#NashHayesGrier Something against it

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It was a long, summer day. You were walking towards your boyfriend’s house. His name was Hayes. Just the thought of him makes you crack a smile, and causes people to glare at you questioningly. It’s funny how you met, you were skating and you accidentally bumped into him, and ever since than you guys hit it off.

You arrived at his house, and rang the doorbell. You were planning ideas in your head of what to do with him, when suddenly the door opened, and a familiar voice spoke. “Oh, it’s you. Why are you always here, like can you leave and never come back?”

You rolled your eyes. “Nice to see you too Nash. Can you invite me or I can see Hayes.” “Uhm, how about no?” as he slammed the door in your face. You balled your fist. “I swear one day I will knock that smirk off your face, and show you what it feels like to be slammed in the face.” you thought menacingly. 

You rung the doorbell, and Hayes opened it this time. “Thanks babe, your asshole of a brother slammed the door in my face.”

"Don’t say that. I’m sure he didn’t." "Of course I didn’t! That’s so rude!" as he laughed silently in the back. It took it all had in you to not walk up him and leave fingerprints on his face. "You are so lucky Hayes is right here." you hissed.

Hayes laughed, and kissed you on the cheek. “Do you want anything babe?” “Not really, just water.” and you smiled. Hayes walked into the kitchen, leaving his devil brother and you alone.

He looked at you up and down, and made a disgusted face, but than it soften, but you decided to open your big ass mouth, and say “What?” “I don’t know Hayes is dating you.” You fumed. “Why don’t you like me? What did I ever do to you?” you spoke louder.

"You didn’t do anything. I just don’t like you." "But why? It’s not like I’m affecting you." "You kind of are, and you need to leave because Hayes doesn’t want to deal with you or your bullshit to come."

"What the hell Nash!" Hayes roared. "What? You know it’s true." "Nash, I don’t know why your so mad, and angry, or why you always have something against my girlfriend. Like what did she do to you?"

I watched them argue back and forth. But get this, you couldn’t help but agree with Nash. “His right. Maybe I should go. Maybe it’s best if we just I don’t know take a break.” you whispered, and got up and left. “(Y/N), come back, (Y/N), what the hell just happened?”

You ran away from his house, but walked home slowly, getting angry with yourself for being stupid. How could you be blind that you bought bullshit into Hayes life. How Nash was always right about you. “He deserves someone who’s at this level, and who won’t complain about every single thing. Who can travel with him. Who can get on his brother’s good side, and not ruin his family relationships.

You unlocked your house, and got into bed. You stared outside your window. Looking as the birds flew by, and how the clouds moved. Counting leaves as they fell from an old,big tree near by. 

Suddenly your phone rang. You picked it up, and groaned. “Hello?”

"Hi, (Y/N), it’s Nash." "What do you want Nash? You got what you wanted." You could hear a deep sigh, and a moment of silence across the phone. "Just listen to me okay? Look, I know I always act like an asshole towards you, but it’s not cause I don’t like you, I actually consider you as a little sister, but it’s because I don’t want you to get hate. I rather I be mean to you, and you break up with Hayes, so than you can stop getting nasty,mean tweets. Maybe I chose the wrong way to handle it, but I saw all the things said about you. But seeing how much it affected you, and how much it affected Hayes, made me realized I was the only thing stopping the relationship from reaching it’s true potential. I’m sorry okay? Please come out of your house, I’m outside, and I want you to come back to my house."

You took deep breathes. “Fine.” You ran downstairs, and locked the house. You hopped into his car and you guys drove in silence. You broke it by saying, “When you told me, all those things, over the phone, did you really mean it?” Nash laughed, “I know I can be an asshole, but I am not a liar.” You couldn’t help but smile. You kissed his cheek. “Thanks for telling me the truth, you asshole. Now I know why your so mean, you treat me like your sister.” and you laughed.

You reached his house, and he nodded for you to ring the doorbell. You rang, and Hayes opened the door. Instantly, you could see his eyes return with full of life, and he picked you up and hugged you in an embrace. Nash went upstairs to give you guys some privacy. 

"Listen to me babe. No matter what happens, or whatever rants you have, it can be big or small, I will always care. Did Nash tell you why he was always so rude?"

You laughed, “Yeah he did. I never realized it though.” “Of course not, I didn’t either, until he told me.”

"What do you mean?" "You see, after you left me and Nash started arguing.  We were talking about the relationship in general, and he started saying how close minded I am. He told me that I didn’t realize you were getting hate, and you were the one holding yourself together. I knew you were getting hate, but I didn’t know it was that bad. I’m so sorry I didn’t see it before. " Hayes whispered.

You smiled, and kissed his cheek. “Babe, you have nothing to be sorry for. Hayes moved his face closer to yours, and pressed his lips against yours. And for the first time in forever, you finally felt the relationship moving into a positive direction. You pulled away and smirked. “What?” “I don’t know Hayes, I just feel really confident all of a sudden.” “Maybe it’s because of this.” And he leaned in, smashing his lips into yours once again. 

Soon, Nash came down and you guys decided to all watch a movie. A few minutes passed into the movie, and Hayes went to go get popcorn. You looked at Nash, and smiled. He smiled back and gave you a thumbs up. Letting you know, that this is just the beginning. Hayes came back and intertwined his hands with yours.

"Hey babe." you whispered. "What?" he said softly. "I think today was a good day." as you snuggled into his neck, and he put his arms around you. "I do too babe." as he kissed your forehead.


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