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AN: There is Blood in this chapter. And if you have watched or read IT, you'll probably have flashback as you read this.


Jestro nervously played with his sleeves as Ava led him into the simulation room; blinking when he saw what looked like an inflated mattress in the middle with a computer and a small scented mist diffuser next to it. Ava turned around to look up at the jester.

"I just need you to lie down on the mattress and I'll hook you up to the computer." She instructed.

Jestro quickly did as Ava said; jumping onto the mattress and lying down on his back. Clay and the other watched from the main room through a camera in the simulation room as Ava lifted up Jestro's hat slightly; attaching some sensors onto forehead and began tapping something into the computer. Clay nervously tapped his foot as Macy took notice.

"Is this really going to work?" The princess knight asked as she turned to Merlok.

"If we want to figure what is happening, then we'll just have to put our trust into Ava and her program." Merlok answered back as everyone continued to watch the screen.

They watched as Ava put a headset with a microphone on her head and looked up into the camera in the room.

"So I'm just going to play some music and turn on this scented mist diffuser that'll help Jestro fall asleep." Ava explained the process. "Once his dream has started, all of you will be able to see it on the main computer as it happens while I will see it on this laptop."

Ava turned and looked down at Jestro.

"Jestro; if your dream turns into a nightmare and you're put in any danger, I can immediately wake you up and pull you out." She explained as Jestro gave her a scared frown. "Are you ready?"

"Not really." Jestro replied pessimistically.

Ava ignored the jester; playing some soft music and turning on the scented mist diffuser machine. Everyone watched the screen as Ava prepared the program and Jestro tried to fall asleep. Jestro laid still as he listened to the soft music and smelled the sweetness produced by the diffuser. The jester soon felt his eyelids getting a bit heavy; loosening up and becoming relaxed. Soon he was fast asleep and lightly snoring. Ava gave the team a thumbs up and pressed a button on the laptop; bringing up a window on the main room screen that showed digital static. Everyone turned to look at Axl when they heard a loud crunch; seeing the large knight eating from a large bucket of popcorn. Axl froze when everyone gave him a weird look.

"What?" He shrugged. "I thought we could eat some popcorn while we watch the thing."

"Axl, this isn't some movie." Clay reminded.

"Yeah, but the way we're watching it is like a movie." Lance clarified as he took some popcorn and ate it.

"Sssh. I think it's about to start." Robin warned.

Everyone watched as the static on the screen cleared up and turned into a person's point of view. Clay blinked when saw himself there. When he was younger. He could see a familiar piece of paper in what he knew was Jestro's hand. Clay almost smiled when he realised Jestro was dreaming about one of his best memories.

"Clay, that's you." Robin pointed at the screen.

"Yeah; back when we were all kids." Macy replied with a smile.

Everyone put their attention back to the screen as the younger version of Clay began to speak.

"Would you like to do the honours, captain?" He said as Jestro looked down at the stream of rainwater in the gutter.

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