Nightmare Hospital part 1

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Clay ran through the hospital doors with Hamletta under his left arm; ignoring the pain in his right arm. Several patients and staff members watched and looked at him like he was some weird spectacle as he ran towards the elevators. Clay quickly pressed the button to the floor Jestro was on, but a nurse quickly came over and stopped him.

"Sir, animals are not allowed here and visiting hours are almost over." He quickly reminded Clay of the rules.

"I'm sorry, but I'm in a hurry." Clay ignored him as he waited for the elevator.

The nurse was about to argue with Clay. But he went wide eyed and gasped when he saw the cut on his arm with blood dripping out.

"Oh dear! Doctor Hewitts! We have an open wound over here!" The nurse called out.

The nurse tried to lead Clay to the front desk, but Clay pulled back in protest.

"I'm fine, really. But I need to see one of the patients on level two." Clay protested.

"Sir, you're bleeding severally; you need first aid." The nurse argued.

Clay was avoiding the nurse at all cost while Hamletta oinked in confusion.

"What's going on here!?"

They heard a voice call out from behind them. A male doctor with a middle aged appearance and greying hair came over to see what was causing all the commotion.

"Dr Hewitts; this man just walked in here with severe cuts on his arm! He needs medical attention now!" The nurse explained.

"Not until I see Jestro!" Clay resisted.

Dr Hewitts blinked as he rubbed his chin in worry, but he told the nurse to stand down. Clay watched anxiously as the doctor put his hands on his hips with an exhausted expression.

"You're Clay Moorington?" He asked.

"Yes." Clay answered quickly. "Is Jestro alright?"

Dr Hewitts had a hesitant look on his face as he tried to think of how to answer Clays' question.

"I'm afraid you won't find him in his room from this morning." He answered vaguely.

"What do you mean?" Clay asked anxiously.

"We had to move him into intensive care."

Clay felt his insides go cold and his heart skip a few beats when he heard the words intensive care. That could only mean something terrible happened to Jestro.

"Take me to him." Clay demanded.

The nurse gave Clay and Dr Hewitts unbelieved looks.

"Sir, you really need-"


Dr Hewitts could see desperation in Clays' eyes. The doctor sighed as he told the nurse to stand down and let Clay go in with Hamletta. Dr Hewitts stood in the elevator as Clay anxiously watched the numbers change above the door. He looked down at the pig he had beside him.

"I take it you and your pet were in a hurry to get here." He tried to make conversation with the worried knight.

"I'm minding her for a friend. And she's not a farm pig; she's clean." Clay clarified as the elevator slowed down.

The doors opened and Dr Hewitts told Clay and Hamletta to follow him down the hall. Clay was afraid of what kind of state Jestro was in. What if Monstrox somehow got to him and hurt him? Or took over his body like he said he was doing? Clay almost flinched when Dr Hewitts stopped in front of a door.

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