Dream or Nightmare

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AN: Bold lettering is dream/nightmare text


Clay looked around the newly opened amusement castle with curious wander. He looked around for his friends and Jestro. The blue knight scratched his head as he continued to look.

"Hey, Clay!"

Clay turned around when he heard Macy call out to him. He saw her and the Knights waving and coming towards him; wearing causal clothing and unarmed. The blue knight smiled as his friends smiled at him.

"How's it going, Macy?" Clay greeted kindly.

"Okay. Training programs not really taking off though." Macy admitted. "People don't really see the need for it since all the monsters are gone."

"That's whack, man." Aaron said before turning to Clay. "What about you Claymate? How've you been?"

"I'm quite well, Aaron; thank you." Clay answered with a smile that quickly turned into a frown. "Through I did have a bit of drama earlier today."

"About Jestro?" Axl assumed.

Clay raised a brow at the large knight.

"How did you know?" He asked.

"I called everyone and told them what happened." Lance admitted. "Speaking of which, where is the J-man?"

Clay looked around for the one in question. But still no luck finding him.

"He said he was going to meet me here." Clay recalled. "But I can't find him any-"

Clay was cut off by the screams of multiple people. He and the Knights quickly directed their attention to a group of people running around a corner in fear. The group of Knights went wide eyed when a large monster ran around the corner. Then it was followed by more. They looked similar to the lava monsters they faced a while ago, but they seemed more nightmarish and surreal with their ear damaging roars, sharp teeth and glowing yellow and red eyes. Clay watched in disbelief as one of them looked straight at him.

"Nexo Knights; defend the people!"

Clay turned around as he heard Macy shoot out orders. The blue knight took a step back when he saw his friends in their armour and armed with their weapons. Clay looked down at himself as they charged towards the attacking monsters. Clay was the only one without his armour and weapon. Something was wrong. Clay looked around frantically; his vision blurring and hearing deafening as people ran in panic. The blue knight froze as he looked at someone standing in the distance in front of the funhouse.

Jestro was standing in front of the funhouse. He was not dressed in his usual blue and purple outfit and his hat was missing; showing a short and messy light brown haircut. He was wearing what looked like a pair of red flannel pyjamas with a pair of black slippers; holding a stuffed dragon toy in his right hand.


Clay watched as Jestro blinked at him and turned away. Clay gasped as something came out of the funhouse. A large shadow black blob creature oozed out of the funhouse and took the form of a giant shadow in the shape of a man. Clay watched in horror as Jestro just stood there unfazed. The shadow creature opened a pair of glowing yellow and red eyes. Clay felt his insides go cold as the creature looked at him; flashing a big sharp fanged smile before giving Jestro his attention. Clay tried to run towards him, but he could not move. Clay held his hand out to Jestro as the creature stretched out its hands and grabbed Jestro; spreading black goo around him until he was completely engulfed.

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