#JackJohnson Breaking something?

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"Jack! She’ll be here in one hour!" You yelled at your boyfriend, Jack Johnson. Jack sat up from the couch.

"Shit, I didn’t realize it was this late!" He got up and ran towards the kitchen.

Your sister’s birthday was today, and you hadn’t bought her a present, so you were just going to bake her a cake. You had forgotten you had to make it until now, only 60 minutes before she was scheduled to arrive. You followed after Jack, quickly opening the fridge and grabbing the eggs while Jack grabbed the other ingredients.

After five minutes of frantic searching and raiding, all the ingredients were laid out on the counter in front of you.

"(Y/N), do we even know how to make a cake?" Jack asked, turning towards you and cocking his head.

"Not a clue."

"Want to wing it?"


You smiled up at Jack, he always knew the right thing to say. “I’ll google it,” Jack said, whipping out his phone. You got busy pouring the random ingredients in a bowl, you had somewhat of an idea of what you were doing.

"Jack, hand me the milk," you held out your hand, waiting for the milk to be put in your hands while you looked for the flour on the counter. After about 15 seconds of waiting, you turned your head to see where Jack was, and what the hell was taking him so long.

Something white and powdery flew at your face, and by the taste of it, it was flour. White puffs of the misty ingredient spun around, making you come face to face with Jack.

"Oops?" He said quietly. Glaring, you grabbed an egg off the counter and smashed it against his chest.

Stepping back, Jack had a surprised look on his face before it changed into a determined one. He swiped the milk off from the counter on the opposite side of the kitchen, before slowly walking over to you.

"You wouldn’t fucking dare," you spoke menacingly.

"Oh, I would, (Y/N)," Jack smirked at you, venomously.

"If you take one more step-" cold liquid was suddenly poured over your head, making you screech. Running to the opposite side of the kitchen, you grabbed the chocolate chips on the counter, taking a handful and chucking them in the general direction of where Jack was.

"Ouch!" You heard him yelp, making you laugh hysterically.

"Are you okay?" You inquired between gasps of laughter.

"I am, but your kitchen definitely isn’t," he cleverly retorted.

Taking a look around, you noticed how messy your surroundings were. That, and your sister would be here in 45 minutes now.

"Shit, Jack, what are we going to do?"

Jack smirked and walked over to you, sighing and wrapping his arms around your waist. he pressed his lips to your forehead, then tilting your head up to give you a meaningful kiss.

"You taste like milk," he added, looking down at you.

"I wonder why?"

You both laughed.

"How about we get this cleaned up, and we just take your sister out for a birthday dinner, yeah?" Jack suggested.

Nodding, you grabbed his hand and pulled him over to the towel closet, where you would probably diminish the towel supply by the time you finished cleaning the kitchen. But that time would be spent with the person you loved the most, Jack, and you wouldn’t mind a second of it.


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