chapter thirty three

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monday evening is busy in the new apartment boxes are piled everywhere the twins are home from school and excitable.

puck is still there helping them move boxes thad has come after work to help kurt and blaine are currently in the kitchen making dinner for everyone.

" here you are daddy" sofia said having brought him a cold drink.

" thanks princess " sebastian said

" wheres mine" puck asked.

" sorry uncle puck but he is my daddy" sofia said

" unbelievable " puck said

" here you are" thad said passing him a can of soda.

" thank you" puck said before sticking his tongue out as sofia who did the same back.

" daddy where are my comics " sean asked walking over to him.

" ask mom" sebastian said

" i did" sean said

" what did she say" sebastian asked

" ask daddy" sean said

"if there not in your room they will still be in one of the boxes we will find them before bedtime i promise" sebastian said.

"dinner is ready" kurt called out.

" man this is hard work" thad said

" what exactly have you done uncle thad " sean asked as they all sat round the dining table it was a tight squeeze but they managed it.

" sean" sebastian scolded

" i was supervising" thad said his helping had mostly constisted of asking what needed to be done without actually doing anything.

" mom" sofia said as rachel sat down.

" yes my love" rachel said

" why are none of our aunts and uncles actually related to us" sofia asked

" well daddy and i are both only children so you dont have any blood aunts and uncles but the ones you do our are best friends" rachel said

" friends are the family you pick for yourself " puck said.

" true" kurt said

" i hope the spaghetti bolinaise is nice i wasnt sure there would be enough" blaine said

" its nice uncle blaine i thought we would be having meatballs" sofia said

" we are tomorrow " sebastian said

" damn it" sean said

" language " rachel said

" daddy said the f word earlier" sean said

" what" rachel asked looking at sebastian.

" he dropped a box on his foot " puck said

" yes i said foot" sebastian said

" no you didnt" sean said

" so how was school" thad asked changing the subject.

" good" sofia said

" yeah it was alright i had a spelling test" sean said

"how did it go" rachel asked

" i got ten out of ten" sean said

" welldone" rachel said proudly.

" sofia got nine out of ten" sean said sofia glared at him.

"thats still amazing" sebastian said

" yeah but it proves im the clever twin" sean said

" sean" rachel scolded.

" im the intelligent one i have been busy remember i was the star of the play" sofia said

"i was in it too" sean said

" sean sofia" sebastian said

" yes daddy" they said together

" i say this with love shut up" sebastian said

" so how are plans for the wedding coming along" puck asked.

" i got my dress on Saturday " rachel said smiling.

" its beautiful she looks like a princess i got my bridesmaid dress too" sofia said

" we have got our suits havent we sean" sebastian said

" yep and uncle thad" sean said

" best man" thad said

" nice one" puck said

" your coming right" rachel asked

" ofcourse princess i wouldnt miss it for the world." puck said.

after dinner puck thad kurt and blaine left so the twins could get ready for bed plus it had been a long day and rachel and sebastian were both tired.

a short while later

once the twins were both in bed and sean's comics had been found rachel and sebastian decided a nice soak in the tub was what they rachelwas laid with her backresting against sebastian's chest as the hot water and luxurious soft creamy bubbles covered them.

" i dreamt of getting you in this bath the reality is much much better" sebastian said before kissing her shoulder.

" are you tired" rachel asked

" alittle why are you" sebastian said rachel did her best to turn around in the tub getting an eyebrow raise from sebastian before he smirked at her.

" not too tired" she said

" me niether" he chuckled.

middle of the night

rachel was cuddled up to sebastian both were fast asleep when she was shaken awake by sean looking scared.

" sean what is it whats wrong" rachel asked

" there is something under my bed" sean said

" whts going on" sebastian asked having woken up.

" there is something understand my bed" sean said

" what makes you think that" sebastian asked sitting up.

" because i woke up tofind it looking at me before it darted under there" sean said rachel and sebastian shared alook before sebastian got up and went to go look.

" come here" rachel said tosean who sat on the bed and cuddled upto her as a sleepy sofia cme walking through.

" whats going on" she asked before rachel could answer sebastian returned to the bedroom carrying a tiny kitten.

" oh its so cute can we meet it" sofia said

" its ok sean look it was a kitten" rachel said

" we best ask if anybody in the building has lost a kitten" sebastian said

" if we dont find the owner can we keep it is it a boy or a girl " sofia asked sebastian checked.

" boy" sebastian said

" andrew i will call him andrew" sofia announced.

" no i he is mine he was in my room i will name him barry" sean said

" slow down he might have an owner" rachel said

" he must have gotton in when we were carrying our stuff in" sebastian said

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