Chapter eleven: She's Back

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Chapter eleven: She's Back.

"All I remember was waking up in my own dreams." Said the girl who was sitting on my couch. "Sam? Hello?" She said to me.

"Jamie?" I asked again.

"Yeah, I'm here." Jamie said.

"Are you really there?" I asked, still processing that Jamie Summers, my high school girlfriend, was really sitting on my couch.

"Yes, Sam. I'm really here." She smiled. She looked really different but her face was exactly the same just like it was in high school.

Gosh, I missed her.

Jamie's POV


I woke up, trapped from my freedom. I could hardly breathe. I was trying to get myself out, I was starting to feel lightheaded and dizzy. I had been banging my hands against this wooden top as I screamed for help but nobody could hear me. Then I stopped when I got tired.

I was going to die.

I calmed myself down after a while and placed my hand on my stomach where it hurt, I honestly couldn't remember how I ended up like this. I passed out and I was scared that I would never awake again.


"She was suffocating in a wooden coffin and a citizen found her." A women's voice said.

I was awoken by the flashing lights that followed me and the voices that kept shouting. "She's awake!" Someone yelled. "Sweetie? My name is Dr. Smith, you have been in an accident and look pretty bad, we are going to take you into surgery." Was all I heard and then I lair into a deep sleep.

Where was I and what was my name?

*Flashback ends*

"So you were here the whole time and didn't bother to show your face for fifteen years when everyone had moved on?" Sam snapped, looking at me like I was not a real person.

"Sorry, I got caught up." I said shyly.

"For fifteen years?" He repeated.

"I forgot who I was." She said.

"What do you mean?" He snapped again.

Great, I had to explain the whole story again.

"After I got kidnapped, I was kept in a house with someone. I was tourted and I missed you guys so I had to get out but once I tried to escape, it always failed and there was no hope for me." I stopped to breathe before I carried on. Sam's eyes looked sorry, not angry but sorry and full of regret and guilt. "I guess I gave up and thought that you would have all moved on after the months I was gone. I nearly died because of a stab wound, I was locked in a coffin under the ground and then someone found me but I wasn't at home anymore. I was in another town, a very far place from here but no one knew who I was and I didn't either."


"Who are you, m'am?" A police officer asked me.

"I don't know." I said slowly.

"You can't remember anything?" The man asked.

"N-No" I stuttered.

"Okay then." He gave me that look and left to talk to another officer.

"I think she's bullshitting." I heard the officer whisper and that made me mad. "But she reminds me of someone." He continued.

"I'm not lying!" I screamed, ignoring that last sentence as I looked them straight in the eye. What ever happened to me that made me do what I was about to do next? "Stop telling me I'm lying, I'm not lying. Who am I? Why am I here?" I started screaming and yelling while nurses and doctors came in to hold me down.

I was pinned down to my bed as I struggled and screamed. The nurses were still holding me down as I felt a pinch of a sharp needle go into my stomach and then I felt weak and lifeless. I then fell in a deep sleep and woke up in an unknown place.


"You came out of know where in a coffin." A lady called Mrs. Tate said.

"Like I said for the hundredth time, I don't know." I snapped crossing my arms as I sat on the couch in a medium size room with a blond lady staring at me like I needed help.

"I'm not crazy." I said as she wrote that down on her large notepad.

"Mhm." She replied. Yup, she thought I was crazy. They've tried to find me on the records but there was no trace of 'me' but I didn't know who 'me' was. All I remembered was my name and that was it. Everything was blank and I couldn't remember a thing about my old life.

"So, Jamie," she paused, "how are you feeling?"

"Like you care." I frowned.

"Right, let's get down to the point. You don't remember who you are?" She looked up from her notepad.

"Yes and I'm not crazy." I repeated.

"Let's talk about what you remember last." She said.

"Waking up in a hospital." I told her.

"No. Before that." She looked at me like I was stupid. I actually tried to think really hard. I've been in here for a few weeks now, I was in New Yorks Mental Correctional Centre and I hadn't really tried remembering anything, I wanted to get out and to find my old life because I knew I had one.

"Well, I remember my name was Jamie and that's it." She nodded and wrote that down.

"Well, have you thought of the other possibilities?"

"Like?" I asked.

"Like, the Jamie who was once you. The Jamie who had a family, had friends, siblings, a life." She paused and stared at me, waiting for an answer.

"I don't really think about that stuff, I just live for now." I responded feeling pretty happy with myself.

"But don't you want to know your past?" I shook my head no. "Time is nearly up with this session so we will pick this up tomorrow. Please try and remember your old life, I know it may be hard but, it might help get you back to normal." I felt like she already knew who I was and she was waiting for me to figure it out for myself.

I hated this.


The next chapter will continue as a flashback of Jamie's life before she came back into Sam's, fifteen years later.

Much love, Sarah!

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