I said as I held his hand while it was tied to the chair arm.

I listened to her. "You were like a daughter to us, Jamie. Until they took us away from you," she said, "we loved you more than those people did. They didn't treat you right." She finished

"Then why did you lock me away to die?" I asked, shaking.

"You were being naughty and it was your punishment until they found us and took us away from you." She sobbed.

"But you stabbed me." I said as I lifted my shirt up and showed them the fainted scar on my stomach, near my bellybutton.

"You stabbed her?" She screamed at the man.

"She was taken all the attention from you and you loved her more than you loved me, Mary." He said back. She ignored him.

"Let my brother go." I demanded.

"Oh, please. Once you are ours again, we will kill your family and everyone you love. Including Sam." She smirked.

I gasped. "Why? I haven't done anything to you people." I screamed without thinking.

She lowered her gun. "I told you, sweetie. If you listen we love you." She smiled.

"Lennie. That is another thing we must teach her." He nodded.

"Bullshit" I yelled as she turned her head my way.

She glared at me. "You better watch your mouth young lady," she bitterly, "before we head off forever, we must get rid of this boy you call your brother." Lennie said as took out a knife.

"No!" I yelled with tears in my eyes.

"Oh. Don't worry sweetie, I don't want to get my dress all bloody so you can have the privilege of doing it." She smirks as Lennie handed me the knife and Jacob was wide away.

"Take it!" He screamed.

"No!" I said, wanting to wake up from this nightmare and Jacob actually looked relieved.

"I can't take any more of your bad manners, Jamie." She yelled as she grabbed the nearest thing to her.

A baseball bat. She pushed Lennie out of the way and hit me in the head. I fell to the ground as I could hear Jacob scream. I fell black into darkness and all I could see was the light coming for me this time.

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