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AN:Oh boy, this chapter actually took a while for me. I'm finally over my cold so that's a plus. Well guys, this chapter is going to have a fair amount of Claytro to satisfy. Enjoy.  


Clay tapped his foot against the floor of the elevator as he wanted for it to reach the ground floor. He heard the ding and walked out when the doors opened. Clay looked into the lobby to see the others waiting for him. Even Dennis was there with Hamletta. Macy looked up and saw Clay coming towards them.

"Where's Lance?" The princess knight asked.

"He said he's going to stay with Izzy until she gets better." Clay explained to his peers before turning to the squirebot. "I told him I would take Hamletta back home with me and look after her while he's with Izzy."

Dennis gave the knight a bewildered stare before coming up to him with the cute farm animal.

"Well, if Master Lance insists." The squirebot spoke quietly as he handed Hamletta over to Clay. "But remember that she only eats any vegetables that go with salads. And there's a chance she might try to sleep at the foot end of your bed. It's best if you let her. She needs to be taken out for long walks at once a day."

Clay gave the squirebot a confused stare as the others snickered and giggled.

"I'll be sure to remember all that." He replied; getting an oink from Hamletta.

"Well, we've all had a long day. We should probably tell Merlok that Izzy is okay and go home." Aaron said as he stretched his arms up over his head.

Everyone but Dennis nodded in agreement and made their way out of the hospital lobby; making their way back to the Fortrex.


So Ms Isabella is safe?" Merlok asked of the group gathered around him.

"Yes. Lance said he's going to stay at the hospital with her until she gets better." Clay answered to the digital wizard.

"Right after he gave his parents a real talking to." Axl added with a slight snicker.

Merlok gave the group a raised brow in interest.

"He did?" He asked as he rubbed his holographic beard.

"Yeah. They kept saying things like, Izzy can't go to beauty pageants like this; or, she's going to miss school because of this." Macy remembered what the snobby rich couple said in the hospital.

"She didn't look too bad." Aaron added as he played with his shield. "But we weren't not really sure what attacked her though. She just said it was a big black furry animal with scary eyes."

"Maybe it was a bear." Robin theorised and added his opinion.

"Hate to break it to you, but bears don't live anywhere in this part of the kingdom.

As everyone else began to discuss what might have attacked Izzy, Clay stayed silent; knowing what might have really happened. Clay was thankful that Jestro was in the guest room with Hamletta and was not hearing this. The knight was afraid he might tell the others about Monstrox and cause a panic. While Clay did want to tell them, he thought that maybe it could wait. He knew it was not the smartest choice, but he did not want the others to panic. He gave Lance his charm to give to Izzy so she should be safe from Monstrox. But what about himself?


Clay quickly snapped out of his daze when he heard Macy talking to him. He saw everyone looking at him with confused faces mixed with concern.

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