Spa Monster

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AN:  The first part of the chapter flashes back to the amusement park. The rest takes place at the Spa.
Bold lettering is nightmare/dream text and Italic is flashback text.  


Last night


Jestro nervously played with his sleeves as he waited for Clay and the Knights at the entrance of Lava lands amusement castle. Jestro was rather surprised with himself. For once he was not wearing his colourful jester outfit. He decided to dress in something a bit casual for tonight; wearing a pair of black pants with a few bleach spots, a dark purple hoodie with a number three on it with a blue shirt underneath and a pair of mud stained shoes he forgot that he had. He kept his hat on; mostly because he felt naked without it. Jestro looked around for Clay and the Knights; growing worried when he did not see them.

"What if they're a no show?" He thought pessimistically. "I'll look weird if I'm here by myself."

Jestro leaned against a wall as he tried to make himself not look weird or suspicious. He looked down at the ground as he put his hands in his pockets. After a minute, Jestro was feeling like he was going to doze off. But he jumped when he felt someone grab his shoulder. The jester made a light squeak as he quickly turned to see who grabbed him. But his scared surprise turned into relived delight.

"You guys came!" He smiled with delight.

Clay and the Knights were standing there with friendly faces; all dressed in casual clothing and unarmed.

"Well, we didn't wanna miss a fun night out." Macy said with a smile.

"How long were you waiting here, J-man?" Aaron asked.

"Not long; just a few minutes." Jestro answered with a shrug.

"We heard you had a heart attack today." Axl spoke with concern. "Are you alright?"

"He didn't have a heart attack, Axl. The paramedics said he just fainted because of stress." Clay explained.

"But Lance said he had a heart attack."

Everyone gave Lance a rather distrustful look. The white knight raised a brow in return.

"I had trouble remembering what the guys said." He tried to defend himself.

Clay just rolled his eyes the other way.

"Let's go in." He told everyone to bring out their tickets.

Everyone eagerly walked to the front gate of the castle to hand in their tickets and have their wrist bands put on. Everyone wanted to try something there. Aaron wanted to try the monster rider coaster, Macy wanted to ride the hover bumper karts and Lance wanted to buy something from the gift shop(without his dad knowing). Clay and Jestro decided to walk around the place a little bit while Axl went to the ride with Aaron. After the team temporarily went to do their own things and agreeing to meet back at the food area, Clay and Jestro had a bit of a chat as they walked. The Knight noticed that the jester was wearing something other than his jester outfit; something that has not happened in years.

"I like your outfit, Jestro." Clay commented.

Jestro looked up at Clay as his cheeks went pink.

"I didn't really have anything else." He spoke shyly; thinking he was dressed like a slob.

"No really, I think you look good." Clay insisted. "You're even still wearing your hat."

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