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Clay kept his eyes forward as he did his push-ups; making it passed the fifty mark. As he continued his way up to one hundred and fifty, he thought about his conversation with his friends last night and his conversation with Merlok and Ava this morning. He thought that he should have mentioned the discussion about the vacation that the Knights wanted to go on in a few weeks. Macy might have talked to them about it before or after he did. But he did not mind.

Clay did not know that he was going to get a few visitors today. He made it to his 90th push-up when he heard knocking at his door.

"Who is it?" He called before resuming his exercise.

"It's Robin."

"And Lance."

Clay heard the voices of two of his friends.

"The door's open." He called out before getting back to his push-ups.

Robin and Lance came through the door as Clay counted to one hundred and ten.

"Hey Clay!" Robin greeted with a smile as he took out his tablet. "Lance told me that you and the Knights were planning a vacation somewhere around the beach."

"Yes, that's right." Clay remembered as he counted to one hundred and twenty one.

"I was thinking I look up some places that might work as vacation spots and see what you think." Robin suggested.

"And I just wanted to ask you about something." Lance quickly got a word in.

Clay made it to one hundred and thirty two when he replied to Lance.

"What did you want to ask?" Clay asked as he and Robin gave the white knight their attention.

Lance hesitated to ask his question as Clay made it to one hundred and forty push-ups. But he pushed himself to ask.

"Can I bring my sister with us?"

Clay stopped at his 145th push-up. The blue knight sat up as he and Robin gave Lance confused looks.

"Your, sister?" Clay questioned.

"Yeah, can she come?" Lance asked again.

Robin and Clay looked at each other in confusion. They knew well because he always talked about his personal life, but he never said anything about a sister. Clay stood up and rubbed the back of his head.

"Sure, I guess." He answered quietly. "But I didn't know you had a sister."

"Well, she's always at the Knights academy." Lance answered vaguely before looking away. "No thanks to mom and dad."

"Wait; is your sisters name Isabella?" Robin asked to make.

"Izzy; yes." Lance answered.

"I knew she looked a bit like someone I knew." Robin rubbed his chin in thought.

Clay raised a brow before getting a word in.

"But you never talked about her and we've never seen her." Clay pointed out. "How come you never told us you had a sister?"

"No one ever asked me and like I said; she's at the academy." Lance clarified. "But I want to take her with me because I think it would be good for her."

"Have you asked her or your parents about it?" Robin asked.

Clay and Robin watched as Lance looked away and played with his sleeve.

"I rather not talk to them about it. They'd say no and say something about how she should focus on her future, not her wellbeing." Lance spoke in a surprisingly unemotional tone.

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