Chapter twenty six: Confessions.

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Chapter twenty six: Confessions.

"This whole thing stuffed us up, didn't it?" Jamie asked.

"Yes, it did." I replied in a sad tone.

"We could've had everything." She said. I loved it when Jamie and I had these moments where we either reminisced or just talked about everything. "And now Jacob is gone and I don't know if I'll ever see him again," she said, "and I feel a hint of guilt for what we did because Jacob is out there while we have fun here." She finished in complete sadness. "I know it hurts but I have to be honest with you," I paused, "I didn't do that for the sake of hiding my feelings or forgetting the past but because I love you and I want you in my life as my girlfriend again." I said, holding in my tears.

She turned her head towards me and I saw her beautiful eyes as I turned too. She came closer to me and placed her head on my chest as I wrapped my arm around her.

"That's good because I love you too." I could feel her smile. "But, I don't regret what we did." I suddenly said, hoping she wouldn't get mad.

"Oh," she said, "I guess that's a good thing." She giggled. "It's not like I regret it, it was amazing."

It went into silence and I smiled the entire time until one of us spoke again. "So let's do this whole thing again." I smiled and she looked up at me, confused.

"What do you mean?" She asked as she placed her head back onto my chest.

"I mean, let's start over," I stopped, "Jamie Summers, will you be my girlfriend. Again?" I asked.

She got up and folded her legs facing me and I sat up, leaning on the board that connected to the bed.

She laughed, leaning forward but not the kind of laugh that made me look like an idiot for asking her that. She leaned back up and smiled. "Yes, Sam Carter. I will be your girlfriend again," she smiled, "but we can't have sex until you break it off it with your wife."

"Looks like I'll have to do it straight away then." I smiled as we hugged. I let go of our hug and I looked at her soft lips and I kissed them and she kissed me back.

"Okay, okay. We must stop." She laughed.

"Okay, but I'll get you soon." I smirked.

We laid here for another ten minutes in the same position, Jamie lying on my chest with my arm around her before we were interrupted. "Jam-" Hillary paused as she opened the door and we quickly got away from each other, hoping she didn't notice that we were closer than usual.

"I knew it." Hillary said, Jamie looked awkward on the other side of the bed while I smiled like nothing happened.

"Knew what?" Jamie tried to hold in a laugh.

"You guys have a thing, don't you?" She smirked.

"What? No." I lied.

"Jamie. I'm your best friend, you can tell me. I'm not gonna say anything." She leaned against the wall by the door entrance.

"Fine. We are seeing each other." Jamie admitted and I looked at her thinking, 'what have you done.' She mouthed 'sorry.'

"Wow." Hillary said.

"I'm going to tell Jess." I told her in a serious tone.

"Jamie, come on! Tell me everything." She said as Jamie smiled and got up and blew me a kiss and I pretended to catch it. Hillary took her hand and I heard them giggling in the hallway as I heard a door shut.  It was getting late and I think it was time to face Jess again. I headed downstairs while Jamie and Hillary were still upstairs.

"Do you mind taking care of Julie and George?" I asked everyone.

Mark and Chris were long gone. "Of course." Rachel smiled.

"Thank you, I'll be back soon." I waved to my two children and they waved back.

I grabbed my keys and headed to my car and smiled while driving my car to my house because I think after this, I would want to move out.

I parked in our driveway and I saw the single light on in our living room. I went up and opened the door slightly and I heard sobbing and sniffling. I went to the left and see her on the couch, looking really upset. "Hey." I said softly and she looked up.

"It's fine, I'm sober now." She sniffed, getting a few tissues and blowing her nose.

"We need to talk." I said as I sat down next to her.

"I know." She said, crying.

"I loved you, you know?" She cried. "I mean that time when we had sex and I got pregnant I didn't think of you as the love of my life until Julie was born." She said and I held her hand.

"I thought so too but then-"

She stopped me. "Jamie came back into your life, your old girlfriend who you loved." She cried even harder.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"Yeah, me too," she laughed sarcastically, "I know you and Jamie have a thing, I knew it when she was sitting on our couch that day she returned but you two didn't know it yet." She said but in a meaner tone but that was to be expected.

I was expecting her to yell, throw things and curse at me but that was okay because she was hurting. "I understand if you hate me but I cannot let our children live in an environment where there are drugs and alcohol involved." I said sternly.

"Where were you for the last few days, huh?" She looked up completely, ignoring my statement.

"Jamie's kidnapper's has escaped and Jacob is missing and everyone suspect they took him so I've been staying at Lucas' because Mark and Chris have said we should stay together." I answered.

She nodded. "Okay, is there anything else you and Jamie have done and please be honest with me." She looked me right in the eyes, waiting for a response.

I didn't hesitate. "We kissed." I said loudly and her mouth went wide open.

"You kissed her?" She cried even harder than before. "I can't believe you. What else did you do, f*ck her too?" She screamed, standing up. I didn't answer her question and she instantly knew the answer. "You piece of shit!" She yelled, throwing the tissue box at me and I knew she was not finished yet. "What's next, huh? You asked her to be your girlfriend, to move in with you, to marry you?" She yelled.

"Hold up! That's not fair Jess." I yelled back.

"Don't call me that, you prick. It's Jessica to you now." She screamed.

"What about our children? Stay for our children." She said and luckily for me, she didn't yell when she said that.

"The kids will be with me and Jamie." I said bluntly.

"Ugh, I can't believe you!" She yelled again. And it was just the beginning.

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