The Morning After

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AN: Sorry if this chapter seems late. I've been sick.


Merlok opened his eyes to see nothing but white in front of him. The wizard looked around and turned his head left and right. He scratche his digital head with his digital hand. But he went wide eyed when noticed something. It was not digital. The wizard looked at the flesh tone of his hand and the blue fabric of his sleeve. He looked down at his white beard and the rest of his flesh and blood body; dumbfounded by what was happening.

"What in the name of Dr Strange is this?" He questioned as he looked at his non digital form.

But Merlok quickly snapped out of his confusion when he heard an odd sound behind him. The wizard turned to see someone in the distance; hunched over with their back turned to him. The wizard slowly approached and realised that the sound he was hearing was someone crying. He soon realised it was coming from the figure. As Merlok approached, he quickly noticed some of their features; like curly brunette hair and a green sleeveless dress.

"Ms? Are you alright?" Merlok assumed the figure was a woman because of the dress.

When Merlok spoke, the woman stopped crying and went still. Merlok almost became unnerved by this when she took her hands away from her face and slowly stood up.

"Why didn't you help me?"

Merlok silently gasped when he heard the woman speak in a voice he didn't hear for many years.

"Wanda?" He questioned in shock.

But Merlok flinched and looked around frantically as the white around them turned into black. The wizard watched as the woman clutched her fists; her skin, dress and hair changing into grey, black and blue colours. Merlok took a step back as the figure turned and showed her face; revealing an enraged tearful stare with yellow glowing eyes that pierced into the wizard's soul.

"You let this happen! You let me turn into this thing!" The stone witch shouted at the frightened and confused wizard.

Merlok tried to step away as electricity began to surge through the witchs' hair.

"Wanda, I did everything I could!" Merlok tried to defend himself as Wanda approached him. "I didn't know how to save you-"

"And what about your nephew, Merlok!?" The enraged witch shouted as she prepared to attack her brother. "WHAT ABOUT MY SON!?!"

Merlok could only cover his face as Wanda shot a bolt of lightning out of her hands and attacked the helpless wizard.


Merlok made a short scream as he awoke with a jolt. He began to breathe heavily until he realised that he was in the main room of the Fortrex. He looked down to see that he was still a hologram; not in physical form. Merlok shook his head as he tried to wake himself up completely; realising that he was just having a dream. A dream about someone he missed dearly. The digital wizard brought his hand his to head as he quietly groaned in discomfort; unsure of what made him dream about his sister like that.

Meanwhile, Clay slowly opened his eyes. He was expecting to wake up in his room of the Fortrex. But he blinked in confusion when he saw that he had his arms around Jestro. He just remembered what happened last night; knowing that nothing big happened and they had nothing to keep a secret to the Knights. Maybe except sleeping in the same bed, but that was it. Clay let go of the jester and sat up; looking him as he slept soundly against the pillow and sheets. Clay smiled at how peaceful and content he looked. But he just wanted to make sure.

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