#CarterReynolds You're more than that

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The air was filled with the smell of alcohol and smoke as I entered the club. It was pretty much completely dark and I made my way through the people. I let my eyes wander over the beautiful girls dancing on the tables. I loved watching them. I sat down and ordered a drink. The waitress gave me a flirtatious smile and I winked at her. As I waited for my drink to arrive I leaned back into my chair and crossed my arms in front of my chest. Suddenly a girl dancing at one of the poles caught my attention. She was beautiful. She was walking around the pole moving her hips from side to side. Grinding against the pole she ran her finger over her breasts and back to her thighs. She dropped her body and opened and closed her legs quickly. Oh my god. She was so fucking sexy. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. I completely ignored the waitress as she brought me my drink. I could not take my eyes off the beautiful girl. I watched every move she made and enjoyed every second she danced on the table. I loved every piece of clothing that landed on the floor beneath her - exposing more and more of her beautiful body. I held my breath when she turned her head and looked at me. Our eyes locked and I stared at her. Strands of her long hair fell over her face and her mouth curved into a small smile. She winked at me before leaving the table and going backstage. I had to see her again.

I went to the club every day after I had seen her for the first time. I had to think about her every minute of my day and my thoughts were going crazy. Every night I sat at the exact same table and waited for her. Whenever she got on the table my eyes were glued to her body - not leaving her perfect curves for a second. I even dreamed about her, but the strange thing was: I didn’t think about her in a sexual way. All I wanted was to take her home with me or go for a walk with her. Even though everything she did on that table was sexually and - I’m not gonna lie - a big turn on I saw more in her than just a stripper. I was in love.

It was the usual evening for me. Sitting in the club waiting for her to come out. Tonight I wanted to talk to her. Get to know her. We had been making eye contact for weeks now and she always smiled when she saw me. I had to talk to her. She came out and looked directly into my direction. When she saw me she smiled and winked and I smiled back. She swirled around the pole, moving her hips from one side to the other. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen in my life. When her show was over she glanced at me and left her table. I quickly got up from my chair and rushed after her. She was just about to leave through a door, but I grabbed her arm, causing her to turn around. ”Hey.”, I said and let go off her arm. When she saw it was me she smiled. ”Hey.” She was even more beautiful up close. She had the most amazing eyes and some freckles around her nose. ”Do you want to come with me? It’s pretty loud here.”, she said and I nodded immediately. ”Sure.” She took my hand and led my through a door into something like a dressing room. She sank into a chair and I sat down on the couch. ”I’m (Y/N), by the way.” She chuckled and it was the cutest thing I had ever heard. ”I’m Carter.”, I said and smiled. ”I’ve seen you every night. You like it here?”, she asked. I really wanted to tell her that I just came here to see her, but I just nodded. ”Yeah, it’s nice.” It was silent. I took a deep breath. I wanted to ask her out. ”So… I was wondering if you would like to go out with me sometime.” (Y/N) looked at me surprised. ”Are you asking me on a date?” I nodded shyly. ”Really?” It seemed like she didn’t believe what I just said. ”Of course. You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen and I really want to get to know you.”, I said. She looked at me with wide eyes. ”I… I’d love to. It’s just…. I’m a stripper.”, she stuttered. I took her hand. ”I don’t care.” She smiled at me and kissed my cheek. ”My shift is over. Wanna go for a walk?”, she asked and I nodded. ”Of course.” 

Finally one about carter right?


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