chapter twenty one

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" so basically everyone is in on this plan the twins started" sebastian asked his mom as she poured both him and rachel a glass of wine.

" yes pretty much though i think one of the reasons behind that is when you guys were together not everybody was happy about it and i think they feel guilty that they didnt support you they want to make up for it now" maggie said
the twins had gone into their bedrooms whilst maggie was talking it was only nkw rachel realised the table was only set for her and sebastian. then sean came out of his room carrying an over night bag and sporting a very cheeky grin.

" sean" rachel said as sofia also came out of her room also carrying an over night bag and was giggling but trying not to.

" the main course is in the oven keeping warm have it 2hen your ready desert is in the fridge... right then are you two ready then" maggie said

"ready" sebastian asked

" she was asking us" sean said

" whats going on" rachel asked

" we are going to stay with grandma and grandad" sofia said

" you cant just assume..." rachel started to say

" oh rachel this as been planned its all part of the plan" maggie said rachel looked at sebastian before both twins kissed and hugged them both before leaving the apartment with maggie.

"this is unbelievable " rachel said

" not really i mean we are the smythe family you knew our kids would be crafty before were even born" sebastian said

" all we need now is my dads involved" rachel giggled

" oh i hafnt even thought about that" sebastian chuckled.

they ate their starter before sebastian dished up their main course they sat eating and talking it was nice to have some alone time together.

" i think we should take desert to bed" sebastian said as she looked in the fridge to see what they were having for pudding.

" what are we having" rachel asked trying to look in the fridge but sebastian was. locking ger view playfully.

" ne er you mind why dont you go get out of them clothes and warm the bed sheets up for me and i will be with you momentarily " sebastian said

" ok" rachel said she knew he wasnt going to let her see desert so  she made her way to her bedroom.

five minutes alater she was laid in bed wondering where sebastian was when the door opened and he was stood there naked with one of the roses from the bouquet in his mouth holding two glasses of champagne.

he walked over to the side of the bed handed her glass to her before taking the rose out of his mouth and handing that to her too.

" for you" sebastian said

" thank you" rachel said unable to take her eyes of his body.

" wont be a moment " sebastian said turning and walking out of the room qll the whie rachwl watched him leave.

a minute later he was back still naked but this time he was carrying a tray containing desert which was long stem strawberries a pot of maggie's own recipes chocolate sauce and some cream.

" bet my mom doesnt realise what i intend to do with her desert" sebastian said as he set the tray down by the bed before getting into the bed. rachel instantly snuggled upto him as soon as he was in bed he respondee by wrapping his arms around her and pulling her as close to him as was possible.

" you always were a snuggler" sebastian said before kissing her forehead.

" so are you" rachel said betore sebastian reached to the tray and picked up a strawberry dipped it in chocolate sauce then the cream before winking at her as he placed it at her mouth.

" my turn" sebastian said as she finished eating the strawberry.

the next morning

rachel woke up entangled with sebastian who was still sound asleep she laid there admiring his perfect everything his body his face his eye brows. she managed to free herself so that she could move she moved closer to him and gently kissed his forehead before pressing her lips gently against his.

" climb on babe" sebastian said

" how long have you being awake" rachel asked surprised

" long enough to know you want me" sebastian said pulling her flush against him.

it was lunchtime before they were showered and dressed as sebastian was in the kitchen pouring them both a coffee rachel checked her answering machine.

you have two new messages

first message

hi rach i hearyour shacking up with meerkat again allow me some time to get over the shock... oh wait im not shocked i will be in town next week so if aunty snix babysitting service is required just let me know. happy humping.

rachel felt her face burning and then heard sebastian chuckling as he carried their mugs towards her before offering her one.

" she certainly has a away with words" sebastian said

second message

hi mom and daddy hope you both are ok sean is driving me mad grandma had baked cookies think the sugar has gotton to him. i wanted to ring earlier you but grandad said not till later dont know why but he said you would most likely till be busy this morning. anyway sean and i will be home at two pm just thought you should know that. bye

"so she rang to tell us when they would be home there has to be more to it than that" sebastian said

" i think there is" rachel said

" really what do you think it is" sebastian asked

" im not sure but as your mom said everything is part of the plan " rachel said

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