Chapter 9: I'm Kind of Into It

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wow it gets frisky at the end i'm probably more hot and bothered than vivian is


Harry's room was just around the corner. I had no idea what it looked like, but it was there; my door was open and I could see the light shining from beneath his door. His shadow would pass by it every few minutes, and my thoughts continuously ran through different ideas of what rituals he did before he went to bed.

I finally shook myself from my fantasies when his door opened and I pretended to be prepping myself for bed, taking out my earrings and placing them gently on the side table.

His footsteps passed my door and he opened another, and I sighed as I realized he was only going to the bathroom.

I needed to get a grip. He wasn't going to have feelings for me and I wasn't anything more than just a pretty face to him; and besides, I have Tanner. Why was I so hung up on this player anyway? I slipped into bed and shut off the light, letting my head hit the pillow and my eyes stayed shut only until Harry opened the bathroom door.

I squinted one eye open, seeing his silhouette pass by my door before stopping and gazing inside. I pretended to be asleep, and I heard his footsteps pad into the room before I felt him pulling the comforter up over my shoulders a little more.

"Goodnight, princess," he whispered. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to my temple before leaving the room and shutting the door behind him. I finally managed to calm myself enough to fall asleep.

The next morning, I woke up and was beyond thankful I didn't have to work today. Unfortunately, it did mean I'd probably have to face Tanner today. I slipped out of bed and headed into the hall to look for the bathroom.

I pushed open the door and immediately covered my eyes upon seeing Harry standing in the middle of the bathroom, stark naked.

"Oh, my god! I am so sorry!" I said, immediately turning around and walking back to my room, shutting the door and leaning myself against the wood.

I just saw Harry naked. Oh, my god. I felt so uncomfortable and the image of his body kept appearing in my mind, his. . . thing was huge.

"I feel like I need to wash my eyes with soap." I muttered to myself, and then I was startled by a knock on the door. I turned and hesitantly pulled the door open, seeing Harry on the other side with a smirk and he leaned against the door frame. He was finally clothed, thank god.

"If you only had some popcorn with your show." He teased. I blushed embarrassingly and tucked my hair behind my ears.

"I'm really sorry, I had no idea you were there and I --,"

"Viv, slow down," he chuckled. "It's not a big deal. It's just a pénis." I cringed at the word and nodded, and he raised an eyebrow at my silence. "You have seen a pénis before, haven't you?"

I quickly nodded. "Yes, I have, I'm not that sheltered."

He seemed unconvinced, but even I wasn't convincing myself.

"I just. . . haven't seen one in person." I said softly. I felt so embarrassed saying this to him, and when his facial expression changed to a surprised look, I immediately regretted it.

"You've never seen a pénis?"

"Stop saying that! Ugh, that word is so gross." I said, and I could feel the uncomfortable sensation run up my spine.

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