Chapter fifteen: Outside These Walls.

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Chapter fifteen: Outside These Walls.

18th August 2016.

Dear Diary,

So, Jack and I have been really close ever since. We have moved into a new block and guess what? They were kind enough to let us in the same room block together and I stay in his room and he stays in mine. He is so amazing and it feels like I'm me again. But something still triggers the memories. What really happened in my old life? I really want to find out. The name Sam definitely rings a huge bell. Was he the guy in that family image? Or maybe he was someone else. And it just gets better because Ms. Tate doesn't read this anymore so I can say whatever I want. Hopefully Jack and I will be breaking out tonight! It was supposed to happen a month ago but we kept getting minor setbacks so it couldn't happen but the plan is back on and I couldn't be more happier.


"Hey, babe." Jack called.

I smiled and got my things packed. No one was around, everyone was outside but Jack and I sneaked inside to get prepared.

"Okay, here is a reminder of our plan. While everyone is sleeping we hop out this open window, I'll leave it slightly open so it's not noticeable. Then we quickly run across the courtyard and we open the gate, I'll pick the lock so I have that sorted and then we run as far away as possible ad try find a car somewhere. I have contacts." He finished.

"Wow. For an eighteen year old, you're pretty smart." I smiled as I kissed him goodbye before he left.

We were actually doing this. I couldn't believe this. I placed my diary in my bag with my clothes and some essential items.

I was ready.


It was now a silent room and I was so nervous. So many questions were running through my head. Would we get caught? What was it like outside these walls? I saw Jack coming out of his room and into the corridor where he smiled at me signalling that it was time to go. I slung my bag over my shoulder and he did the same.

We opened the window and we slowly and quietly moved out, it was not a long drop. It was easy enough to jump down without dying.

Jack went out first and then he lifted his arms up. "I'll catch you." He whispered and I nodded.

I was feeling scared as I jumped and landed straight into his muscular arms. "Nice catch." I giggled.

He smiled. "Let's go." He took my hand and we quickly made it across the courtyard in one piece. Seriously, this place was so not secure enough. Not that I was complaining. We dodged the flashing lights, hoping we didn't get caught. This gave us a huge adrenalin rush. We stopped as the gate that peered in our sight but something was rustling along the footpath.

A guard.

"Shit. I thought this way would of been clear." I said, worried.

"Sh!" Jack snapped, trying to think.

I had an idea. I bent down and grabbed a large pebble while smirking because Jack was still thinking of another plan. I tossed the pebble over to another area on the other side of guard. The guard got distracted and moved away from the gate and towards the other side.

Jack looked surprised by my actions. "I'm not so thick you know." I smirked because I knew I was joking.

"I know, see you're pretty smart yourself. Now let's go." And we hurried across to the gate.

Jack quickly grabbed two pins to pick the two locks on the gate. He tried not to rattle it. I was so nervous because the guard could come back at any moment now.

One lock down. One to go.

I could hear the footsteps of the guard as Jack unlocked it.He opened the gate and we stepped outside.

We were free.

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