Chapter nine: What If?

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Chapter nine: What If?

I woke up in a unknown bed, staring at a unknown ceiling, naked with only the sheet to cover me. I think back the previous night and wondered what would have happened if I just said no.


I found an empty seat in the cafeteria as I sat down and ate my apple peacefully. I heard high heels approching my table and I looked up to see a brunette haired girl pull out a chair and she sat across from me, pulling the ends of her long, straight hair.

"Hey, hottie." Jessica, from my p.e and math class, said with her flirty eyes.

"Uh, Hey." I replied, feeling awkward and confused.

"Where have you been? I've missed you around." She said.

"I've been away." I stated, looking bluntly at her. I didn't find her attractive at all, I was in love with Jamie. My current girlfirend who was also missing and possibly dead but, I wouldn't be calling some other girl pretty.

"I heard you're girlfriend went missing, did she dump you and run away?" She asked in a flirty voice and smiling like she was happy.

That just pissed me. "No, it's nothing like that." I said in a nasty tone as I leaned back and took another bite of my apple. I would never go for another girl like her. Jamie was the only one for me.

"Sorry but, I should l go." I said, standing up and checking the time as the bell was about to ring.

"Wait. Before you leave me all alone, without boyfriend, you should come over to my place and help me study for math since you're super good at it." She said in a dumb tone.

"I don't have time." I stated, feeling even more annoyed.

She walked over to my end of the table and came up close to me and started touching my arm in a stoke, going up and down "Pretty please."

I took a step back. "Don't touch me like that."

"Ugh! Please, Sam. Otherwise I'm going to fail and that would be on you. Plus, it might take your mind off your problems." She said, annoyed but she looked so innocent.

Taking no second thoughts of what to say, I jumped in as fast as I could. "No. I'm sorry Jessica, you're going to have to find another tutor. I'm not the only person who is good at math."

"So much for trying, jerk" She shouted, looking like a pissed off female.

"Looks like I know you very well Jessica and you're the type of girl who would bring a guy home and have sex with them and then leave the next day!" I yelled. "Go away and find abother guy to bang."

"Whatever, you'll want me one day Sam Carter." She walked away in her high heels and left the building.

The bell finally rung and I heard the footsteps and the mumbles of the students entering the cafeteria and I quickly got out, leaving my apple behind.

What would have happened if I went to Jessica's house and helped her with her math Boy, I would not like to find out.

*Present day*

Laying in this bed, I realised what I had done. I cheated on my girlfriend with the high school popular girl. I turned over and saw Jessica already dressed. "Hurry up and move before my parents get home." She snapped.

I was blank and I couldn't believe what I did and I remembered it clear as day. I qucikly got dressed and got out of that house

"Nice one night stand, you're pretty good." I read the text sent from Jessica that she sent seconds before I left. I also saw heaps of messages from Lucas and my mom.

Walking home, I ignored the messages from everyone and turned my phone off as regret hit me hard. Jamie was missing or dead and I was out having one night stands to forget it all.

This was bad. Really bad. What was I going to do?

Jamie's POV

My captor didn't trust me anymore. I've escaped at least five times and everytime a new girl was being brought in to be killed. I tried, stabbing, injecting, climbing, running, hiding but non of them have gotten me out of here.

It had been at least three months now and I had been keeping a tally chart of the number of days I had been in here. Writing it with chalk on a grey, stone wall in my room.

Maybe giving up was the answer but I wanted to be free and live my normal teenage life, it was apparently July now and my birthday was coming up in twenty seven days. What a great birthday this would be.

I wondered if Sam had moved on from me and I wondered if he was dating other girls. I didn't blame him if he was, he probably thought I was dead.

The door opened, breaking me from my thoughts and my captor came in with a knife and this was my punishment. I've been burnt, drowned, cut, stabbed, injected with some shit that made me paralysed for three days. What was next?

I was sitting in a small corner and I was waiting for his next move.

"Come here!" He yelled.

I followed his orders and he pushed me flat on the ground, hitting my head in the process. "Ouch." I whispered.

"You've been a naughty girl and I'm sick of you already. There is no point in keeping you like this and now you must pay the price and die." He screamed while spit came out of his mouth and onto my face.

"No, please. I'm sorry. I just miss my family." I sobbed.

"What, do you want me to feel sorry for you?" He said in a baby tone, "well too bad."

He plunged the knife into my stomach and I blacked out, feeling only the pain of the wound that he had made in my stomach. I was not in pain because of the knife but in pain that I would never see my family again.

Then the pain went away and I was left lifeless. From what I could remember.

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