#MatthewEspinosa Boyfriend

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“Hey, y/n! I miss you a ton and I can’t wait to see you tomorrow!” Matt said smiling into the camera. Suddenly, his best friend, Carter’s face came into view and he spun the camera around to Matt who started dancing around the room and laughing and yelling. “I love you!” He yelled into the camera before the 40-second video came to an end. You smiled for a minute before you remembered the time. You dialed Matt’s number.

You felt your frustration worsen as you hung up the phone after calling him for the 13th time. Matt was supposed to have arrived at your house over an hour ago. He had flown to New York City for a few days and spent the day in meetings. You had plans to hangout at nine o’clock and you were beginning to get angry when he didn’t show. You tried once more and when his voicemail beeped you decided to leave a message. “Matt! You were supposed to be here an hour ago, what the heck? I’ve been trying to call you and I’ve texted you a million times.” Just then your head snapped to the left as you heard a knock on the door. “Call me when you get this.” You said, quickly finishing the message. You slipped your phone into your pocket as you made your way to the front door. You opened it to find Matt, but quickly gasped as you took in his appearance. His hair was all disheveled, he has bruises surrounding his left eye, his right cheek was all cut up, his nose was bleeding and his lip was split. His shirt was stretched out and torn in places and he was missing one of his shoes. You felt tears begin to form in your eyes as you threw your arms around him. “MATT WHAT HAPPENED?” You cried. Matt winced from the pain of your hug and you quickly backed off and led him through the door. “I was mugged.” He said quietly. You brought him upstairs to your bedroom with an ice pack in hand, and quickly ran to the bathroom to get a washcloth. You made your way back into the bedroom and began to wipe the blood off of his face as gently as you could as he held the ice pack to his eye. You went into your drawer and grabbed a sweater Matt had lent you and a pair of his sweatpants. Having been together for three years, he stayed over often and sometimes left clothes behind for months at a time. You took note of your luck as you set the clothes beside him on the bed. You helped him take his shirt off as gently and slowly as possible, only to reveal a huge bruise on the side of Matt’s stomach and ribs. Matt was silent and continued to stare blankly in front of him as you tried to carefully clean him up and get him into fresh clothes. You pulled off his remaining shoe and threw it to the side. Matt didn’t say a word as you unbuttoned his pants and helped him out of them. You helped him into the sweatpants and sat him back down. He gasped as he clutched his side, signalling that he was in a lot of pain. “Matt, I think we should go to the hospital.” You suggested. “No!” He replied, quickly. “Please, y/n. I just want to lay down.” “But Matt, look at you!” You cried. “Y/n. Please. I’m fine, okay?” Matt said as a tear slid down his cheek. He raised the ice pack to his eye again to try to hide the fact that he was crying. You gently pulled the ice pack away and softly kissed under his eye where the tears had fallen, being careful not to hurt him. You grabbed the sweater and commanded, “arms up”. He slowly raised his arms as you helped him with the sweater.

“What happened, Matt?” You whispered as you laid down on the bed. You patted the space next to you and he followed suit as he laid beside you, resting his face in the crook of your neck. You wrapped your arms around him, trying to comfort him. Usually it was the other way around, but you knew Matt was in a lot of pain – physically and emotionally. “They told me to give them my wallet and phone and when I hesitated, they took no time in kicking my ass. There were four of them, y/n. They were these huge guys and as two ran off with my stuff, the other two kicked me as I laid on the ground, before running off.” Matt said quietly as you felt his tears begin to wet your shoulder. You stroked his hair as you tried to reassure him. “Don’t worry, baby. We’ll find who did this to you.” Matt looked up at you with tear-filled eyes and reddened cheeks – aside from all of the injury. You slowly moved your face to his and whispered “I love you, so much.” “I love you too,” he replied as he placed his lips on yours. He kissed you softly and you couldn’t help but feel a pain in your stomach as one of Matt’s tears hit your cheek. This wasn’t your Matt. Your Matt was silly and carefree, and seeing him like this broke your heart. You knew you had to find who did this to him, or at least help him get back to his regular self.


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