Hospital Visit

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AN: Still getting over my flu. but I'm writing through it.


"Lance, Slow down!"

The Knights, the Jester and the two children chased after Lance as he ran out of the Fortrex and straight towards the hospital. The white knight came to a halt when he spotted Dennis and Hamletta outside the entrance.

"Dennis!" He shouted out as he ran towards the squirebot.

Hamletta made a loud oink as she ran up to her owner while Dennis gave his master a worried face.

"Your parents and I came to the hospital as soon as we heard, but I had to stay out here because they won't let animals in." Dennis explained as he fidgeted with his robot hands.

"How badly is she hurt!?" Lance questioned about Izzy's condition as the others caught up with him.

"I don't know, Master Lance! I just got the call and then I called you."

Lance quickly ran inside the building as Dennis held Hamletta back. Lance ran past some visitors and patients as he made his way to the front desk.

"Where's Isabella Richmond!?" He questioned rather aggressively.

The squirebot behind the desk almost flinched as he tried to answer.

"Level two, room twenty eight." He answered in a shaky voice.

Everyone ran after Lance as he ran from the desk, made his way to the elevators and pressed the up button repeatedly. Clay quickly grabbed him and pulled him away.

"Lance, you need to calm down!" The blue knight said as he held the white Knight by his shoulders. "Dennis only said Izzy is in the hospital; he didn't say that she was badly hurt."

"Yeah, dude; she might just have a broken arm." Aaron added for reassurance.

"But he said she was in an accident, and she's here! She so must be hurt!" Lance argued as the elevator opened with a ding.

Lance quickly went in and pressed level two as everyone squeezed in with him.

"Well we're going with you to make sure she's alright." Robin said with concern in his voice.

"And to make sure you don't accidentally run over somebody in the hallway." Axl added as the elevator went up.

Everyone waited anxiously as the number on the wall changed from G to 2; showing where they were at the second. As soon as the elevator made a ding sound and the doors opened, Lance ran out and followed the signs on the wall; running straight to room twenty eight. Lance could hear the sound of voices speaking in the room. The white knight made it to the door to see his parents facing away from him. But he put his focus on the familiar face in the hospital bed.

Izzy was sitting up on the bed; dressed in a light green hospital gown and her lower half under a blanket. Her left arm was in a cast and her face had a few light scratches with a couple of stitches. But aside from that she looked fine.

"Big brother!" She spotted Lance in the doorway.

"Izzy! Thank goodness!" He said with relief as he ran up and hugged her. "I came as soon as Dennis called me."

"Not fast enough apparently."

Lance turned and looked up when he heard the familiar sound of his father criticising him. The others came in as Cuthbert and Goldie began speaking rather harshly to their son.

"Where were you when your sister was being attacked?" The mother questioned rather aggressively.

Lance gave the woman a rather angered look before standing.

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