chapter twenty

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rachel and sebastian were sat on the couch watchig various family videos the first was the twins when they had been born.

rachel cringed seeing herself looking like hell she had been in lanour for nineteen hours and it showed her hair was all over the p,ace her eyes were dark hough she had the biggest smile on her face as she liad in her hospital bed holding ten minute old sean in her arms. sebastian had been by her side the whole time and he was stood by her bed holding sofia.

" i cant believe this was ten years ago" sebastian said as thsy watched the video the twins were sat watching it too.

" i cant either" rachel said the video jumped forwards slightly to whenntheir parents came to see the twins for the first time.

baby sofia started to cry in leroy's arms sebastian tuck her from him and she settled quickly in his arms she rrally was a born daddy's girl.

" sofia's first tantrum" sean said

" ssh your ruining the mood" sofia said

they sat there for over an hour watching a compilation of family videos rachel was feeling emotional seeing their  kids literally growing up on screen.

" so what did you think was i right was that a good way to spend sometime" sofia asked

" yes it was lovely" rachel said wiping her eyes.

" mommy" sean said hugging her.

"babe" sebastian said hugging her to.

" im ok im ok it was so lovely" rachel said

" lets olay monopoly " sean said

they spent the afternon playing several family games including monopoly and twister which the twins didnt understand why rachel blushed when she ended up in a certain position though sebastian did and winked at her making her blush deepen.

as thsy finished playing charades it was dinner time and rachel was feeling hungry and as she got up to get dinner ready sofia had a question to ask.

" what do you guys fancy for dinner" rachel said

" can i use the phone" sofia asked.

" ok" rachel said confused as she watched sofia pick the phone up and dial one fo the numbers on speed dial.

sofia: hi grandma we qre ready for dinner

rachel and sebastian looked at each other wondering what was going on then sofia had finished onnthe phone she giggled mischievously as did sean.

" alright what are you two up to now" sebastian asked

" nothing" sean said

" oh really" sebastian chuckled

" seriously daddy this isnt anything to do with us" sofia said

" oh i see" sebastian said as the realisation hit both rachel and himmthat this was infact the work of his parents.

" dinner will be here shortly" sofia said

" is this the last surprise for today" rachel asked

" no" sean said before smirking.

" the shining got it wrong it shouldn't have been idential twins" sebastian said

" pardon" sofia asked havign no idea what the shining was.

" nothing" sebastian said

" daddy your staying tonight" sean said

" oh well i" sebastian started to say

" that wasnt a question im telling you your staying" sean said

" hey mr bossy." rachel said

" you might as well sell your place daddy you dont need it anymore" sofia said

" ok guys calm down" sebastian said as there was a knock on the door sebastian looked at rachel before walking over to open the door.

" mom" sebastian said

" hello son" maggie said walkingnin with a suitcase.

" whats going on " sebastian asked as he closed the door behind her.

" grandma" sean said running to her as did sofia.

" hello my darlings hello rach" maggie said hugging all of them.

" mom" sebastian said

" im here because i have made you dinner so sean sofia set the table please" maggie said as she opened the suitcase and pulled out several tubs of food.

" you didnt have to do this" rachel said to maggie

" oh ues i did i was told to make a romantic dinner for the best mom and daddy i am under steict instructions " maggie chuckled.

" i thought you two said this wasnt your doing" rachel said

" its not grandma cooked we might have given the her the idea but she made the food" sofia said

" wow you two are mischievous" rachel said

" yes they are though im used to it remember who i raised" maggie said pointing to sebastian.

" i wasnt as bad as these two" sebastian said

" oh you had your moments you still do" maggie said

" the table is ready" sean said

" well done darling" maggie said then the twins headed into their bedroom and came out carrying a vase of roses.

" when did you get them " rachel asked

" grandad brought them while toy were havign breakfast in bed" sofia said

" i might have known he was up to something " sebastian said

" you know your dad sebastian you had to get your cunning behaviour from someone" maggie said as she plated uo somw food.

" places" maggie said a moment later.

" have you come all the way from the plaza to do this" sebastian asked  as he tuck his seat at the table after pulling rachel's chair out for her.

" no i have been next door cooking" maggie said

" next door you mean kurt and blaine are plotting with you guys" rachel asked

" oh rachel you would be surprised just who ships you two together and wants you guys to be together" maggie said as she placed their starters infront of them.

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