Let Go: James - Part 30

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So! It is show down time! Yessss! Are you ready???

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Officer Powell offered nervously, "We better go before it is too late!"

I heard cold metal clicking into place as a voice said behind me, "It already is."

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Standing in the hallway was a statuesque of a man that in one breath had torn my heart into shreds. Almost every piece was laying beneath the souls of his shoes by the cellar door.

I must emphasize the word...almost. I say this, because there was one part that remained whole. There was only one part he could not take from me. She was five years old, had fire-red hair, and pools of water filling her fearful eyes. Every curl trembled as she stared into the man she once considered a father, but he was not her father. Not anymore.

James was only by blood. It seemed Mr. Rolland had made sure her name had differed as well.

A true father was gone from Mary Lou's life, leaving her in the hands of the only one Mr. Rolland trusted, mine.

Staring into the nickel-plated barrel of his compact pistol was Officer Powell. He was holding his own rifle. I on the other hand had nothing but my tongue to use as a sword to defend my least breath with. A single salty tear slid down my right eye as my voice crackled with trepidation, but I was determined to stay strong. I pleaded, "James! Don't do this...please!"

He warned in a dark inhuman voice, "Move slowly towards the door Liana and I won't pull the trigger."

His hand was steady and calm. He had obviously pulled the trigger too many times for it to affect his conscious.

The question I had mauling over in my head at the time was,

James...how cold are you? How cold are you to stand there behind a weapon in front of the woman and child that love you so much? Did losing your mother hurt you this much?

Not many seconds passed by before I instinctively came to two conclusions; if he was going to shoot he would have done it the moment he saw me by the library window, and the second denouement - his daughter was going to be the one thing that kept a part of him from tipping completely over the edge. I was going to make sure of it.

He may have fooled me for the last two years I had been with him, but I saw it...his eyes for the child that bared his thickened blood was still unconditional no matter how shady he had become. I know this, because every time he spoke to me, his eyes would shift over to Mary Lou with a look of concern for her eudemonia. Even if he was the one causing her to feel this way.

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