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"Well this is just great!"

Everyone was in the main control room; trying to come to terms with what just happened. Macy just sat in her chair in thought. Axl made some hot chocolate to calm everyone down. Lance was just going off and ranting. Aaron was trying to stay calm and keep his cool. Robin and Ava tried to process the situation. Merlok was trying to think and assess the situation. Clay just tried to comfort Jestro and calm him down. But everyone knew how heavy the situation was. Monstrox was back somehow, and as a life threatening dream demon.

"That stupid book should be dead! Merlok made him explode!" Lance recalled the events from months ago.

"We all thought that, Lance." Merlok agreed with the rich knight. "It just shows that Monstrox is hard to get rid of."

"But what're we gonna do?" Macy questioned. "He can invade dreams now! What if he tries to attack again!?"

"Well, we have the charms. But now that we know what exactly we are dealing with, I'm not sure if it will work." Merlok spoke honestly.

"There's no harm in trying." Aaron suggested. "Monstrox might not be as powerful as he thinks. Maybe the charms will protect Jestro and us from him."

"But did he want with Jestro?" Clay questioned in worry.

"Was he just trying to scare him to death?" Axl questioned further.

"No." Jestro shook his head as he stared at the floor. "He said he wanted to make me his."

"His what?" Lance asked; making Macy shush him.

"I don't know. But he just approached me like some kind of vampire. He tried to bite my neck after he said; we're going to have so much fun, jokeboy."

Everyone felt their hearts sink as Jestro began to shake in fear; knowing that he probably never wanted to sleep ever again after this.

"We just might have to try and figure what he's doing." Merlok said to everyone. "But we are not using the program again. It's too great of a risk."

The holographic wizard turned to Ava; giving her a signal. The child prodigy nodded and picked up the charms made by Mr Blackstone.

"Until we figure out what to do about this, you're all going to have to wear these to protect yourselves from Monstrox." Merlok explained as Ava handed out the charms.

Ava and Robin put their charms on after Clay and the Knights put theirs on. But Jestro just sat there; hesitating and thinking.

"Go on, Jestro; it's alright." Clay reassured the terrified jester.

Jestro froze for a moment, but he slowly put the charm on; unsure if it was really going to work. He continued to have pessimistic thoughts as Merlok spoke again.

"Alright then. If we go now, we should make it back to Knighton just before one in the morning. But it might be best if we all get some rest, and sleep." Merlok advised before telling Ava to call the king and queen.


It was at least ten thirty at night when everyone was going to bed; hoping the charms would work against Monstrox. Merlok said they would make it back to Knighton by one in the morning, but he did say it would be best if they got some well-deserved rest. Everyone else had gone to bed. But Clay and Jestro were still up and in the blue Knights room of the Fortrex. Clay had taken his armour off and was just wearing his gear underneath. Jestro was just wearing the pants of his jester outfit and a white tank top he had underneath his shirt. He washed off a bit of his makeup and took off his hat; showing the wild mess of brown hair underneath. Jestro was sitting on the floor as he stared at the wall in front of him. Clay noticed and raised a brow at him.

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