chapter five

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its friday night and its sebastian's turn to have the kids so he heads over to rachel's place only as he reaches the floor her apartment is on he sees jesse knocking on her door.

" hello" sebastian said making him turn around

" hey" jesse said not looking hally tl him at all

rachel opens the door she cant hide her shock at seeing jesse sebastian notices she doesnt look happy to see jesse which makes him very happy.

" daddy" sofia yells running towards him hugging him.

" hey princess " sebastian said and walks into the apartment leaving rachel with jesse

" sean im here" sebastian called out sean came running through as the flash.

" hi daddy" sean said

" hey guys why dont you get your stuff we stop by uncle blaine's and uncle kurts before head to mine" sebastian said both twins chuckled as he said uncle kurt.

once the kids were ready they headed for the door where jesse was still stood talking to rachel.

" right then we are going" sebastian said

" bye mom" the twins said cuddling her before they left the apartment.

sebastian tuck them next door to kurt and blaine's place and knocked on the door blaine answred a moment later.

" het we thought we would just stop by for a few minutes" sebastian said tjough he was watching jesse still hovering by rachel's door.

" come on in guys" blaine said

" so you guys excited about seeing uncle hunter at daddy's place" blaine asked

" yeah" sean said

" why is he here" sofia asked

" he is in town for a few days so he is staying with me " sebastian said

" not uncle hunter i mean jesse " sofia said

" i dont know princess " sebastian said

" get rid of him" sofia said

" pardon" sebastian asked the twins didnt know that he knew they wrre trying to get him and rachel together.

" get rid of him" sofia said

" honey i cant do that its mom's decision to tell him to leave or to let him stay." sebastian said

" but what if she gets back with him" sean said

" its upto mom" sebastian said

" you have to tell him to leave your our daddy we dont want him in our life" sofia said folding her arms and scowling at him.

" sofia is right we dont want him with mom" sean said

" i can watch them if you want to get shut of him" blaine said sebastian pulled a face as kurt came walking out of the bedroom.

" oh hey guys " kurt said

" kurt could you watch the twins for two minutes" blaine asked

" sure why dont you come through and see my brand new elephant brooch" kurt said

" seriously " sean said

" go with uncle kurt" sebastian said

" outside" blaine said to sebastian once the kids were out of the way.

they went and stood outside the apartment and sebastian noticed jesse wasnt stood outside rachel's place anymore.

" you think he has gone" sebastian said

" maybe or she might have let him in" blaine said sebastian pouted

" im guessing you havent talked to her about your it would be fantastic if we got back together comment" blaine asked

" how can blaine what if she doesn't feel the swme way there is the twins to think of i dont want things been awkward between us" sebastian said as he heard rachel scream he and blaine ran to her apartment and sebastian used his key to let himself in to find jesse pinning rachel on the dining table.

" let her go" sebastian shouted

" you had yourfun with her now i want mine" jesse said sebastian lunged at him and pulled himofcher and dragged him out of the apartment and all the way out of the building.

" never let that son of a bitch in this building again " sebastian said to the security guard

he raced back up to her apartment to find her been comforted by blaine though blaine let her go when sebastian reached them and pulled her into a hug.

" i will go check on the twins" blaine said

" its ok your safe" sebastian said

" thank god you were around " rachel said he couldnt help the small curl of his lips at that.

" why dont you stay at mine tonight" sebastian asked

" i cant i have rehearsals early in the morning" rachel said

" stay with klaine" sebastian said rachel nodded

" are you sure your alright" sebastian asked

" yeah thanks to you" rachel said

a few hours later

the twins were in their bedroom at his though they werent asleep like he thought they were they were infact plotting to pretend they were sick tomorrow so that their mom would stay over. whenever they were sick which ever parent they werent with always stayed over.

meanwhile sebastian was sat up  chatting to hunter who was staying with him for a few days.

" so are you going to tell me whats with you" hunter asked

" what" sebastian asked

" seb come on you cant fool me i know you something is bothering you" hunter said

" its rachel " sebastian said

" your worried that douche jesse might come back " hunter asked sebastian had told him about it earlier.

" no its not that i mean i am worried about that but thats not it" sebastian said

" ok smythe spill" hunter said

" i dont know lately i have kind of been thinking that all my relationships fail for a reason" sebastian said

" yeah they do because besides rachelyou have dated the who's who of bitches" hunter said

" do you think that i might have dated them because i knew the relationship would fail" sebastian asked

" stop going about the place and spit it out" hunter chuckled

" i think i mean i have been thinking that rach and i should have given us another chance " sebastian said

" are you saying you want to be with her" hunter asked

" yeah" sebastian said

" so" hunter asked

" so" sebastian said looking at his firmer dorm mate

" so why are you telling me this you should be telling her" hunter said

" but the twins" sebastian said

" seb im here go to her" hunter said

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