A Piece Of The Pie: Part 24

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Welcome back, everyone!!

How have you been?

Me...busy as a bee lol! Hugs!

I hope you brought your tissues for this chapter...sniffle sniffle!

Please enjoy!



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I asked nervously, "How did you know James had a gun?"

Harley said as he glowered towards James, "Call it a hunch."

I ask suspiciously, "A hunch? You just happened to know there was a gun in James's glove box?"

He glared towards James and answered with disdain in his voice, "I saw him stare towards the glove box at least twenty times since we left, it wasn't rocket science, Liana."

"James...is that true?"

He belched again and stared in his rear-view mirror, "Yep. Never can be too careful in these parts."

"B-But James, why have you been staring at it while we were riding in your truck?"

He looked towards Harley with an exemplary expression and said once more, "Never can be too careful in these parts."

Harley grinned wickedly and teased back, "Yeah, I can understand what you're trying to say James- a boy always needs his toy to make him feel more like a man."

James's temper reached the brake pedal a little too harshly. The tires grabbed the asphalt just enough for the officer to just about tap his bumper.

"Dang it!" James said as he adjusted his shirt before returning to the proper speed.

We all peaked over our shoulder. The officer picked up his radio receiver and started to communicate with the dispatcher.

"Maaaaybe, we should just discuss this later," I suggested apprehensively as I finally removed my hand from Harley's leg.

James gripped the steering wheel and answers in a southern drawl, "I think that's a great idea, Liana."

Harley looked back towards the police car and then over to James, "You seem awful nervous for someone who was going to get just a ticket it."

Although Harley had been acting like a donkey, he made a very good point. I began to wonder just the same. Of course, James never answered that day.

The only sound that crept through my ears was the humming of the motor as we traveled along the highway going five miles under the speed limit all the way to Lou's Diner.

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