Chapter 23: Just You Wait and See

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Harry and I had lunch at a small café downtown. He was still pretty adamant on wanting privacy, so we were able to snag a table close to the back windows where we wouldn't be in the main line of sight. A few people still noticed us but it wasn't overwhelming.

I stirred my coffee a few times before taking a sip. I knew I drank too much of this stuff, but it was so addictive.

"So," He said, awkwardly scooting forward in his seat. "How has work been?"

I shrugged, nodding as I set my cup down. "It's been fine. We're starting to get a little hectic with the World Series coming up." I gave him a small smirk and he bit his lip, looking down at his lap.

"I know what you're going to say." He said.

"Do you think you guys have it in the bag?" I asked.

He sighed through his nostrils and glanced out the window, shrugging as he said, "I'm a little biased, so I'm going to say yes, but a part of me thinks that maybe — for some reason — it won't work out."

I was silent for a moment before I said, "You seem to think like that a lot."

He looked up at me and frowned a little. "What?"

"You didn't think we would work out, and you don't think the World Series will work out. . . why's that?"

He traced the rim of his mug with his index finger, licking his lips. "I think it's just because I don't get a lot of great opportunities all the time. And when I do, it seems like it's almost too good to be true and I have to expect the worst."

"You can't live your entire life thinking that, Harry." I said. "You get these opportunities because you deserve them and you work hard. And if they somehow don't work out, it's because you have bigger and better things waiting down the road."

"So if we don't win the World Series, does that mean there's something better waiting for me?" He raised an eyebrow. "I don't think there's anything better than that."

I shrugged and said, "You never know."

After we paid for lunch, Harry wanted to show me some cool murals a few blocks from the café. He pulled out his keys and I said, "Why don't we just walk?"

He hesitated and looked around, making a slightly cringing face and he said, "I don't know, Viv. . ."

I slumped a little and mumbled, "You don't want to be seen in public with me." Of course he didn't. He's gone his entire career without a girlfriend and he's specifically stated that he doesn't date; he definitely doesn't want to go against his own rules.

He looked at me with furrowed eyebrows and shook his head. "No, no. Of course not. I was worried about paparazzi, Viv. I don't want them bothering us."

I felt my face get hot, and I looked down at my hands. I was a little embarrassed for assuming the worst of him, but with as many times as he refused to be intimate with me in public yet so affectionate behind doors, I couldn't help but think the way I did.

"Sorry." I said quietly, biting my lip and furrowing my eyebrows.

He sighed softly through his nostrils as his jade eyes peered over at me. I wished I could stare at them all day without seeming awkward, but they were the most gorgeous eyes I'd ever seen in my life. Far more beautiful than Tanner's soulless stare.

Harry looked up from my eyes and toward the door, suddenly cringing and leaning his face into his hand. I frowned and glanced over my shoulder, seeing Alex with a woman I didn't recognize. I looked at Harry and whispered, "Can we sneak out back?"

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