Paper Boats

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"I'm glad Merlok is helping you out, Jestro."

Jestro rubbed the back of his neck as Clay talked to him about the last few days. Jestro was taking lessons in magic with Merlok since learning to be a knight was being a bit difficult for him. Clay thought Jestro could be a good magic user. But Jestro was having a few problems during his first practical lesson.

"Merlok is a pretty good teacher." Jestro replied with his eyes to the ground. "But I don't think I'm a really good student."

"C'mon Jestro; you shouldn't doubt yourself like that." Clay tried to reassure Jestro.

"I can't even do a levitation spell without something exploding or turning into pigs."

Jestro lifted his knees to his chest as he quietly sighed.

"I just can't do anything right." The boy said softly in a sad voice.

Clay blinked as he watched Jestro in concern. He told Merlok about Jestro because he might be able to help him and make him feel better about himself after that fiasco at the tournament. But seeing Jestro like this just put him at a loss. A faint shot of lightning and thunder made Clay turn his head. It was raining outside; quite heavily too. Clay could see rainwater racing and flowing in the gutters of the street. Watching it made Clay look at Jestro with an idea forming.

"Do you have any paper with you?"

Jestro looked up at Clay when he asked the question.

"I don't think I do. Why?" He asked back.

"I think I know how to cheer you up." Clay smiled as he stood up and held his hand out to Jestro.

Jestro hesitated, but he followed Clay to the academy's art room. Clay made sure no one was in there; giving Jestro the all clear.

"Won't we get in trouble for this?" Jestro asked fearfully.

"Don't worry; we're just going to borrow some paper and some wax." Clay reassured his friend.

The pair looked around the room for the things they needed; finding the paper, an old and worn brush and a container of work wax in different cupboards. They quickly ran out before anyone noticed them and made their way to the library. Anyone who was in the library was too busy doing their own thing to notice what Clay and Jestro were doing. Jestro watched with curious interest as Clay folded the paper in a triangle shape before realising what he was doing. He was making a boat from the paper.

"Could you please open that wax for me, Jestro?" Clay asked politely.

Jestro nodded and gently open the container of clear wax.

"Why does it need wax?" He asked as Clay dipped the brush in the container.

"It's gonna help it float." Clay answered with a smile.

Jestro muttered a quiet oh as Clay put two layers of wax on the paper boat. When he finished and let the wax dry, he took a pen on the desk and began to write on the side of the paper boat. Jestro watched and read what Clay was writing, but the boy in blue stopped halfway when he wrote ss.

"What do you think should we name her?" Clay asked.

"Her?" Jestro asked back in slight confusion.

"Sailors like to call their ships after women. Like wives or daughters."

Jestro scratched the side of his head as he thought of a name for the small craft.

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